Author Topic: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!  (Read 84148 times)

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #315 on: January 14, 2012, 08:48:20 AM »
Thanks Ariana! I have plenty of experience with sim-death, but only when I have a bad day. When I deliberately kill them though, it doesn't bother me in the least. My Dynasty is the only file that the sims die of natural causes though, and no you're not the only one, my family doesn't understand my attachments to "pixels" that "aren't real." Well, my older sister does cause she plays them too, but for the rest of them, I simply say just because they are not real for you, doesn't mean they're not real. I spend hours on end with them, and know their every need and want, seems pretty real to me! Yes she does, I love it!!

P.S. I have a cold and been keeping myself sedated through NyQuil lol so that's the main reason the update isn't done. Hopefully I'll be feeling better soon and sorry guys.


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #316 on: January 14, 2012, 11:10:22 AM »
Sorry you don't feel well! Don't worry about a update now. A cold can be awfull. Get well soon. :)

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Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #317 on: January 18, 2012, 03:34:05 PM »
Thanks Louise. After many days and too many pills to count, I feel better. My nose still hurts and is still running, but thankfully I've stopped sneezing and coughing. I'm sorry it took so long, I wanted to have this up before now. Hopefully it was worth the wait.

I'm sure you guys heard, Betty has passed on. But that is not the focus of this update. This is about life and love. Paige met this boy named Mortimer. We all call him Morty though.

She invited him over to the house and asked him to move in. He agreed.

Betty painted his child portrait.

While Kelvin sculpted his child sculpture.

He than had his teen birthday.

Betty painted his teen portrait.

Kelvin sculpted his teen sculpture.

In between this though, Paige sculpted her 25th ice sculpture. So her 26th was her dad.

It was put into his museum.

Morty's things were put into his museum in his favorite color, black.

Dad tutored Morty real quick so he'd start high school with an A.

Than Morty disappeared into the basement. I heard Paige giggling, and peeked in on them. They were flirting, and holding hands.

As I watched, my baby girl got her first kiss!!

Paige also asked him to be her boyfriend, so my baby is no longer single!!

Aww. I remember the feeling, but I was older. How sweet is young love?

When we lost mom, we still had me and Betty as painters, but now that we've lost Betty too, I was concerned about who would paint my elder portrait. Morty stepped into the void perfectly!!

After his first skill point, he went to get a job but it was after curfew, and since none of us wanted him getting busted, dad went with him.

The only thing Paige has to do to supermax sculpting is sculpt 5 of each material. She started on metal, and caught her rear on fire. I know, it's not funny but I caught myself snickering even as I clicked to put it out.

That's it for this time. Next time, Betty joins Jon and Laurel across the street and in the after life.


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #318 on: January 18, 2012, 04:29:51 PM »
I'm glad Morty move in! He look cute with red hair, will he turn green? Poor Paige having your butt on fire can't be fun lol! Great update.

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #319 on: January 18, 2012, 04:40:01 PM »
Thanks Louise! I am too, I love Morty!! Yes he does and yes he will! Right before the wedding. As it is now, they are too young to woohoo so he's fine for now. It probably wasn't fun for her, but I was laughing.  ;D

Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #320 on: January 18, 2012, 07:02:30 PM »
I have to disagree on one point, it's pretty funny when Sims run around with their biscuits a-burning! :D It wouldn't be funny if they died, but that look of pixelated panic is pretty funny.

The museum is looking pretty nice, and welcome to the family Morty *confetti*
You can call me Juxt

De D'Onlyn Dynasty
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Offline kattiq

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #321 on: January 18, 2012, 11:26:21 PM »
Gosh, if I was Paige I'd be a little creeped out that my mom has been spying on me. Especially on the private moments between my boyfriend and I. But regardless, I am VERY happy Mortimer has joined the family! He's too hot to resist, just like Paige's buns burning. Except his hotness doesn't need to be put out. :P

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Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #322 on: January 20, 2012, 05:46:52 PM »
Thanks Juxt and  Kattiq! Yeah it is funny, but I'm positive she would disagree lol. He's going to be a good boy this time, I promise.  ;D Pam doesn't consider it spying, she heard something and went to check on it. Haha plus, if she hadn't, you all wouldn't have seen those pics hehe. His hotness won't ever be extinguished!  ;D I need to upload the pics, but I'm practicing for "when clones attack" and I really don't know when I'll be playing them again. Have you guys seen that challenge?? It's tough!!

