Author Topic: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!  (Read 84079 times)


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #375 on: February 24, 2012, 12:02:19 AM »
It is not dumb to cry! It is a big deal to get generation two immortal! :D

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #376 on: February 24, 2012, 12:57:41 AM »
Thanks Louise! Yes it is!! I decided to write the last update for Pam.  ;D Hopefully you all have enjoyed her time, now it's Paige's turn.

It's my elder birthday and I'm probably going to have a multitude of wrinkles, so I'm not sure why I am so happy about this, but I am!

Ok, here we go. Last view of my gorgous young self!

Yikes, that spinning around hurt my back something awful!! Oh great, I do have wrinkles!!

I decided an elder, well me in particular, doesn't look good in pig-tails! It took me about 10 minutes and 25 different hairstyles until I found one I look good with. What do you all think?

I also am not happy with the clothing choices. What, an elder can't dress young?? Oh well, that sacrifice is the one I don't mind making! I originally chose Paige to sculpt my last sculpture, but later changed my mind and had Kelvin do the one for my museum, but don't have a pic of that one, but here is Paige's!

Than I went to Henry for my painting.

These were placed into my museum. It is totally completed now!

Here is a shot of the whole room instead of just YA, A and E!

I went up to talk to dad, than remembered Penny. She needs to age up as well, so I placed her on the ground. Funny thing, she's aging up, I'm celebrating with her and dad's just standing there reading the paper haha.

She looks the same after her birthday. I guess imaginary friends don't get wrinkles. :'( Oh by the way, here is the other pic of me and Phoebe. Now I really look like a grandma lol.

Here is a pic of me and Penny while I'm painting Phoebe. See? She looks the same!! Whoops don't pay attention to Phoebe on the floor haha, I forgot to put her back in the crib.

I looked at my checklist of requirements. I was done, so I went up to tell dad. I walked up to him and said "Daddy, look at my list. Everything is checked off!" He looked at it, than gave me a huge hug and said he is so proud of me. He told me to run through the list with you guys before doing what comes next.

Six opportunites - Scavenger Hunt:Precious Metals, Interior Decor, Painting the city, Fresco Fest, A retreat to inspiration, and A small painting. 6 ops done.

Complete my LTW - done a long time ago!

Reach level 10 in the painting career - also done a long time ago.

Supermax the painting skill - again, done a loong time ago!!

My museum - Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult and Elder!

Properties - Kelvin's Fishing Spot and Pam's Books.

Three unique LTR's - Extra Creative, Fireproof Homestead and Meditative Trance Sleep.

Six best friends - I had a bunch before we moved, but since moving haven't made that many, but 6 is all I need. Wyatt Halliwell, Penny Halliwell, Kelvin Hallwell, Sue Scotch, Nancy Landgraab and Iqbal Alvi.

Ok, the list is complete. On with the show! First thing dad did was tell me to meet him in the kitchen, and went to his room. He met me there, and gave me a Deathflower and said I have earned it, and keep it in my inventory at all times!

Than he went to the replicators, and showed me which buttons to push. He pushed it first and got his. Than my turn. It was so awesome watching this plate of food come out, ready to be eaten!!

Than we both sat down at the table, and started eating it. He was about due for another dose anyways, so we decided to do it together.

Dad got the sparklies while sitting down, but I stood up to sparkle!! I think it makes more of a statement lol.

When the sparkles went away, I grabbed my plate to put it in the dishwasher. The way dad looked at me made me tear up. There is so much love and pride in those eyes!

After the dishes were done, dad grabbed me in a bear hug. he said "Pam, I am so proud of everything you have done. You have broken the 3rd generation curse on the family, there is now 2 Immortal Halliwell's. I love you so much."

After that, he went back to mining. I went down to my room, as usual. Now I know they say if it's too loud, you are too old, and I guess I'm too old than.

Than it hit me, what in the world am I doing?? I'm Immortal now. I don't have to stand for days on end painting. Yes, I love painting but I seriously need a break. So, I took one.

At the time of my Immortality, I have painted 307 paintings, out of those, 69 were brilliant and 95 were masterpieces. The most expensive painting I've sold is $12,067 and it was of average quality. I have made a total of $1,281,596 painting. I think we all agree, I need a break right? I was 74 when I first ate it, and dad was 86!
This is it for me. I have enjoyed keeping you all up to date on the family, I love each and every one of you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love and support. I told Paige she would be doing updates from now on, and she is cool with it. Pam-out!! ;D

I was going to say Peace out, but went with the Pam-out. Hopefully it's not too dumb lol.

