Author Topic: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Graveyard Please!)  (Read 81372 times)

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 58)
« Reply #300 on: August 02, 2012, 09:13:01 PM »
Yes it's from showtime.  I'm surprised you didn't have the IF outfit automatically unlocked for you because of Evanthe.   Every outfit I've earned has always stuck with me including the IF one.  I loved the update and nice job on all the makeovers.   I love Ariel's new hair and can't wait to use it myself on someone/anyone/maybe a special someone.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
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Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 58)
« Reply #301 on: August 02, 2012, 09:59:01 PM »
I had an IF shirt unlocked...But a different one. There are actually several models of IF shirt; if you look back, you can see that Evanthe's is a different one.
However, I may have had this and not thought about it; I used to be worried about running out of elder outfits.
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Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 58)
« Reply #302 on: August 02, 2012, 10:01:35 PM »
I think anyone who has ever played a dynasty knows how you feel about elder outfits.  I think you did a fantastic job and you're right it could have been a different one because I think the one that gets unlocked is based on what color the doll was.   

You're a fantastic writer and I can't wait to see the next update.
Origin ID: Ricalynn | Discord: Rica#5389
Current Active Stories: Stayin' Alive: Take 5 - Story about A Grim

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Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 58)
« Reply #303 on: August 03, 2012, 05:27:51 AM »
Thanks guys! :) I don't have showtime you see.

Can't wait for the next chapter :)

Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 59)
« Reply #304 on: August 04, 2012, 03:49:16 PM »
Thank you both for your kind words ^^

Chapter 59: Mildred

I immediately set to work re-designing the living room. It's open to the second floor, where the TV is for now; I much prefer the idea of curling up in front of a big warm fireplace.

The second floor's not a kid's play area because I wanted to move that downstairs, to the corner of the living room.

"Anyway, all is now right in the house..."
W...What was that?

"My-My-My Kitchennn!" No, precious kitchen, what have they done to you?

"That repair...Could have gone better."
"I'll move it to storage."

"Could you move the counter, too? There's a puddle under there, and it's ruining my floors!"
"Seriously? No one will know."
"...I will know. I will ALWAYS know."
"Fine, fine, Neat-freak Mc Chefferson."

Anyway, this morning is my graduation.

For a class of 4, I somehow ended up most Popular...And Valedictorian. Maybe my hard work had better results than I would have thought.

"Our boy's done well, don't you think, Orchid?"
"Yeah, he has... But if he had let me train him, he could be conquering nations!...But it's true; your children have...Their own expectations."

She raises a hand to her forehead in drama.
"But he's grown up, and you've done everything they need you to do...So we can do what we want, our way."
Mom looks away. Dad wraps an arm around her, and his other hand reaches for hers. She smiles.
"Yeah! Let's hit up France soon; and maybe Egypt after our birthday. One big swing of adventure!"
"Absolutely. You know I'll always be right behind you."

I went and got a job at the local high-class eatery. Like in any kitchen, you start at the bottom...But I'd want to work my way to the top for my own reasons, so that's alright.
And I arrived home in time for Grandma Aster to do my ice sculpture.

"Here is my best attempt at looking powerful!"
"...Hey, Aster, why aren't you sculpting his actual pose?"
"The client's needs are irrelevant in the face of true *art*! I must capture not how he wishes to be seen, but how he -- to his core -- is!"
"So, to his core, he's standing in the most ordinary pose?"
"...Yes. Just as, if I were to sculpt myself, I'd be an unidentifiable thingamajig eating a tire to the tune of Flight of the Bumblebee."
"Because I am an artist! Also, because my true nature transends mere visuals and go into the super-visual visuals. I guess."

Well, would a guy who's just standing with his arms at his side...Max Cooking 1 day into Young Adulthood?

"Yeah, there he goes! Up, in defiance of conventional physics! Ha-ha! Oh, please don't drop him, ma'am. His brain has valuable info!"
My father's work takes him to strange scenes sometimes.

