Author Topic: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Graveyard Please!)  (Read 81379 times)

Offline MarianT

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 55)
« Reply #285 on: July 18, 2012, 07:47:17 AM »
A sweet good-bye from Evanthe. There was a letter that was read in Ken Burns's The Civil War that this reminded me of. If you want, I can PM a copy to you. I know I have the text somewhere.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 55)
« Reply #286 on: July 18, 2012, 11:42:02 AM »
Sure, I'd like that.

And thank you all for your lovely and sweet and shipper-y comments (I will file this under potential spinoff ideas: setting up a OT3 legacy or life-story with Aster, Reed, and Evanthe). This is our last expected death for a bit, so that's a relief.

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Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 56)
« Reply #287 on: July 21, 2012, 10:06:23 PM »
Chapter 56: The Very Silly Chapter

I feel a lot more secure right now; No, not secure. Resolved. There's no sense trying to escape towards the past. Only the future -- and...That future of being alone forever, the one that I feel looming... I'LL SHATTER IT!
I'm just not sure how, yet. But when's that ever stopped me?

To celebrate, I'm going back to my old hairstyle. It's just more energetic and me!

"Um, Orchid, about your new-old hair..."

"I *really* like it like this."


Heath invited his new...Well, his new something, anyway, over.
"They say they're flavorless, but there's something really interesting to veggieburgers that it's hard to capture... A few of my family members are trying to help me think of tofu-less veggie burger options."
"It's great when family members help eachother. It must be really nice, having a big family and a house (and all this nice, stealable stuff)."
"It's very nice...Though... Grandma Aster's ideas aren't that much help. You, in fact, can't make burgers that taste like enlightenment from lotus petals."

She giggles.
"I'll remember that."

They mostly just indulged in some casual fun.

"Once in every dynasty...There is a chapter that goes like this... It starts off soft and low...And it ends up with a kiss."
"(How much do you think a machine like this'd get me on the black market? Mildred, honey, you're eating tonight!)"
"Oh where is the chapter that goes like this?"

And they seem to have a good time; I can't fault my son for that, even if Uriel's quite concerned about this girl.

Mildred stops after that, listening to the growling of her stomach.
"Well, if I want a meal I better get going (and take, you know, maybe just a small something...)"
"Oh, no need to worry. I actually really like cooking; how about pancakes?"

He dashes off before she can say anything.
She stares after him.
"(I guess...I'm eating tonight regardless...)"

Of course, Heath has yet to learn a valuable lesson: Plasma fruit are terrible ingredients for impressing a girl

"I regret...Nothing..."
"I'm really sorry, Mildred!"
"(It's probably karma...)"

Plasma fruit was the word of the house tonight, it seems!

For this shutterbug creature of the night forgot his...

Until the point of his mortality. Re-mortality?
"Linden, what's the word for an undead dying permanently?"
"They don't exactly have one yet, but I think the notion of a 'true death' works."
Unto the the point of his true death, then!

Dying of starvation is, it seems, a surefire weightloss method.
This reaper...isn't the same as the last one.
"Go, then! Let no spirit linger in this dread place!"
"Guess the last one really did get fired,"
Uriel observers.

This whole death business is...Strange. What the afterlife is getting at with this, I do not know.

"Uriel, you know how you said I could decorate the kitchen one day?"
"That's right, collecting ideas?"
"No, I thought I'd cut to the chase and do it now."

"...B-but...But traditionally, it comes laaaast! Like after the supermax last!"
"Supermax? No, nevermind. Anyway, to be a good chef, you need good equipment. This kitchen has almost everything!"
"But...But... you took out a wall! People will start coming in here!"

"See! See? Already, people are going off the rails!"
"What? I'm hungry!"

"Mass chaos!"
"I was just trying on a work uniform...Or what the space-bosses said was my uniform, anyway..."

"Gnomes dying!...Wait, Mr...Mr Gnome?...A-are you..."
"Listen, Mr. Uriel, why don't we just...Hold off on the dining room until later, and we can fence off the kitchen if need be, OK?"
"*sniff* OK."

