With the collector's helper Agnes sent me, I have almost supermaxed collecting. You can say it's not a true skill that can be supermaxed all you want, but have you actually done it? It's harder than it sounds. The only thing I'm missing is collecting 10 beetles, so I put in a few beetle spawners in my yard. Yeah it looks funny with bugs crawling on my yard, but if it helps me it's all good in my opinion.
I'm getting very close to my goal of having 8 perfect plants. Here I am planting a perfect lime tree!
After Pam gets home from her first day of school, she does her homework like a good girl. She now has an A, and will be on the honor roll in no time!
I noticed one of my gnomes had a baby! I named it nooboo 1. I told you guys I'm not very inventive when it comes to naming gnomes!
Speaking of gnomes, I glanced over at the teddy bears this morning, just in time to see this!
I named it Teddy 1. Lol. Later, I noticed another teddy gone, so I found them all grouped up together. I named it Teddy 2.
Pam started painting too. She says she's going to be a famous artist one day. I believe it too!
Jon was painting when it came time for his birthday.
As he is not part of the family, he gets his clothes in his favorite color! As for his hair, I couldn't stand seeing him with gray hair, so he got the standard Halliwell elder hair. That's it for this time! Enjoy. Next time, the birthday girl and boy get their pics done!