"AAaaaah! The sculpture's fighting back! No one will remove it from this fine block of metal!"
"Run, Aster, Run!"
"My buns are on fire!"

...My heart is on fire.
Mildred's aged up into a really beautiful woman...Though the candy dress isn't the most flattering.

"Well, what now, kiddo? The girl is all groooown up."
"...I know what I must do."

"Mildred, will you...Will you..."
"W-Will I...What?"
"Oh, yes! Heath, I'm so -- wait, what was that?"
"Well, you don't live in town...But..I really want to see you more often. I want you as part of my life...If that's OK."
"That...That sounds wonderful, Heath. I'd love to live with you and your family...But...There's something about me you need to know."
"Alright; but can I show you around first? We'll have all the time in the world for that."
"Y-yeah... (I don't want to ruin this...)"

And so we welcomed Mildred into our home; it turned out she'd been living, even as a teenager, alone before that. Money was bad, which may explain her Kleptomaniac tendencies. But that lonliness made her both Family-Oriented, but at the same time, expecting and used to being alone, so she's something of a Loner. She's used to dealing with people and repairs on her own, so she's Handy and Charismatic as well...
But after having me as her only friend, she wants to be Super-Popular. It'll be a tough road, but I'll stand beside her.

"Alright! My name is Uriel, I'm a disembodied Angel voice, and I'll fill you in while I take care of your makeover! What's your favorite color, honey?"
"...Yeah, I can work with that. But first...We got to do something about the color of your hair. It's all sorts of worn-out!"
-A Short Time Later-

"Well, Heath: whaddya think?"

We get lost in the bustle of letting Mildred into the house; she'll stay in Grandma Evanthe's old room for now...I guess she's the last occupant before its immortal.
And as for a job...

"So you joined the political career? That's wonderful! I'm sure a charming young lady --"
"And member of the pro-hat party!"
"That, too, Aster...Can certainly make this town a brighter place."
"Thank you, Ma'am...I hope I can do my best...There are a lot of crowds, though. I'll try to get over that."

She immediately leaps to reading a Charisma book for her job.

"...It's so lonely, fishing alone...But I do feel closer, all the same."

My poor Grandma. And that'll be all of us, one day...

Well, anyway...

"Now that everything's settled...What was it you wanted to say?"
She puts down her book...

And is surrounded by sparkles. What?
"Not now!...I thought...I had more time..."

By the time the light's done, she looks almost as old as my mother -- certainly, much older than I am. Not Old, but...More mature-looking.

"Ok...That's not *so* bad. I was...Expecting worse."

"H-Heath, I can -- I can explain! Really!...It's...A medical condition. I sort of...Don't age normally. T-this isn't the first time this has happened, and I've lost huge chunks of my life...My parents were the same way. T-they died of old age...When they weren't much older than us, chronologically."
That phrase was a punch in the gut. I was just getting used to the idea, running in a panic in the back of my head, that I was going to live forever without her, or without any given non-relative. And now I'm living forever without her...Longer.
"So that's what it was...I knew something was odd about you."

What do I say? What do I do?
"I'm sorry...If it feels like I tricked you. I-I din't mean to, I just... It's OK. Y-you can find somebody else, or whatever you like."
She looks away, ashamed and alone in that moment. I could do anything -- I could push her away, I could run out, I could abandon all the things I've said about myself in my head, and leave that pretty woman with her cool grey eyes forsaken here. And because I could...I know.
"You know what I think about this?"
She draws herself up, shaking.

"This is what I want to do."

Because I could do anything, I can only do this: I accepted her into my family. I love her. No matter what, that will never change.
"You're the one I love. There's no way I could abanon you."
It's really so simple.