Heath invites Mildred over for another afterschool day. She's stopped eyeing our furniture for some reason...I suppose she's too busy making eyes at Heath.

"Mr. Uriel, I've been thinking..."
"You're dumping that babysitter girl and finding a proper girlfriend?"
"What? No! I mean, i-it's not like Mildred and I are...Well, I mean, we're j-j-just friends and maybe something'll...I mean...
I've chosen my lifetime wish! I want to know a ridiculous number of recipes!"

"A fine choice, kiddo."

"Oh, my..."
"What is it, Ariel?"
"The french gnome landed outside the fence. I can't get at him."
"...Neither can I. Poor little guy. Sleeping there forever..."
"I thought you didn't like the gnomes."
"W-well...GOOD RIDDANCE! I HOPE YOU NEVER COME BACK! Monster! You don't belong in this world!"
"Oh, Uriel...Anyway, I have something new to do, for now."

"I thought I'd try practicing some music. It's really quite lovely, and it gives me something to do on long afternoons."
"You go, Mom! Fight the inevitable flow of the LP's attention from us Generation 1 and 2 folks and onto the newest, hippest generations! Row, Row, fight the powa!"
"...I'll do my best, dear. And you can listen anytime."

My husband, stealthiest man in the world.
"Alright, now to lift fingerprints. For Justice!"

"How dare you break into my house?!"
"It was for great justice! Also, you're never home, and the work needed doing."

Heath continues working on his cooking...

"And with this key lime pie, I have achieved true understanding of recipes.
Bam. Just kicked my lifetime wish up a notch; to completion."

That was wonderfully dramatic. If there was just more build'd be perfect.
I'm so proud of my little boy.

Not that I've been slouching, either!
I'm exactly one promotion from the top of my career! I can see the finish line!

Now, I'll be honest; I don't know how these images got put on record...So I hope you'll just enjoy them.

"Hey, wait a second! I though this was the chapter that ends in kissing! There was a musical number!"
"Well, you know, that grandson of mine is all 'W-well, I don't want to be forward about it...I don't think she likes me like that and I...' And so on. We apologize; maybe next chapter will be the chapter that goes like that."
"... Though, I guess maybe it'll give us a chapter to shake the babysitter girl...
Wait. Aster, why are you co-commentating this?"

"I'm enjoying my status as a one of the super-sane, duh. Heya, all you forumites! After last chapter, this is pretty mood-whiplash, isn't it? Well, Deme's got a lot of backlog she wants to clear through relatively quickly, so things might be a touch snappier around here."
"...What are you even on about?"
"Until next time! Hey, do you think I can get a job doing previews of the next chapter?"
"This is getting way too silly."

Orchid's Requirements:
Lifetime Wish: Physical Perfection
Career: Sports
Supermax Skill: Martial Arts
Building/Property: Everfresh Supermarket, Riverfront Swim Club
LTR: Opportunistic, Learned Relic Hunter, Jetsetter
Best Friends: Aster Seraphim, Ariel Seraphim, Linden Seraphim, Waylon Shwarz, Jamie Neff, Nelson Rosa, A bunch of old people, Jennifer Clearly, Billie Rosa, Several Coworkers, like half of China
 Black Ops: Mustle Hustle, The Ultimate Challenge, Ticket Counting, Meditation Benefits, Health and Wellness Seminar, Showing off for the Scouts

Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, YA, Adult
Sculptures/Photographs: Toddler (sculp&photo), Child (sculp&photo), Teen (Sculp&Photo), YA (Sculp&Photo), Adult (sculp and photo)

Heath's Requirements:
Lifetime Wish: Culinary Librarian
Career: Cooking
Supermax Skill: Cooking
Building/Property: Little Corscican Bistro, Banzai Lounge
LTR: Speedy Cleaner, Born to Cook, Fireproof Homestead

Best Friends: Linden Seraphim, Orchid Seraphim, Mildred Oakley
Black Ops:
Toddler, Child, Teen
Sculptures/Photographs: Toddler (Sculp and Photo), Child (Sculp and Photo), Teen (Sculp and Photo)
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 56)
« Reply #288 on: July 22, 2012, 09:49:45 AM »
Wow what an update.  I think Orchid looks great with her new-old hairstyle.  Mildred is kind of cute but it really all comes down to how Heath feels about her.   Congratulations on his LTW.  Oh and you can save Mr French Gnome by just grabbing and dragging him in live mode. (Not buy mode) and he'll be ok.  I promise.