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #377 on: February 24, 2012, 03:16:13 AM »
Cangrats with your second immortal! I'm so happy for you! I didn't know the If was still around lol. Pam-out very funny!

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #378 on: February 24, 2012, 03:31:20 AM »
Congratulations on your second immortal you must be so proud.

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #379 on: February 24, 2012, 06:57:21 AM »
Yay for Pam!  Super congrats on the second immortal, Esther.   As for getting back the ones on the wall.  Sorry I'm not entirely certain it's possible.  You could always try moveObjects on and put something else there that's smaller and see if you can grab it but I get the feeling the lost ones are gone forever.

Awesome update. 
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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #380 on: February 24, 2012, 08:51:09 AM »
Woohoo! Congratulations on your second immortal!

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #381 on: February 24, 2012, 08:47:47 PM »
Thank you Louise, Rachel, Rica and Kattiq!

I'm happy too! Yeah she's still around, I just keep her in Pam's inventory because she used to interrupt her while she was painting. I guess now though she can come out because the only time she will be painting now is birthdays! Thanks, I was hoping you guys wouldn't think that was too dumb!  ;D

Thank you, I am very proud of her!!

Thank you! I'll try that next time. If they are gone forever, it's ok but I just don't like the gaps on the walls where the pictures are supposed to be.

Thank you so much!!

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Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #382 on: February 26, 2012, 07:03:52 PM »
Hey guys, sorry for the delay. My brother went into the hospital the other day and I've been too worried to play. Also, I know I've said many times I have faith in Wyatt, but I guess I didn't have enough faith. With Pam's update, I kept detailed notes in my notepad. For the third generation however, I had only written about 4 sentences, so I'm having to write everything from birth to YA! However I have been doing that, so I'm up to where she is pregnant, so my goal is to have it posted by midnight. My brother got out today and he's doing ok. But, it's the 26th today and the clone wars officially start at midnight, that's why my goal is to have Paige's introduction posted by than, but I can guarantee I won't be playing them again until I finish the challenge. 

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #383 on: February 26, 2012, 09:39:35 PM »
Ok guys, last one for awhile. Hopefully you enjoy it, I've spent the last 2 days working on it. Wish me luck in the clone challenge!  ;D

Hi everyone. My name is Paige Halliwell and I'm the 3rd generation of an immortal family. My first memory is of my mom holding me. My whole family held me too. Grandpa Wyatt put me in mommy's old crib. I remember lying there listening to mom hum while she painted. She has an awesome humming voice! I also remember when Jon Lessen died. I had just had my toddler birthday, and I remember him holding me, and smiling at me. I don't remember him for anything else, but he had strong arms and such a kind smile. Grandma painted my picture! I sat up straight like a good girl! Then mommy taught me to walk, talk and go potty. One thing confused me at that time though. Mom said Grandpa was going to make a medicine to save Grandma. Save her from what? I absolutely loved watching mom paint. But when daddy sculpted my toddler sculpture, I realized then and there I want to be just like daddy when I grow up. At one point in time, we had 3 cats. Named Precious, Decker and Kit. Right after she was born, Kit tackled me! It was so mean and I was so startled by suddenly falling backwards, I just started crying. What would you do if a cat knocked you over??

When I turned into a child, Grandma painted my picture. I love her so much. Daddy also sculpted me. I don't know why I have to go through this every time I have a birthday, but it's all good! Grandpa tutored me for school, he knows everything about anything, so I went to school my first day with an A! I got a brand-new swingset for my birthday! I just love the wind in my face! Swinging higher, watching the world below me get smaller. Coming down and watching it get bigger, now that is so awesome beyond words! Grandpa found a unicorn! His name is Cashew, and he's huge!! I got on the honor roll early because I do my homework every single day! Except Saturday and Sunday of course! Those days I spend swinging. It is so much fun, I don't ever want to stop! A bird bit my hand one night. That was such a big mean bird. I'll never forget the day Cashew left. It was so sad. Grandpa had tears in his eyes as he released him. I asked why he had to go? Grandpa said it was for the best, we were lagging terribly and it was either him or us. Well, I for one don't want to go anywhere, so I said my own whispered goodbye to poor Cashew. On the last day of middle school, I still did my homework. Then went back to swinging! I could do this forever!! Even though mom said tomorrow things will change, but for right now it's fun to be a kid.