Orchid's Requirements:
Lifetime Wish: Physical Perfection
Career: Sports
Supermax Skill: Martial Arts
Building/Property: Everfresh Supermarket, Riverfront Swim Club
LTR: Opportunistic, Learned Relic Hunter, Jetsetter
Best Friends: Aster Seraphim, Ariel Seraphim, Linden Seraphim, Waylon Shwarz, Jamie Neff, Sunshine Ivanov, Natalie Shwarz, Jennifer Cleary, Teddie Links
 Black Ops: Mustle Hustle, The Ultimate Challenge, Ticket Counting, Meditation Benefits, Health and Wellness Seminar, Showing off for the Scouts

Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, YA, Adult
Sculptures/Photographs: Toddler (sculp&photo), Child (sculp&photo), Teen (Sculp&Photo), YA (Sculp&Photo), Adult (sculp and photo)

Heath's Requirements:
Lifetime Wish: Culinary Librarian
Career: Cooking
Supermax Skill: Cooking
Building/Property: Little Corscican Bistro, Banzai Lounge
LTR: Speedy Cleaner, Born to Cook, Fireproof Homestead

Best Friends: Linden Seraphim, Orchid Seraphim, Mildred Oakley
Black Ops: Memorable Meal
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult
Sculptures/Photographs: Toddler (Sculp and Photo), Child (Sculp and Photo), Teen (Sculp and Photo), YA (Sculp and Photo)
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline MarianT

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 59)
« Reply #305 on: August 04, 2012, 04:58:23 PM »
Awww -- I love that hat, but it's hard finding someone who looks just right in it. It definitely works on Mildred.
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Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 60)
« Reply #306 on: August 16, 2012, 12:36:42 PM »
I love how it looks on Mildred, so I was pleased to use it, too.

Chapter 60: Paradigm Shift[/u]

My name is Mildred, and...I have no idea what sort of lunacy I have hitched my short life in.
My boyfriend is going to be immortal, and several of his relatives are already immortal. We have an angel living disembodied in the house. He changed my clothes.
...But I had my share of revelations, so in the end, I'm not worried. Just a little shell-shocked. my life's been full of twists and turns...And this is probably the biggest, the all-or-nothing

"Son, I wanted to let you know that I heard what you told Mildred earlier."
"I-I'm standing by her, Mom, and that's final. A-against you if I need to."
"I know that, Heath. And I just wanted to tell you..."

"You make your old lady proud. If the cost of immortality means folding away what matters, then it's not worth it."

My Heath ran into a stranger at the park who really looks *so* much like him!

I think they might just have the same hair color and everything...
I've never had a fantasy about twins, but for two Heaths...I could start.
Ugh. I'm blushing. I said I was too tough to blush, darnit!

"Look what I found, Uriel!"
"A new little terror to be the ringleader. Joy. Thank you. so much. Linden."
"You're welcome. I know you'd never be happy again without some terror in your life....
Anyway, I've got to go."

"We're going to France!"

The moment we arrived, Orchid (We have 3 Mrs. Seraphims. We don't need to call them all that.) went off to go find adventures with Linden.

While Heath and I enjoyed some more touristy business. I never really pictured

"You know, I never asked...How you think about the important things. Like...Children?"
"...I've always wanted to be a mother." And that's true. Until...Until I met him, just having that chance would have been enough.

What am I exactly to him? I mean, he moved me in. We aren't getting married -- are we? Are we married enough? I know the rules; I'm living here until I die. I also know, because Uriel mentioned it, that any child that'll matter for this needs to be born to two parents both living in the house.
I can connect the dots. But...Is that all the dots? All there are?

The way his parents snuggle together, warm and cozy after a day of wishing to do something as thrilling as finding a baseball to deliver...
I want that. And maybe that's too much to ask for, because he's sweet and kind and will live forever and he says he loves me...And I'm some poor diseased petty thief, but...

But he kisses me and it's like fireworks in my heart. But he's so quiet.
Like... It's like when we first got together. We'd hang out every day, and he'd flirt a little...Were we friends? Dating? He didn't say anything, and I didn't want to wreck a good thing.