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 56)
« Reply #289 on: July 23, 2012, 03:35:06 AM »
Yeah, I prefer Orchid's new-old hair.
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By samoht04

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 57)
« Reply #290 on: July 26, 2012, 01:16:40 PM »
I actually think Mildred is, excepting her unfortunate hair color, quite good-looking. ...Also, thank you! I tried that and it worked.
Also, I think we haven't seen the last of her alternate hairstyle -- I think it looks good on elder!Orchid, so that's what I went with, at least for now.

Chapter 57: Kiss De Girl
I think the record-keeping's been passed down to me formally, or almost. I hope I'll do a good job for...Again, I have to wonder: who's reading this? Grandma Ariel and Mr. Uriel give one answer, Grandma Aster gives another, and Mom and Dad just shrug and go with it. Mom acts like an audience is just the ideal thing it doesn't matter who.
Well, who or whatever you are, I hope you'll enjoy this.

Well, I guess I should start by saying that I've been doing some working out. It's important for a chef to keep a good relationship with his body, so he can maintain a good relationship with food.

"Move, you maggot! How can you outrun a tiger if you can't outrun a treadmill?"
"Why -- am I -- *pant*-- outrunning -- a tiger?"
"What sort of son of mine can't outrun a tiger?"
There's - a logical - flaw - here...
Can't... Think...

I tend to make it a point of being nice to our resident ghosts, you know, be social.

But tonight, it looks like I'm covered.

"I missed the stars from this side."
He leans his head on her shoulders, lightly to not break the illusion, and I remember something: Aster is a word for star, too.
"You're like the smoke-light that turns the moon blue," Grandma Aster mumbles into his hair.

I think I'm going to invite Mildred on a date tommorow after school.

So I do. I like that she'll listen to me talking about my recipes or my plans the whole way through...But you know, I don't really know that much about her; she's a kind of secretive person like that.
I just wish...I knew what she felt about me. I mean, I don't... I mean... Ok, I have no idea what I mean.

"There’s a little bitty flame burnin’ deep in my heart / You wanna make something of it?"
"Oh do you feel the same maybe just a little spark / You wanna make something of it?"

It sort of hangs in front of me the whole date.

"Ariel...How do I convince a kid his almost-girlfriend is bad news? I mean, Aster says she's probably a klepto *and* she's all sorts of screwed-up!"
"You don't. It's simply impossible... Uriel, I'll tell you this: if he loves her, that's his paradise. No one should ever try and take that away from someone else, even if it's for their own good."
"So if he doesn't love her, kick her to the curb?"
"That's not what I said at all...But he probably wouldn't stay with someone he doesn't love."
"He'll regret this."
"Do you regret me, Uriel?"
"...T-that's low, Ariel. To even suggest it, that's low."
"I do believe that's my point. Love is the best weapon against regret."

Mom's been enjoying some adventures in the pit in the yard. Uriel says the explosions can be heard several miles away.
Definately enjoying herself.

And Grandma adds another outfit to her array...With a new set of flowers, too. It suits her.

Another day passes.
"Listen, kiddo, about this Mildred girl..."
"What about her? You gonna nag at me about her again?!"
"No. Just... Are you gonna make a move, or what? If you love her and she loves you...There's just one way of knowing for sure. You gotta kiss de girl."
"Yeah. That's what I figure -- almost all of this fleshy romance stuff starts with a kiss. Get to it, kid."

"Heya, Heath. What's on the agenda for today?"
"That's alright. I like coming to your place; compared to my dinky, empty little house... There's so much...Life, I guess."

Well, Heath? Are you going to 'make a move'? What do you...feel?