When grandma died, it hurt so bad. I remember grandma alot better than I do Jon. Her laugh was so contagious you had to laugh when she did, even her smile. Her smile was even kinder than Jon's, plus the warmth and vitality she possesed was just amazing. Her arms, when she hugged you, it felt so safe, like nothing would ever harm you while she was hugging you. I wish I could have those arms around me now. Her voice was so musical, I swear anytime she spoke it sounded like a choir of angels. I remember grandpa, and mom both being so heartbroken they couldn't focus on anything but her. Grandma Laurel was the best, and I really can't imagine life without her, but mom said we have to carry on, so I'm going to try to stop crying now.

I had my teen birthday. Grandma painted my picture. I miss her so much, but I'm so glad I have that at least. Dad sculpted me, and grandpa tutored me. I could tell a difference in grandpa though. He used to smile and laugh all the time. Now he never smiles or laughs. I went to the first day of high with an A. I asked grandpa to teach me to drive. Even me turning right in front of an ice cream truck didn't get a smile from him. He just sat here stone-faced. Thankfully neither one of us were injured though. I started sculpting. My heart wasn't in it right than, but I even got a job as a sculptor. The cats were the next to leave us. Yes they looked funny, but they were also our friends. I stood by helplessly watching mom kiss them and then let them go. I again asked "Why?!" Mom told me "Sadly sweetheart, the cats might be to blame for our lagging. So they have to go. Like Grandpa told you, it's them or us." Again, I don't want to go anywhere so I whispered another tearful goodbye to our beloved pets. First Jon, than Cashew, Grandma and now the cats. How much more will we have to lose?

Grandpa is getting worse, staring at grandma's pictures, crying all the time, I'm scared for him, I really am. So when mom came and told me to pack what I need, we are leaving Riverview, I was nervous about the change, but also relieved. Maybe moving to a new town will be the best thing for all of us. Grandpa is so far gone by now, he doesn't even know what's going on. On the way to the limo which will take us far away from this horrid place, I heard him muttering about llamas and aliens. Yeah, time to get out of here. We got to Sunset Valley the next day. It was different from Riverview, which is really good. We all have things we need to forget about that place. I'm not saying it's a bad town, just bad for us Halliwell's. Grandpa had to tutor me again. He's almost back to his old self. This time when he tutored me, he was joking about the sub-particles of the planet Venus or something like that.

I met this kid, Mortimer Goth. He's a cute kid and really nice. He moved in with us. Betty and dad painted and sculpted him. Than he had his birthday and turned into the most gorgeous teenaged boy I have ever seen in my entire life!! He was sculpted and painted again, then he walked in my room. Betty died too. I miss her of course, but not as bad as I do grandma.

He walked up behind me and whispered "Boo!" I whirled around so fast I got dizzy and almost fell, but it's all good cause I fell right in his arms. He looked down at me with the most gorgeous smile I'd ever seen, and said "Whoa babe I guess you really fell for me huh?" I couldn't breath, so I just giggled breathlessly, staring into his eyes. We just stood there it felt like forever, staring at each other. He leaned in towards me, and I felt like I was in slow motion as I leaned towards him. Our lips touched and I was flying higher than when I used to swing. The total rush I felt than was nothing compared to this. That was some first kiss, let me tell you that now. We also started dating, so I have a boyfriend now!

Man, I was so distracted by that kiss, I wasn't paying attention and accidentally got the blowtorch too close to my pants, and caught my butt on fire. That snapped me back to attention really fast though. Our power went out for a few days. It was so scary, none of us could see each other or anything. I remember hoping with all my heart the power would come back on soon. A few hours after the lights came back on, I fulfilled my lifetime wish! I am truly living the lifestyle of a rich and famous sim! I also did what mom and grandpa calls supermaxing sculpting. They were both happy about that. I notice sometimes Grandpa looking at me with a serious look on his face, and I overheard Grandpa and mom talking the other night.