Oh well.

I pulled this out of the laundry. For some reason, Uriel didn't start screaming.
"All glory to the hypno-gnome...All glory to the hypno-gnome..."
"Uhhh...Mr. Uriel?"
"All glory..."
"Yeah, we got that."
"...He'll be OK, right?"
"Probably. I'm sure Grandma Ariel can fix him."


"Finally, some adventure! France has been sore dissapointing, I tell you what!"
"Honey, watch the electric --"

"Ow -- ow -- ow -- ow -- ow!....BUT IT'S STILL BETTER THAN SETTING A GUY UP ON A DATE!"

They sound like they're having fun. I'm having fun, too.

Heath packed his own cooking for our picnic, and it was delicious.
"You really like it? Because I wasn't sure -- I think I may have over-brined the pickles; it was only meant to be a light pickling..."
"Your pickles are fine, you dilly silly. Who makes their own pickles?"
"Well, I just...I feel like things are better when you put more effort into every aspect of them. There's store-bought pickles, but those don't share my feelings with the people I love."
"You and I are the only one eating these, though."
"Yeah. What do you think I meant?"

I admit to turning totally scarlet. I know he liked cooking, but not...That it was like this.
"When I was still learning to bake, my grandfather...passed away. I was trying to emulate him when I wanted to learn... And after, I liked how close it made me feel to him. How much everyone needed it. I'm not someone who's good with his feelings...But with food, I can be. I want to build my life through that."
Build his life?

I wonder what it says, then, that after he comes home with me on his arm, and I go to bed and snuggle in and dream of him...
he's up studying every cookbook in France.
I know I'm overthinking things. I just...I just didn't expect any of this. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, for me to not be good enough, for things to go back to the way they were meant to be.

Well, whatever it means, he takes me to the veritable end of the world the next day.

"I bet you're wondering why here, huh?"
"Juuuust a bit."

"Well...I've done my part, right? As a boyfriend and a dynasty heir and all that, I think."
"...Yeah. I guess so."
Shoot. I knew it. Don't cry, you idiot.

"I wanted to you to get an idea of living here and stuff. Because...I didn't want you to feel trapped. Like there was one way to keep things. So that...When the moment came, you had a choice. I won't be mad."

"Because...As a man, standing before the bravest, most beautiful woman I've ever met... I have something else I want to do."
He crouches down, and I...My heart is beating fast in spite of itself. Didn't you just think a moment about he was dumping you?

"You stole my heart, Mildred. So...I want to ask... Will you marry me?"

"Zoh My Plumbob! Yes! I was so scared...You'd never ask, you know that?"

I never thought...I was born never thinking...That I could be so happy. The other shoe has dropped: I'm going to have to live with this total and unexpected happiness, destroying everything I thought I knew like a tidal wave.

"I love you. I love you. I love you."

The words come falling over us like rain, washing the past away, and all my fears with it.

((I'll update it with stats later. I need to check something.))
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Offline ArianaJade

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 60)
« Reply #307 on: August 16, 2012, 01:53:54 PM »
Heath is so adorable. Congratulations on the engagement! Him and Mildred seem like they're perfect for one another. I love Uriel too , I think he's my favourite character (voice?) in this, closely followed by Aster. I also hate how few elder clothes there are though, I'm rarely quite happy with my elder's outfits.

Offline DeLouche

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 60)
« Reply #308 on: August 16, 2012, 09:03:44 PM »
Mildred looks lovely in that cloche hat. Heath feels lucky to have found Mildred - and he is. I think they will make each other very happy.

Also, Orchid's adventures  ;D

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 60)
« Reply #309 on: August 17, 2012, 05:58:55 AM »
I adore Mildred  :) She is so lovely and sweet, I love what you have down with her, Deme.