I feel like she's beautiful. She's not a straightforward girl, but like...I want to know her. When she says how much life my house has, I want to take all the life in the world and show it to her; to wrap her up somewhere warm and happy and keep her there.

I see her lips and I really...I really want to kiss her. There. I thought it. I can't take it back.

I think back to Grandpa and Grandma.
"Come on. Let's watch the stars."
"Sounds fine by me."

And I look at her, and we're leaning close...And I've got a lot to say, but there's something about her...It doesn't take a word. Not a single word. I just have to...
"I think that's one of the stars my dad discovered. I-it's orange, so he calls it Tangerine."
"Your dad finds stars? That's so cool!"


"Heath, I had a really good time tonight."
"Yeah, so did I..."
Come on, come on...
I feel like I stand there forever. And ever. And some more evers.
She looks me steadily in the eye. What do I... How do I...
Just kiss her, you fool!
...And then time speeds up, and she's getting a taxi to her home out of town.

"...I'm such a coward."
"Kid, don't sweat it. You'll have other chances...What matters is, you know what you want, right? So it's only a matter of time until you get it."
"Thanks, Uriel."

I think some of the family ghosts were out to comfort me, too, but...

Sometimes it just doesn't work out. It's the sentiment that counts.

Alright. Tommorow. At the arcade. Time to man up.

"Heath, heeeey!"
"Heya, Mildred."

Ok. Ok. Smooth. Smooth. You can do this.
"(Go with flowers. Ladies love 'em.)"
...Does Uriel even *have* experience with the ladies?
"Ummm...I-I got these. For you. I thought...W-well...I...I thought'd you'd like them. You can put them in a vase."

"And stuff."
"Oh, Heath, you big sweetheart!"

She pulls me up into an embrace.

"Well, about, um, us. Or, well, um, about you." Is that too confrontational? "About me?"
"What is this about?" She says it with a little laugh. Her laugh is like a xylophone beat playing on my spine. I want to hear it more, and louder.

Nerve. Courage. Mom didn't raise a coward (or so she says). I... I really do like Mildred. I'm not maybe the sort of person who can say 'love' all willy-nilly...But...
But I think maybe I kind of do love her. I love her secrets and her laugh and her little lonely smile. I love the curl of her lips and the way she dances.

I love the taste of her lips on my lips.

"I l-love you, Mildred. And I think...Maybe there should be an Us."
"Finally. I thought...Maybe you didn't like me. Of course I want to be your girlfriend. I...I've always wanted to be part of an Us."
Holy... I think I have a girlfriend now.

...I have a girlfriend.


"You'll regret this, kiddo..."
You know, he keeps saying that... But I really don't think I will.

Orchid's Requirements:
Lifetime Wish: Physical Perfection
Career: Sports
Supermax Skill: Martial Arts
Building/Property: Everfresh Supermarket, Riverfront Swim Club
LTR: Opportunistic, Learned Relic Hunter, Jetsetter
Best Friends: Aster Seraphim, Ariel Seraphim, Linden Seraphim, Waylon Shwarz, Jamie Neff, Sunshine Ivanov, Natalie Shwarz, Jennifer Cleary, Teddie Links
 Black Ops: Mustle Hustle, The Ultimate Challenge, Ticket Counting, Meditation Benefits, Health and Wellness Seminar, Showing off for the Scouts

Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, YA, Adult
Sculptures/Photographs: Toddler (sculp&photo), Child (sculp&photo), Teen (Sculp&Photo), YA (Sculp&Photo), Adult (sculp and photo)

Heath's Requirements:
Lifetime Wish: Culinary Librarian
Career: Cooking
Supermax Skill: Cooking
Building/Property: Little Corscican Bistro, Banzai Lounge
LTR: Speedy Cleaner, Born to Cook, Fireproof Homestead

Best Friends: Linden Seraphim, Orchid Seraphim, Mildred Oakley
Black Ops: Can anyone help me out with remembering a name? He needed to bring a group dish to someone.
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen
Sculptures/Photographs: Toddler (Sculp and Photo), Child (Sculp and Photo), Teen (Sculp and Photo)
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 57)
« Reply #291 on: July 26, 2012, 01:54:54 PM »
Aww, that was the cutest chapter of all! :D I can't remember the name of that Black Opp either. :-\ It'll come to you! So glad for Heath.