I'm not a bad person. I know it's wrong to eavesdrop on a conversation that doesn't include me, but I couldn't help it when I heard grandpa say my name. He said "Well, Paige is almost at that age, you know?" Mom said "Yes dad, I know. I'm so worried about it too. Every Halliwell has failed at the 3rd generation." By that time, I was so curious, I literally had my ear pressed against the wall. They continued. Grandpa "When are you going to tell her? On her birthday like I told you?" Mom "Yeah probably. I really really hope I get the chance to tell her. None of the other 2nd generations got to tell the 3rd generation though, so maybe I don't need to think about it?" Grandpa "No don't even say that Pam! We will succeed. Others have failed, we won't." Mom "I hope not. If everything goes as planned on our part, I'll tell her when she has her birthday." Then the door closed as they walked out of the room.

I'm stunned! What in the world are they talking about? Others have failed what exactly? I looked at the calendar and my heart about stopped. Today was my birthday. I'm so confused, I hope things work out like they planned them so I can find out what other Halliwell's have failed to do. What other Halliwell's though? I know we were the only Halliwell's in Riverview, and although we haven't been in Sunset Valley that long, I've never met any others here either. Well, I had to do something to make the hours go by faster, so I started sculpting again. My mind was spinning though. I couldn't wait, yet at the same time I was petrified about what would happen in a few hours.

Before I knew it, Morty teleported into my room. I looked at him and asked what was up. He said "Tonight is when we become adults snookums!! After tonight, we have no more school! No more curfew!" I smiled but felt like crying. As the sparkles hit me, and I started growing older, all that was going through my mind was "What is going to happen after my birthday? What does mom have to tell me tonight?" and the scariest thoughts, "What if things don't go according to their plan? What if I make them fail like every 3rd generation before me?" Then the spinning stopped, and I was a young adult. Then Morty started sparkling so I pushed it out of my mind and helped my man become haha.

Just then, mom hollered for me to come outside. My heart sank like a stone as the conversation came flooding back. I slowly went outside to the gate. Mom was standing there with her arms crossed. She swallowed hard and said "Paige darling. There is something we need to talk about. Follow me please." She then walked across the street. I started shaking. As my legs numbly carried me across to where she was waiting, it felt like there was a volcano in my body, about to erupt.

She was standing by Grandma Laurel's grave. As soon as I walked up, she looked at me and smiled. That smile didn't reassure me that much though. Again, she swallowed hard, than started talking. "Paige, you are a third generation Halliwell. We are attempting for the fifth time to complete an Immortal Dynasty. The other four times, we never made it past the third generation, but I have faith in us this time. Wyatt, your grandfather started it. He completed a list of requirements he had to do before he became Immortal. Now the only way he will ever die, is if one of us fails. We have to all complete the following:

1. Accomplish my Lifetime Wish.
2. Max a career.
3. Max a skill not maxed by other immortals. Plus, all related skill challenges from the Skill Journal must also be accomplished. This is the single "SuperMax" skill that must be unique to each immortal.
4. Use a computer to purchase one building and one property (2 separate ownership's). The property purchased must be fully upgraded before Ambrosia can be eaten.
5. Purchase 3 Lifetime Rewards not purchased by other immortals.
6. Have 6 different Best Friends (must be different Best Friends of other immortals) at the time of eating Ambrosia for the first time.
7. Complete 6 Opportunities no other immortal has completed (BlackOps).
8. With the exception of your Founder, each immortal needs to have 6 portraits painted of themselves — one for each of the following life stages: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, and Elder.

When these things are all acomplished, we get to eat Ambrosia and our child gets to complete the entire list again.We keep this circle going for 8 generations and we get to say we have created an Immortal family and claim the fame of finishing the very hard challenge of a Dynasty. She said there were several pros for this:

1. We get to live forever!
2. We get the opportunity to watch our grandkids and great-grandkids grow up, get married and have kids, than watching them grow up.
3. We get to watch the neighborhood grow, and expand.
4. Our family grows stronger and tighter the more generations that complete the list.
5. The overwhelming joy and bliss we will have once all 8 generations have completed it and eaten Ambrosia.

But just like everything in the universe, with the pros, there has to be cons. The cons of this are:

1. The 8 generations of Halliwell's are the only ones allowed to eat Ambrosia and carry deathflowers. Which means everyone that isn't a direct descendant of Wyatt Halliwell will have to die.
2. The man I love, Morty will die, my dad will die, and everyone else I know from the neighborhood will die.
3. By the end of this, our family will be the only ones we love that are still alive. Yes, we will be very close because of this."