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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 60)
« Reply #310 on: August 17, 2012, 08:41:17 PM »
Oh, my, what a thrill!
Desme, I read your story, and feel like I've been on the best roller-coaster drive ever!
True, I halted more than once in between posts; mainly, to catch my breath and to get my head around some of the things you wrote. You have a unique talent for making people stop, pause and think about (pixel) life, as we see it.
I was intrigued from the start, and I could not lay this down. The introduction of Limbo - such brilliant prose, as well as, a totally unique idea - was facinating. From there on, I knew, I was in for a treat!
Each and every capital person (whether it is Ariel and Uriel, Aster, Orchid or now, Heath) has tremendous strength. They do carry the momentum forward with a convincing show of individualism. They speak, to us readers, in their own voice, and express not only their achievements, but also, infinite care and tenderness for the family as a whole.
I must, without further ado, congratulate you on a superdooper story. It is quite something to do this challenge. It's quite another thing to write a story about it. I'm impressed with your keen eye for detail and your indisputable talent for conveying emotion.
I applaud you for not hurrying the pace of the challenge at any given time. The dedication you show to your Sims and their story is truly remarkable.
Count me amongst your fans! :)

Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 60)
« Reply #311 on: August 25, 2012, 11:44:38 AM »
I apologize for the delay in both reply (because I wanted my response to have a chapter) and chapter (because I'm feeling terrible), so I figure I'd reply now, and try to get to work on catching up to my place in the game soon.

@ Delouche: There's more Orchid-adventures coming! There were really two goals to this trip, one was to get them engaged... And the other was to get Orchid some VISA levels. So the young couple will be going home, but the old couple's got work to do.

@ Ilessthan3theSims: I do like how she's turned out, both from a writing and a visual perspective; I initially didn't think she was all that good-looking, but once you give her hair some real color, it looks verrah nice. Here's hoping her child gets that color, since it meshes so well with the feeling I want for Gen 5.

@ SimBlip: I am always honored and flattered by such words, and glad that you enjoy my efforts.... I'm also really glad that you're complimenting, of all things, my pacing -- which worries me sometimes, since things here happen pretty slowly. I don't think I'll be done even after a year of this. So thank you very much for letting me know the effort I'm taking to not cut out the little things counts.
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Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 60)
« Reply #312 on: September 02, 2012, 10:25:17 AM »
Chapter 61: Adventureless[/u]

With our little love-birds (I'm going to be a mother-in-law. Slightly queasy and yet excited, there.) gone, this chapter falls upon the head of the magnificent Orchid Seraphim!

Adventure-hunting in France is...Hard. It's frustrating. It is not that the adventures themselves are challenging, which would be a delight! I'm waaay too compacent -- give me a rush already!
...But nope. Once a day, I can maybe... Help someone get a date. Find some metal. And then I'm done, with nothing to do for the rest of the day.

Luckily, I'm not alone in my waiting. It's just like old times...

Just my faithful sidekick and I.
"You know, there is one form of adventure we could do while we wait here..." Linden points out. His arms wrapped around me, talking like this becomes a world of its own. There's no oxygen but the air between us, no source of warmth but his skin on mine, no light but his eyes. So a suggestion like that is world-shaking.

"The masoleum!"

I end up getting mauled by bears a little -- but you should have seen the bears! If only I had stuck it out a little longer, I'd have brought home a nice rug for Heath's wedding present! Ha-ha!
...But, you know. Linden sort of asked me to stop. Really, that's why.

After that, I go get my adventure du jor.

These little pansy adventures! I demand some real action next time we travel!

I mean, look at me! Looking at random basement walls while I wait for nectar to finish...nectaring.
Fermenting? percolating?
AAAGGHHHH! This is torture!

We eventually get an adventure that's almost adventure-like, excepting the fact that Evanthe already did all of the adventuring. Pff...And when that's almost done, it means...

I get my final Visa level! Which means it's about time to head home.

But not before we do one little last thing in the tomb we clear out, tee-hee...