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Offline Emmaoc6

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 57)
« Reply #292 on: July 26, 2012, 04:18:56 PM »
Loving this story :)

I think that black ops is Memorable meal... or maybe something similar

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 57)
« Reply #293 on: July 26, 2012, 04:22:19 PM »
One of the cutest chapters so far, Heath is such a sweetie. I love Aster's new outfit.  :D
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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 57)
« Reply #294 on: July 26, 2012, 04:43:00 PM »
Such a sweet quite lovely chapter <3 One of my favourites so far  :)

Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Intermission #2)
« Reply #295 on: July 30, 2012, 07:00:49 PM »
Thanks, you guys. It was a lot of fun to write.

Intermission #2: Orchid vs. Orchid

This part of the records is a secret; she never elected to tell anyone about this moment, and was wise to do so. But I...I have nothing else to do, but wait. They've bound me against acting -- they know I am set to escape my bonds, and they fear... So gather round for storytime, boys and girls.

On the day of Heath's first kiss, Orchid Seraphim reached the top of her career.

"Oh, yes! Now, nothing'll hold me back!" The idea that anything could hold her back to begin with would have surprised most people who knew her, and possibly even Orchid herself.
But it was true. There were things Orchid could not do, risks she could not take: not when it took the fate of her family out of her control. This wouldn't open up much in the short room: she could no more take Linden and never come back today than she could yesterday. She couldn't give either of them a death-flower and set them running for the hills...Her win-win didn't exist just yet.
Still, since she had met all her needs for a career, and Heath had yet to start his...

"Time-stream, here I come!"
After all, even if she changed her career, what did it matter? She was done needing a career...Though she wasn't sure yet if she'd keep hers; it gave her a way to fill her days.

And she she fired up her time-machine, to search for some solution (and adventure) "in THE FUTURE!" As she would put it.

She landed on a mountaintop, somewhere far away from anything she knew. The air was crisp and thin; the plants were chinese, but not from Shang Simla.
A girl meditated beneath a twisted pine, still as a part of the landscape; was she breathing, or was the wind simply moving her chest somehow? It all seemed about the same.
 That girl, dressed in gold and red, her streaky hair moving with the wind through the pine needles...
Was, without a question,
a younger Orchid Seraphim.

This moment had never happened, as far as the Orchid we know remembered. This place was one she had never been. She stood there, the hamster-wheel of her mind running until the hamster had to sit down and have a breather. The Young Orchid opened one bright, crystal-blue eye. It wasn't the oldest eye Orchid had ever seen; that honor would always belong to Ariel's eyes. But there was something about the gaze that the young Orchid fixed her with that was simmilar, not unlike the look her own mother's eyes had been taking on lately, since her loose ties to the "real world" were undone.

"I was waiting for this! What took you so long?" Said the strange, younger-older Orchid. A fierce smile -- Orchid's own smile -- spread across her lips.

"How could I know your schedule? I'm not you yet, am I?" Asked our Orchid. She laughed.

The future Orchid stood up, brushing the dirt off of her legs.
"That's true. I've come this far as Heroine, but the mysterious mentor's a not-bad role...Just this once. But if you want some future wisdom..."

The two of them stared at each other like a pair of wild dogs. The grin between them was electric, the anticipation humid in the air.
"I'm not giving up without a fight," rang out their singular voice.

They leapt into battle, moving in blurs and the sudden rush of impact. The girl from the future was everywhere, seemingly at once -- everywhere Orchid turned, there was her fist, her foot, her ponytail spinning to make another pivot, catch Orchid off her wind with another brutal roundhouse. She returned as best she could -- catching her future self's hand and throwing her, throwing a punch across her jaw... But future-Orchid would be back before the timetraveller could blink.

