Pam, I tried everything single thing you suggested, and more. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game more times than I can count. I've tried everything I've been advised to try. I've updated all drivers, although my computer is only a few months old. My computer is plenty powerful enough to run any game (Intel Core i5 Quad Core 2.66 GHZ processor, XFX Radeon HD 5850 725MHZ 1GB GDDR5 video card, 4 GB RAM).
Sometimes I can save, sometimes I can't. It's usually after hours of play, and several saves (I DO save while playing, as I've been burned with the game randomly crashing to the desktop for no reason too, but that's a WHOLE 'nother issue...)
I have contacted EA. They won't answer me. So I don't know if they are aware of this problem (how can they NOT?) or if they just don't care. The more I went looking for answers, here and at other sites, the more threads I found complaining about this very same issue. HUNDREDS of them, maybe thousands, I don't know. At the Sims 3 official site there are 525 messages with "error code 12" when you search the forums. But not ONE message from EA about this issue. How can this be?
I understand that this is a User forum, and you can't speak for EA. I didn't expect you to. But I didn't expect to get in trouble for complaining about the lack of action by the company in my own thread! There was no "gripe session", there was just me, expressing my frustration. If that was against the rules, I'm sorry. I tried to find a copy of the rules, but I don't know where to look. Maybe you can steer me towards it, so we can avoid this kind of thing in the future? I don't want to annoy or upset anyone. I just want to play my game without all these problems. I'm sorry if I was out of line.