Anyway, all hail the returning heroes!


The next day, Heath begins the essential wedding preperation: A huuuge party!

Since he upgraded the lounge, it seemed the best place for it.

"Everyone, please gather around!"

And Linden's here to make the toast, of course.

"What can I say, 2 days before my only son's wedding?
Only this: My son is a man wise beyond his years and brave beyond his estimation, and I know he will do all in his power to make his bride the happiest in the world. And with his new life ahead of him, I know we all wish him..."

Come on, Linden. Linden. Plleeeaaase do it. For me?

"...A nectar fight!"
I love that man.


In the meanwhile, we rescue the Remy the French Gnome from the fence! All the gnomes get together!
"Hmph! Should have just left him there!"
(What none of us realized for a while was that Jade, the Chinese Gnome, was now stuck in the fence. Oops.)

And anyway, it's time for Linden and I's final birthday together.

He looks so nervous...

But he knows I still think he's the best.

Not that I'm not nervous, too...Ugh. hone my body, and it still goes to rot!

And who decided the fashion? Ugh!

"Hey, what's all this?"
"Well, I was thinking... I won't be around forever, and Mildred and Heath both work full-time and there'll be a baby soon and...
And I think it's time for me to retire. Relax. Spend some time taking care of my family instead of wandering around for unpleasable people."

"Ah, good on ya, buddy."

I put the color back in my hair and give it a little cut. I think the ponytail looks a little out of place on a woman my age...
But I look forward to the future! Immortality and Heath's wedding!

((To prevent this from going over the screenshot limit while I'm unable to access my image-editing software, their makeovers will be in the next post I make.))

Orchid's Requirements:
Lifetime Wish: Physical Perfection
Career: Sports
Supermax Skill: Martial Arts
Building/Property: Everfresh Supermarket, Riverfront Swim Club
LTR: Opportunistic, Learned Relic Hunter, Jetsetter
Best Friends: Aster Seraphim, Ariel Seraphim, Linden Seraphim, Waylon Shwarz, Jamie Neff, Sunshine Ivanov, Natalie Shwarz, Jennifer Cleary, Teddie Links
 Black Ops: Mustle Hustle, The Ultimate Challenge, Ticket Counting, Meditation Benefits, Health and Wellness Seminar, Showing off for the Scouts

Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, YA, Adult
Sculptures/Photographs: Toddler (sculp&photo), Child (sculp&photo), Teen (Sculp&Photo), YA (Sculp&Photo), Adult (sculp and photo)

Heath's Requirements:
Lifetime Wish: Culinary Librarian
Career: Cooking
Supermax Skill: Cooking
Building/Property: Little Corscican Bistro, Banzai Lounge
LTR: Speedy Cleaner, Born to Cook, Fireproof Homestead

Best Friends: Linden Seraphim, Orchid Seraphim, Mildred Oakley, People I can't access the names for at the moment (they upgraded after the party)
Black Ops: Memorable Meal
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult
Sculptures/Photographs: Toddler (Sculp and Photo), Child (Sculp and Photo), Teen (Sculp and Photo), YA (Sculp and Photo)
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty


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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 61)
« Reply #313 on: September 02, 2012, 11:37:07 AM »
It can be so frustrating to wait for opportunities, especially in France. I don't recall it being that way when WA first came out.
Linden and Orchid are so enjoyable to watch.
Looking forward to Heath and Mildred's wedding!
Great update! :)

Offline MarianT

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 61)
« Reply #314 on: September 02, 2012, 11:42:31 AM »
There's a tomb in France that you can explore if you have Pandu's Axe -- you have to break one of the boulders that's in a cluster, and to finish it completely, you have to be able to zeneport -- perfect for Orchid if she wants to go back. I miss her ponytail; is it one of those hairstyles not available for elders? Not to say I don't like her new hair, just that the ponytail was so distinctive.
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