Eventually, they stopped when Our Orchid could no longer stand. The future Orchid sat beside her, and stroked her hair with the fondness of a mother.
"I -- You did good...And you will do good." She pursed her lips, unsatisfied with such a weak-hearted consolation to her past self. She gave it some thought, and eventually just let out an agonized howl of frustration
"This timetravel junk is a huge pain; if I goof, Iris told me that the whole world will be destroyed because spacetime and yadda-yadda. What does she think my life is, Back to the Future? You're not Doc Brown, Iris!"

Iris, whoever she was, was apparently not present to respond. Still, future-Orchid wailed against her until the timetravelling Orchid sat up.

"Don't give anything away; what's a story without a few twists?" The timetravelling Orchid folded her arms over her legs. All the same, there was something she wanted to hear. Just one name.

"Ha! Fair enough...I'll just say this: there's no way he can't die. It'd only make the going harder anyway."

The words dropped like hot irons in Orchid's brain. She faced her future, her face a mask of revulsion.

Her future didn't flinch.
"Power through. Through everything... Only on the other side of all your struggles is what you're questing for; that's how a story has to go, right?" She tilted her head and added, after a moment's recolection "...But, even though I just said those things to you... Don't give in. Never surrender to fate, no matter how cruel. If they say to go up, go left. They say to stand still, ascend. No matter how impossible, never give in. That's something... Everyone will need that of you."
She declared, the setting sun framing her in gold, turning her into a wind-swept figure, solid as obsidian.

Orchid, our Orchid, set her mouth into a solid line.
"So...You fight me, and then just tell me to do things I'd already have done?"

"I'm you; how can I tell you to do something you wouldn't, or give you knowledge you don't have?" She shrugged. "I'm just reminding you what matters. It's all I can do for you." The future-woman began to walk down a path, down towards a mountainside. "Well, I gotta go; I can't keep him waiting forever."

"That's cheap advice! You're a sucky mentor!" Orchid yelled at the retreating back of her own future-self.

Then she grinned.
"But I'm a pretty good heroine, after all."

Then time found her and brought her where she needed to be; she stumbled as she exited the time machine. It was the night before Heath's Young Adult birthday, and the moon was already high in the sky.
"Ugh. I'm late for our talk," She muttered, and headed downstairs. After all, the future sounded like it was going to be exciting.

Special Feature
Since, for once in my life, I have room for screenshots, let me share with you the fun results of UnlockOutfits becoming allowed! The first stage of this is Aster's wardrobe, which will start appearing in its new form around... Chapter 61 or 62 or so.

I save her old everyday for later and start off with this; it's got a lot of Evanthe-based inspirations (besides the IF shirt, the unicorn on her face-paint has green hair and is grey, Evanthe's favorite color), but...I'm torn on the pants. I may put her back in her skirt. But the rest, I like.

Orchid will still be going in holes and space-time (because she's Orchid), but at least now I can jump straight to the bit where Aster dresses like a cave-lady. Because it suits her.

I just thought this showtime unlockable looked nice and Aster-y. I was really just having fun at this point.

And a medieval-inspired Formalwear. I'm thinking about maybe giving a dress like this to Ariel, too. I am contemplating replacing the hat (which she still has for her other formal) with This hair, since I own the set already and junk. So much to think about...
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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 57)
« Reply #296 on: July 30, 2012, 07:14:54 PM »
You're "torn" about the pants? Arrgh! But I love Aster's new wardrobe. Insane Sims definitely need the fullest range of choices.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Intermission #2)
« Reply #297 on: August 02, 2012, 05:36:25 PM »
Sometimes puns just need to happen ^^

Chapter 58: The Talk. No, Not That "The Talk!"

Outside, the crickets were chirping.

Grandma Ariel descended into the lowest basement. I've never been down here, but I know about it; it's where Grandma Ariel puts all the portraits and photos and sculptures that Grandma Aster does. It's an important place...But I don't know why we're here. Grandma Aster's here, too, chasing dust motes with her eyes. There's plenty to look at; the air is thick with silvery dust. Bits of the walls are undone from the renovations. This place...I see the sort of wall decoration I like, and what my mother and my grandmother likes...And the lights from all our preferences, hanging over the doors, glitter in the air. It smells faintly of sweet fruit and a bitter, fishy smell; I'm not sure if a normal person could pick them out. Also, for some unknown reason, coconut shavings. Weird.