Now it made sense. Why Grandma died, but Grandpa was still living. I had just thought that he was the oldest man and luckiest man in the world. Now I know, he's not lucky or old, he's Immortal! Only two things about this bothered me. Dad and Morty. I had just found him, I couldn't lose him. I told her this and she said I will have the rest of our lives together. Just like her and dad did, and grandma and grandpa. She said Morty and dad will be elders before they die. Mom teared up while talking about dad dying. Just as I teared up thinking about Morty dying. We then hugged, and even though I wasn't shaking anymore, I still wasn't that happy about being a young adult.

We went home and started another round of paintings and sculptings. At least this time it makes sense to me. On Graduation Day, Morty and I went to City Hall. I was voted Valedictorian and had to speak in front of the entire school. I spoke with such eloquence and poise, the whole ground shook when they cheered for me. I was also voted most likely to fulfill my lifetime wish. I tried to get another ribbon, considering I had already done that, but they wouldn't give me another one. Morty was voted most popular. If I could have given him one, it would have been most handsome guy on the planet, but that doesn't exist yet. I called mom and told her we were going to the park. All of a sudden, the sky grew black as night even though it was the middle of the day. I told mom and she told me and him to get home quicker than now.

We got home, and huddled in the basement. I saw a flash of light so bright, it penatrated the ground. Then this horrific boom, and the basement walls started rattling. A few minutes later grandpa went to the surface, and told us it was ok to come out. He then ran to City Hall and there was a gigantic meteor lying on the ground, almost in the same spot where me and Morty had been standing. He picked up the rocks and brought them home. He laughed about arranging them in our yard. Now every time I look at them, I think how incredibly lucky we were that I had just called mom.

Morty and I went to the park like we planned before the meteor. I explained the rules to him the best I could. I made it very clear that if he married me, he would die while I live forever. At first he laughed about it, like I was telling a joke. I just looked at him with a straight face, because to me, this isn't funny. It's as real as life itself. When he finally realized I wasn't kidding, he was shocked. He asked if I was for real. I said yes. He thought about it, then looked at me and replied "I know what life is all about. You are born, you get older, you fall in love, get married grow old with the one you love, watch your kids grow up, then you die and are buried. I was born, I've grown up, I've fallen in love. Is your families rules going to change anything about the rest of my life as I've explained it?" I said "No, not for you. Only for me." He smiled and said "Ok! Sounds like my life is still the same as it was before we had this conversation!" I had to kiss him for that.

He is just so amazing! We watched the stars, and cuddled. It was so romantic. All these feeling were running through me. Next thing I know, I was on my knees infront of him, asking him to marry me. He said yes. I was so ecstatic. We went home and told mom, dad and grandpa. Then Morty said he had to go tell his aunt. After some trying to talk him out of it, I reluctantly said ok but told him to hurry back.

I'm not 100% sure what happened at Agnes's, but next thing I knew, she was calling me telling me that Morty had passed out and hit his head. I ran to her house, and by the time I got there he was standing there, rubbing his head. I went up and started talking to him. Something was very wrong though. He seemed to have amnesia. On the bright side, he recognized me and knew who I was. We went home, and on the way I called mom and told her. Once home, I walked in the gate and just stared at the wedding area mom and I had made while he was gone. I got tears in my eyes, thinking of my beloved Morty who doesn't even know his own name now. I heard mom talking to him, and hoped she could make sense of it for me. Suddenly, he walked off the property. I started crying.

Mom came to me, and told me everything was going to be ok, he didn't seem to have full-blown amnesia. He still had all his memories, he even told mom what I told him about our family, the only thing that was wrong was he thought his name was Henry Mitchell. She said he went to City Hall to change his name and would be back soon. I waited, growing more nervous as each minute passed. Soon, he comes strolling back into the yard, acting like he didn't have a care in the world. He walked over to where I was sitting, and sat down and grinned at me. That smile, was so Morty I started crying. He put his arms around me and said "Baby, it's ok. Let's get married please? I want to spend the rest of my life with you and don't want to wait another second to start our lives together." So I said yes.

