Author Topic: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!  (Read 84219 times)

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #75 on: September 10, 2011, 05:34:01 PM »
Here is the picture of the portraits so far. Except since this was taken, Laurel has painted Betty's portrait, and Jon is painting in between working, getting leveled up so he can paint Laurel's.

Betty also graduated at City Hall.

And also registered as an angler right after graduation!

And she also went to the store and bought cheese so she could catch Alley Catfish. I have a pic of that, but it's not exciting so moving on! Pam had her toddler birthday.

After the sparkles, she decided to pick her nose. As I was looking lovingly at my beautiful daughter, I noticed her eyes.

She didn't get mine and Grams hair, so Laurel took her to the store to dye it to the correct color. It hit me, Pam has mine and Grams red eyes!!

Last pic of the night, me and my beautiful daughter Pam. You can definitely see the resemblance between us.

*Sigh* I just realized, Laurel didn't dye her eyebrows. Ah well, it will get done soon. I hope you enjoy my red-eyed daughter as much as her mom and I are.

Offline jessiethedog

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #76 on: September 10, 2011, 05:44:00 PM »
I'm late in saying this, but: yay! The Halliwells are back! ;D Great start, Esther!
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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #77 on: September 10, 2011, 06:23:03 PM »
The nooboo is so cute! The red eyes look awesome and she did look like her dad

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #78 on: September 10, 2011, 09:02:20 PM »
Thanks Emily and loveSims! Yes she does. I have to tell you guys, I'm a genius. What I won't tell you all right now is why I'm a genius lol.  ;D

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #79 on: September 12, 2011, 05:45:44 PM »
First order of business is getting Pam mobile. So I taught her to walk, she fell a couple times, but daddy was always there to pick her up and encourage her to keep going until she got it right.

Than I sat down with her and started teaching her to talk. I told her in a few days she would be going to school. Making friends, getting on the honor roll and learning everything she could. She's excited about it too!

Last thing she has to learn is going to the bathroom by herself. She did it too! The way she is looking up at me, makes me choke up. She loves her daddy so much and her daddy loves her more than anyone could ever believe.

Betty caught her first deathfish at level 8 1/2! The way I took the first pic, it looks like it's flying haha.

My garden is maturing. So far, the teddies are still teddies. I don't understand what I did wrong, normally Grams only had teddies less than a day until they were gnomes. As you can see, I had to put a cheap fence around the lot. Unfortunately, or fortunately whichever way you look at it, one of the opportunities I did gave me celebrity points, so now I'm a one-star celeb! It does save me money sometimes at the store so maybe it's a good thing.

Also, I was able to build a couple museum rooms! I would love to have built Laurel's first, but mine and Pam's are more important right now. Her's will get done of course just not this second. Here is mine in my favorite color, red!

And Pam's in her favorite color which is Irish Green.

Laurel's LTW is to master painting and guitar. She's completed the first one, so now she's working on the second. I love her dearly but I am getting so sick and tired of hearing the same song over and over. Of course, I know it will be good for getting extra money as soon as she hits level 5 so I tolerate it.

Jon works from home he's already at level 5 in his career and level 10 in cooking so as soon as he gets that fridge, he will be making Ambrosia. I know it's too early for me to eat it, but just knowing it's made will ease my mind some.

Last pic of the night is Pam playing with the doll she was sent. While we were talking, I would tell her about my Grams, but I never mentioned her name. But tonight when I gave her the doll, I asked her if she wanted a boy or girl doll. She said girl. I asked her what she wanted to name her dolly, and as clear as day she said "Penny!" I just stared at her in shock! I couldn't believe my ears! So, here is Pam and Penny!


Esther's words:
See? Told y'all I'm a genius!! Penny will be a part of this Dynasty after all hahaha. I don't know how it will work out cause normally I always turn them real, but hopefully one of you guys will know the answer. I know the doll grows with the child, but what about eating Ambrosia? Will that make the doll live forever just like Pam? I hope so!!