Why did she call us here? She just said we needed to have a serious talk. Did I do something I shouldn't have?...She's Mr. Uriel's...Something. Is this about Mildred?
My mind buzzes in nervous patterns. Grandma Aster looks at me and says,

"Oh, listen. I'm sorry; I was pushing for doing it the old-fashioned way, but they said they didn't need to call on the police! It's really shoddy workmanship."
She pats my hand like that was supposed to console me.
"There's nothing like a family talk after being escorted by the police!"

Grandma Ariel giggles.
"Stop scaring him, Aster. Heath, you're not in trouble."
I look around, trying to figure out what this is about if it's not trouble.
"Where's mom?"
"She's offering up some low-grade foreshadowing in the form of disrupting the fabric of space-time. I think it's a knit," Grandma Aster replies. Oh, so she's time-travelling...And some other stuff, I guess. It'll probably make sense later, right?

I clear my throat.
"...So...What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh, just about the portaits that serve as the record of your life-energies to prove that you, in essence, lived. This becomes essential in garnering power for the grandiocosmic --"
"Aster...Your explanation is wonderful and disturbingly accurate, but... His eyes are bugging out. It's best to start this sort of thing at the beginning."

"Wait, wait, what exactly are you explaining?!"

"The reason you exist on this earth."
"..." Whut.

"Uriel and I...Are angels."
See my previous statement.
"Really. I took a human form many generations ago...And Uriel came with me like this."
"Problem is...We weren't...Very good at it. I mean, we were the best at our jobs, but..."
"I'll tell it."

"Our story began at the time of the rebellion in the great Silver City...Uriel and I sided with neither side; not with the old, nor with the new..."
And she told me, roughly, the story of how she came to come to earth: Because she needed us to redeem her. She trembled, slightly, as she said it, like a feather balanced on the head of a pin. I normally think of my great-grandmother as a bright and sunny person...As someone who smiles sweetly at the world even when she's sad. Now she looked...Lonely and lost, some pale crescent moon of a person.

"Wait. What happened with the rebellion.  I mean...You had to know the rebels were bad news for wanting to overthrow everything, right?"
"Hey, that's none of your--"
"It's alright, Uriel. He may as well know...I never saw why you wanted to hide it.

 I...Wanted to side with them. Because I thought...That they needed help. They seemed so desperate, at the end...And Uriel disagreed. He knew, and I knew, it was a bad idea. I wanted to help them, but I didn't want to betray everyone. He wanted to stop me, but..."

"Where we go, we go together."

She nods, taking courage.
" I didn't want them to fight.
I'm sorry. You must think...

Very poorly of me, making my children repay the sins of their mother..."

Grandma Aster and I both looked at her.

Even though she had just said she was sorry...I don't think she meant about the choices she had made -- or not made. No, I could see it: her eyes like a drop of the sky didn't think she could act without compassion, didn't flinch to give up heaven for kindness; those eyes would do it all over again.

...And her eyes are my mother's eyes, and my grandmother's eyes. And my eyes, too. I've never thought I was amazing;
I flinch and balk my way through life, the total opposite of my mother. I did well in school because they expected it of me, not because I had an interest in academics. I was chasing someone else's strength when I picked to bake as a kid...
I've never been special. Not *me*. My family, or my life, but... I'm just a guy.

I couldn't help but feel that person give away when I looked into those eyes and saw my own features in them. A glacial cool when tempered flares, an oceanic gentleness and a tropic current warmth, all stared back at me from...Inside me.

My hand lept out and grabbed hers and held it there, my fingers pale. She encircled it gently. Grandma Aster put her palm over it and stared with a big smile when we both turned to see what she was thinking.