We walked over to the arch, and called mom, dad and grandpa out.The wedding march started playing, and I took his hand. I said "Morty, I'm sorry baby let me start over." Wow that was embarrassing. Sorry. "Henry, I love you with all my heart. You are my one and only and I am so proud to become your wife." He took my hand and said "Paige, my darling. I love you so much, you are my everything, my world. I feel so honored to become a Halliwell. It feels like I am becoming something I was destined to be. I was destined to have the Halliwell name, and I was destined to be your husband." We then exchanged rings, and had our first kiss as husband and wife. I thought our first kiss was dynamic right? It was nothing compared to the first kiss after our wedding. We cut the cake, sat and enjoyed each others company. While we ate, mom and dad and even grandpa, was laughing like a herd of laughing llamas. I finally asked them what was so funny. They replied as one, "Nothing! Everything is perfect! We are so so proud of you baby girl!!" Then it hit me, the failed Dynasties, the never getting past the 3rd generation, they were just so relieved about it!!

We danced to an awesome song. Then we went to our room. As we gazed into each others eyes, life was so perfect. We tried for baby. Several times actually!! On the third or fourth try, a lullaby rang out.  I was basking in the warmth of my husbands arms when I heard mom, than grandpa holler.  They were literally yelling at the top of their lungs, "YES, YES, OH YES!!!" I reluctantly got out of bed to go see what was going on. Mom was first, I walked up to her and said "Mom, why are you and grandpa screaming? What's wrong?" She looked at me then and I swear her face looked about ready to break her smile was so huge. She responded "Nothing is wrong my child. Everything is perfect. Didn't you hear that lullaby? You are pregnant baby girl!! The curse of the Halliwell family is broken, the fourth generation is on the way!!"

Wow. I feel so overwhelmed. Not only am I married to the most awesome guy on the planet, I'm also pregnant, which means I have released the curse. I finally understood what family pride means. I'm so proud of us, what we have accomplished. We have done something none of our
ancestors were able to do. I bought my 2 properties. I named them Mornry's Pond and Paige's Fresh Produce. He might be Henry now, but there will always be some Morty in him, so I combined their names. Me and Henry both want a girl. Call me crazy, but I think that's what the watermelons I ate were for. Either that or I just wanted to taste there sweet goodness lol. I ate 10 whole ones. They were so delicious!! Me and Henry went on a date at the Bistro. Then to the pool. Then we came home because tonight, my dad turns into an elder.

My heart hurts when thinking about it, but I know I can't stop time, even though I want to. Knowing that me, mom and grandpa have the power to live forever is sad knowing we can only use it on ourselves. Oh well, life must go on. Dad was so proud of being a grandpa. He sculpted a pregnancy sculpture that was put in my room. Then mom asked if I could sculpt an extra one of dad. I get sad thinking about the reason for that, but I gladly did it, knowing I would do the same for Henry. I went into labor just as I completed it. The pain was intense and lasted many hours, during which time dad was really freaking out about it. I was thinking how weird it is, dad knew I was pregnant and was very happy, then started freaking when labor started. He should have known the pregnancy wouldn't last forever!!

Than as suddenly as it started, it was over. My beautiful daughter appeared in my arms. Her name is Phoebe Halliwell, and she is the fourth generation of this family. The entire family was happy to see her, but especially mom and grandpa. I reached level 10 of my career soon after, and felt relief knowing my list was going so well. I'm the only third generation Halliwell to make it and definitely don't want to fail now.

Mom had her elder birthday, but instead of getting sad over this one, I felt happy. I know she will never die. She says she has wrinkles and looks old, but I think she looks as young as ever. I heard her telling grandpa her list was complete, and wondered what would happen next. They both went into the kitchen and I heard them talking and laughing, they are both so excited. Mom had her first taste of the dish named Ambrosia and she said she had never eaten anything in her life that tasted as sweet and delicious. She then decided to relax in the hot tub. Enjoy it mom, you've earned it.

So, that's it. I'm taking over the updates, and I hope I'm as good as mom and grandpa were.

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The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #384 on: February 26, 2012, 09:57:25 PM »
What an awesome update!

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #385 on: February 26, 2012, 10:25:09 PM »
Thank you Judewright!

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #386 on: February 27, 2012, 12:02:18 AM »
Congratulations on your second Immortal and the birth of the 4th generation!  That's just so awesome.  Lovely introduction from Paige, too.
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Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #387 on: February 27, 2012, 03:34:58 PM »
Thank you so much Pam!


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #388 on: February 28, 2012, 10:32:31 AM »
That was really awesome Esther! Enjoy the clones challenge. ;D

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #389 on: February 28, 2012, 01:10:41 PM »
Awesome Esther! I'm so glad your game is behaving like it should now. Congratulations on the 2nd immortal & the 4th generation!! :)
I'm still deciding if I want to do the clones challenge.. It's so much work!