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #323 on: January 20, 2012, 06:12:40 PM »
. Have you guys seen that challenge?? It's tough!!
I have! It looks super hard.. I haven't decided if I want to do it just yet.. Haha

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #324 on: January 20, 2012, 10:41:58 PM »
I have! It looks super hard.. I haven't decided if I want to do it just yet.. Haha
It is, but it's also the only challenge I can play so I'm definitely doing it. It just means no Halliwell's for a little while but I hope you guys understand. I still need to get Betty's last update posted and I promise I will, hopefully tonight or early tomorrow morning.

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #325 on: January 20, 2012, 10:58:26 PM »
It is, but it's also the only challenge I can play so I'm definitely doing it. It just means no Halliwell's for a little while but I hope you guys understand. I still need to get Betty's last update posted and I promise I will, hopefully tonight or early tomorrow morning.
Well of course, since you can cheat! Haha Well you can at least "make needs static." I'm thinking I might start either tonight or sometime this weekend if I have time. I need a break from monotonous dynasty life.. :P

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #326 on: January 21, 2012, 01:31:50 AM »
Haha yes I can! That's the only cheat that's mandatory in my simming life lol. Yeah teleporting and buydebug is nice but I can do without those but static needs I can't.  ;D I totally understand that! Here is the promised update!

Let's celebrate the life of Betty Simovitch. She caught hundreds of deathfish for us and will always be remembered.

Even though Morty was with us when she died, I didn't get a picture of him with her and I regret that, I truly do. Last picture of her alive, she was starting to sparkle.

Not only was she level 10 in her career as a painter, she had also reached level 10 in the fishing career as well. She was also level 10 in cooking, fishing, handiness and painting. She caught 771 fish and made $144,857 by fishing. She was also level 6 in guitar, level 2 in charisma and level 1 in nectar-making. She painted a total of 148 paintings 37 of which were brilliant and 44 masterpieces. Her most expensive painting sold was $8,215 and was of brilliant quality, and she made a total of $263,893 painting. She was truly a sim of many skills and will be missed.

Hers is the third grave placed in the Halliwell cemetery.

Her final painting was moved to her room. And the newspaper with her obituary was placed by her elder sculpture.

The kids came home the next day and did homework, and they stopped to cry over her.

Mine and Betty's rooms were 5x5 when built. We knocked down the wall dividing the two, so my room is now bigger. I'm still undecided on whether to repaint the room, but for now it's still in two colors.

R.I.P. Betty Simovitch
92 years old


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #327 on: January 21, 2012, 04:05:11 AM »
R.I.P. Betty! She was a awesome sim. Enjoy practicing for 'attack of the clones' ;)

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #328 on: January 21, 2012, 07:03:39 PM »
Thanks Louise! Yes she was. Oddly enough, the one with the most skills is the one I missed least. ??? And I will. Getting ready to practice some more!  ;D

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #329 on: February 07, 2012, 12:41:33 AM »
Hey guys, I have some awful news. My computer died over the weekend. I was in Columbus with my bf and my sister texted me that my tower refused to come on. After I got home, I checked to make sure all the cords were connected, and everything is plugged in right, the tower is just dead. I'm on my brothers right now and it's an old computer and runs so so slow I know there is no way his would run sims. Several people has told me it sounds like the power supply went out, so I'm hoping that's all it is and it gets fixed soon. But if not, I think the last time I backed the Halliwell's up on my flash drive is around the time they moved from Riverview and I'm not even positive about that. I hope I don't have to start over again, but right now anything is possible and I won't know the full extent of the damage until I can get my tower back on, if I can get it back. I'm hoping it's fixed soon, but if not I may have to pull out of the attack of the clone challenge.  :'(