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #80 on: September 12, 2011, 06:12:41 PM »
Lovely update Esther! Pam look so cute on the potty ;D I don't know for sure but I think if you turn the IF rreal she will die as a elder, but if you don't she will live forever

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #81 on: September 12, 2011, 08:59:41 PM »
Thanks loveSims! Yes she does, but then again she is cute no matter what she's doing. I sat for like 5 minutes just watching her sing to Penny. Awesome, I don't want Penny to die so that will be perfect!

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Offline simlishlol

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #82 on: September 13, 2011, 09:07:08 PM »
Pam is soooo cute!! ;DI haven't played with the IF's enough to know, but what lovesims says sounds about right, guess we will find out! :D
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Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #83 on: September 13, 2011, 10:17:32 PM »
Thanks Simlish! Yes she is!! Yeah, we will find out. I really really hope she doesn't die, that would so not be cool lol.

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #84 on: September 14, 2011, 09:53:35 PM »
I realize I normally update every other day, but I am going out of town tomorrow for a few days and I'm getting stuff ready so I won't be doing an update til I get back. Hope you all understand, and I'll see ya in a few days!  ;D


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #85 on: September 15, 2011, 12:27:43 AM »
It's ok Esther we can wait a few days as long as it is not weeks! :P

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #86 on: September 15, 2011, 04:10:47 AM »
It's ok Esther we can wait a few days as long as it is not weeks! :P
Thanks! As much as I would love to stay where I'm going longer than a few days, I would totally go insane without my little simmies and the internet, so no worries there!  ;D

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #87 on: September 18, 2011, 03:42:20 PM »
I was out around town taking pictures, and I saw what looked like was an old bus! It's different cause I've seen all kinds of vehicles before, but not buses! Cool.

I moved the teddies and vampire gnome away from the garden sprinklers. Maybe this will work. I've gotten a few Mysterious gnomes, and I've named them. The one Betty got from fishing, I named "Fish", I named the one I got from a gem, "Gem", and I named Miss Vamp "Head vamp". Yeah, I'm not very inventive when it comes to naming gnomes. ;D

My garden is doing amazingly! I got my first harvest of Life Fruit today! Betty caught the Deathfish, I grew the Life Fruit, all that's left is me making enough money to get the Ambrosia recipe, Jon reaching level 10 in his job, getting the fridge and him learning and making it. Than it will be ready for when I need it.  

I also wanted to show off my green thumb. My deathflower died, and I brought it back to life! Aren't I awesome?

Jon got to level 7 painting, so he's now painting my beautiful Laurel.

Speaking of my gorgeous wife, she is performing as many songs as possible. I think she said the latest number is close to 100. She is also looking forward to the weekend, she's going out to play for money! There is a subway nearby so she will be hitting that up. After that, I should have no problem building Laurel, Jon and Betty's museum.  

I recently got the opportunity where I get to plant cheese and eggs! So soon I guess I will get cheese and eggs hanging off bushes lol. Just to sum up how I'm doing towards my requirements til I can eat Ambrosia, I have already done 5 opportunities, I have 5/8 of my LTW of having 8 perfect plants, I am only on level 5 in my career, but since my money trees have matured, I should move up the ranks pretty quick, My YA portrait is done, I just need to age up 2 life-stages and get those portraits done, we own 0 businesses or properties, but now that Laurel is getting ready to play for tips, we should be able to purchase them soon, I have 2/3 unique LTR's, and 1/6 best friends. Wow, I was just thinking a few minutes ago that I should already be an adult since I have so much done, but now that is in black and white, I'm really glad I still have 2 life-stages!! Well, that's it for this time. Enjoy!


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #88 on: September 18, 2011, 04:27:14 PM »
Great update Esther, those teddies are not going to stay teddies very long lol! ;D

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #89 on: September 19, 2011, 08:49:33 PM »
Thanks loveSims. I actually don't know what is going on with them. In the other Dynasties, I just had to put the teddy on the ground and poof it was a vampire gnome. These teddies are refusing to go poof and I don't know why!!  :(