"I won't pretend it's fair, that you be asked to do that. I won't say it isn't hard, to see the people you love die...But I must ask that you help us, and you must accept or refuse, as you wish."

I've never thought if I would die or if I wouldn't; who does? I'm not sure I could stand outliving people I love...But...I said it, didn't I? There's something of her in me.
I think trading peace for your family is a fair deal.

"I'll do it."

"This is my home, and I'll stand by that, even if it hurts. I want to help you."

Grandma Aster claps me on the back.
"Gooo Heath! Don't worry; after a little while, the existential terror that soaks into your marrow as you realize, slowly, that you're dead; your heart is beating, but you're dead, you're dead, the moment she died was the moment you were born to die, the moment he died was the moment something precious transitioned out of this world, that you don't exist...It gets better. It's just a bit of grey in the corner of your mind."
...Welp, there went that dose of self-confidence.
She waves and heads back upstairs. As I turn to go, Grandma Ariel stops me, a warm smile filling up her face like an inner sun.

"You know what I will say for it, Heath? It's worth it, when you see your great-grandbaby smile."

When I came up, it was morning; the story had taken the night.

"Arright. I am back from beating up the timestream -- what'd I miss?"
"Everything, fair Orchid! Everything!"
"Really, Sir Axe? Everything? What'd he say?"
"He assented, like the upstanding (if weak-livered) man he is!...And I...I learned some things I had not known. I had assumed, all the while, that it was Uriel's idea..."
"What, the dynasty?"
"That, I never thought was his; just his idea to commit to it."
"Well, Phooey!"
Mom wasn't terribly happy that she was so late she missed everything... But, well, she didn't miss *everything*.

After all, the mob was still there to greet my birthday party.

"I wish I made the right choice..."
I'm not sure how that would work if I didn't to begin with; would it retroactively make the choice I made right? Maybe I have to make it right...

"Ooh, that kind of tingles."

"Looking good..."
"Except the hair."
"I'm working on it, I'm working on it..."

And work on it I did! I decided to switch to contacts while I was at it.

I like warm, cozy clothing...

And practical stuff. And a new hat, too.

And I need an outfit for, um, going on a date...

And for special occaisons.

Some sleepware,

Some clothes for working out,

And a somewhat plain outfit for swimming in.

I think after last night, I'm prioritizing...And thinking about it. I guess you could say I'm a Family-Oriented guy.

Double Feature, The Revenge!
What's this? I am under my picture limit? On a birthday chapter, no less? Well, well, well... Let's go to more makeovers! This time, we've got a bit of Heath and some Ariel for y'all.

I eventually grew tired of the brown shirt. That's all....Uhh...I'm sorry, I kind of wasted your time here.

Ariel's gotten a bit more done here. For starters, she got a new hairstyle for her everyday; it kicks in...Somewhere around chapter 61, while the new dresses don't happen until after 61. This one's just a repattern of her usual dress, to make it a bit more fashionable.

The cut is a bit low and the jewelry a bit heavy, but I just thought this looks really nice on her; she might wear it to parties.

And her Medieval Dress, which really goes with her hair....I promise next time I do a fashion show, I will try to come up with some nice commentary.
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty

Offline Ilessthan3TheSims

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 58)
« Reply #298 on: August 02, 2012, 08:18:41 PM »
I love Ariel's last ouTfit! It's just perfect. I can't wait to get that hairstyle, it's a lovely set :)
Also, just wondering if you could tell me, where the dress with the bit "heavy" jewellery comes from, please? I've seen it on others' sims but I'm just wondering if it comes with a certain EP or SP(I don't have all of them). Thank you, and as usual, great chapter!

Offline Deme

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Re: Angels Unawares: The Seraphim Immortal Dynasty (Chapter 58)
« Reply #299 on: August 02, 2012, 08:30:00 PM »
It's not heavy so much as it is heavy for Ariel, who is still not worldly enough to have an outfit with shoes. It's exactly the right amount of bling for, oh say, Orchid.
... I'd need to double-check, but I think it's from Showtime, maybe perhaps? The icon was blue.
Stories In Progress:
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty