Author Topic: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!  (Read 84090 times)


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #345 on: February 10, 2012, 01:08:22 AM »
I'm so glad you could play again! Can't wait for a update! ;D

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #346 on: February 10, 2012, 01:30:20 AM »
Thanks Kattiq and Jeana! I could reinstall I suppose, just to be sure. I know I will need a new card. I was going to get it this month but repairing the problem where I couldn't turn it on was more important cause if I hadn't, the card would have been useless. I'll get it next month. Even though I hate uninstalling and reinstalling, especially since there is so many of them to do lol, I should just to be fair to him. Than I can say "Haha I knew it!!" LOL no, I wouldn't do that either. Thanks Louise! The wait is over!  ;D

Phew, I'm so glad that's over. We Halliwell's were so scared we were going to fail and have to start anew. We lost all power and had a total blackout for a few days. Thankfully though, the electric company was able to repair all the broken lines and reconnected us. After the power came back on, we found that we were still doing the normal things! Kelvin was busy sculpting.

I was busy painting.

Paige was busy sculpting.

Morty was busy looking intense as he paints.

And dad was busy talking to himself?!

Yeah, busy day haha. Dad also was busy taking care of his garden.

Than dad called the next chess competitor. It was Judy Bunch! As dad made the final move and beat her, she remarked that dad was the best chess player in the world. He smiled, he already knew that but doesn't like bragging!

Next up was Thornton Wolff. He actually beat dad the first time, but as you can see, dad thought he cheated which is very criminal and beat him the second time!

Thornton tried to pull off "It's because I have commitment issues!" but dad didn't get fooled for a second.

Dad came home and went to his room, looking at mom. But it was different this time, he had a smile on his face.

He went to the park and ran into a level 1 celebrity, Gunther Goth. Considering dad is a level 5 celebrity, it really wasn't a surprise when Gunther asked dad for his autograph!

Dad and him had a long conversation, considering they are both elders. An awesome thing happened, Paige recently became a level 5 celebrity, which caused her to fulfill her LTW!

She also sculpted a masterpiece coffee table in stone.

It is worth over $5,000! And it was the last one she had to sculpt to supermax sculpting. That's right, she's still a teenager and not only has she fulfilled her LTW, she also supermaxed her unique skill!! I'm so proud of her.

Dad went to the consignment store. While he was there, he was astonished by the beautiful vision in front of him.

Not only was she beautiful, she was gothic! Wearing that purple makeup, with the purple hair! Oh my! He knew one thing. She was married to his buddy Gunther. But, Gunther is an elder and not immortal. Only thing he wonders is, it's Morty's mom so he's not sure if when Morty marries Paige, will they still be able to do anything? I think she read his mind right than, because she got the most ferocious look on her face. Wow, that's freaky.

After he bought some stuff, he went over to her to talk. Dustin Langerak got too close or something because her hand went straight through him!

Paige turns into a YA later tonight. So this is her last day of school. Technically I know it's Morty's too. Even though he still has 9 days, I know he will turn older tonight so he can still be with his Paige.

Also, dad found a miner at the store. So since he's very limited on what he is allowed to do, he decided to try and find all the rocks by mining them. As long as he stays out of trouble and doesn't pick up any new skills, I don't care!

That's it for this time. I know you guys were worried about us when the power went out, so this is to let you all know, we are fine!! :D

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #347 on: February 10, 2012, 01:58:37 AM »
The first pic of Corny is beautiful, the second one is freaky lol! Paige is a awesome sim! Great update.  ;D

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #348 on: February 10, 2012, 02:55:26 AM »
Thank you! I know, I'm thinking about updating my forum avatar with the first one! Yeah and it's even more funny because I was thinking about getting them together after Gunther dies, looked over at her and she was doing that face, thinking of Wyatt. It gets scary when your sims knows what you're thinking hehe. She is! She's only almost a young adult and already has the biggest items on her checklist done! It was so good to play them again!!


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #349 on: February 10, 2012, 06:03:16 AM »
Awesome new avatar Esther! ;D

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #350 on: February 10, 2012, 02:58:31 PM »
Thanks Louise!   8)

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #351 on: February 15, 2012, 07:56:11 AM »
Well, it's time. Time for my baby to become a full-grown young adult. I'm happy and sad all at the same time. Morty teleported into her room to help her celebrate. He's a fabulous guy!

And there is my baby all grown up. She looks so beautiful!!

Just as I thought. Morty also entered young adulthood right after Paige.

Here is a pic of them together after aging up. They are a cute couple!!

I know dad took me out to eat to tell me about the Dynasty, but I thought I would take Paige to the place where she would understand all the sacrifices that needed to be made.

That's right, the graveyard. Yes, we like focusing on all the fun stuff and try to block out the bad, but she has to realize the bad still exists. I told her exactly what she needed to do, and what she would inevitably have to give up: the man she loves. We had a long talk out there by mom's grave. Yes it was rough telling her everything. I think the hardest part of the whole conversation was talking about the death of her father, my husband and best friend, Kelvin. Knowing he's going to die makes me feel like crying, but it has to be done to complete the Dynasty. She cried a little, I cried a little than we hugged. The best part of the conversation was wrapping my arms around my little girl and feeling her hug me back.

She than mourned her grandma. That wasn't what mom looked like, but of course the move messed that up so that's the story on that.

We than went back home. She posed for me to paint her portrait.

And for Kelvin to sculpt her.

Look at her face while she was being sculpted! I know it's alot for her to take in right now, I hope she's going to be ok.

Her things were than put into her museum.

I painted Morty's YA portrait but don't seem to have that pic ??? and Kelvin sculpted his YA sculpture.

These were placed in his museum.

Than, it's graduation day! They had a double graduation!!

Paige was Valedictorian and voted Most likely to fulfill her LTW which I find hilarious considering she still has the moodlet from doing that! Morty was voted most popular! She called me after graduation and told me her and Morty were going to the park to hang out. All of a sudden, while we were talking, she said the sky got really dark. As soon as she told me that, I told them to come home instantly. I also yelled at dad who was in the yard mining to get into the basement. I had heard about that, and wanted to take no chances with my families lives. As we all stood in the basement, this flash of light shot down from the sky over City Hall where Paige and Morty had been.

Than this great big ball of fire!!

After the noise died down, and the fires were out, dad decided to go collect the rocks that were left.

Thankfully, even though a few people were singed, no one was killed. Dad got 1 gigantic space rock, 2 tiny ones and a large one. He analyzed them and they were worth $3,104, $8, $18 and $141. We of course don't need the money, so he arranged them in the front yard. I think they look awesome!

That's it for this time. Next time, a certain question is popped.  ;)

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #352 on: February 15, 2012, 09:04:15 AM »
Happy birthday Paige and Morty! The museums look great. A meteor can be scary, I'm glad no one was hurt! Great update. ;D

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #353 on: February 15, 2012, 10:12:10 PM »
Thanks Louise! Yes it was pretty scary. I had them teleport to the basement and made sure they were safe before I went to watch the fireworks lol. I wasn't 100% sure where it was going to land and took no chances with them. Various bugs I can't control have made me restart, but something like that when I can keep them out of harms way, there is no way that's gonna get them!!

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #354 on: February 18, 2012, 10:35:32 AM »
Gosh, I miss teleporting! I only did it once when Donovan was stuck in an odd place.
I know how Paige feels though, If I had to lose Morty like that I'd be pretty sad too!

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #355 on: February 19, 2012, 03:42:50 PM »
Thanks Kattiq! Yeah funny thing is, I've been practicing for the clone war and at times I almost forgot about it. ??? Thankfully I remembered in time to get them home lol. Me too, Morty is awesome and I've been depressed each of the 4 times he died and this time will probably be worse as he will be an actual Halliwell this time.  :'(

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #356 on: February 20, 2012, 02:29:45 PM »
I've woke up thinking about the sims before, but this is the first time I woke up and sat straight up lol. I had a thought that horrified me, but I think I've found a way to fix it. Remember last Dynasty where all the ones that had bf/gf or wife/husband had there significant others names changed? Well, Paige got married in season 8. So Morty's name has to be changed to Henry. I thought about it and figured out the perfect way to do it, so I've got the pics of the proposal and stuff, but I have to play again before I post them so I can do what I'm thinking to change his name. I've got to take care of my farm on fb and stuff before I open the game though.

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #357 on: February 20, 2012, 07:15:02 PM »
I warned Paige to tell Morty about the Dynasty before they got married. So she did, she took him to the park and they sat on the bench and had a long conversation about it. He said he understood the rules and wanted to marry her anyways! That earned him a big kiss!!

Than they watched the stars together. There were paparazzi around, but they didn't get in the way!

Than Paige asked him the question she had been wanting to ever since they aged up. Will you marry me? He said yes!!

They came home and told us, we are so excited! Here they are in their formal clothes. The dress she is wearing was given to her by Rachel.
(Actually I've had this dress for awhile now, and I forget what attempt I was on at the time lol but Rachel said she would love to see this worn by a Halliwell at their wedding. Well here you go Rachel! Better late than never right? ;D)

Right in the middle of all the wedding planning, Morty said he had to go see his aunt Agnes and tell her. We tried to tell him it would be in the paper, but he insisted. Paige told him "Ok, just hurry home!"

While he was there, don't ask me why, but he decided to mourn his uncle Erik.

Well, Erik popped out just than and scared poor Morty.

He ended up falling backwards, and hitting his head on one of the rocks.

As soon as Agnes saw him, she called us. Paige raced over there, and by the time she got there, he was standing there looking confused. She went up and said "Morty, baby are you ok?" He said "I'm fine, but don't call me Morty." She asked why of course. He looked at her and said "Because! That is not my name, and when you call me that I think you want someone else." By this time, Paige was so confused she didn't know what was going on. So she just stroked his cheek and said "Let's go home."

When they got home I went up to him and said "Ok Mortimer, you tell me what is going on this instant!!" He looked at me and said "Mom, why is everyone calling me that name? I have all my memories, I know what is going on, but that isn't my name!" I said "Ok sweetie, what is your name?" He looked at me and said "My name is and always has been Henry Mitchell. I have no clue who this Morty or Mortimer is!!" Really, now what can I do about this?? Well, he has all his memories except for his name, he loves my daughter and wants to marry her. So, I accept his responses, except I did ask him about his birth certificate that clearly says his name is Mortimer Goth. Guess what he did? Went to City Hall and got his name changed!! ::)

Once he got home, he looked over at all the wedding stuff than looked at Paige and said "Let's get married darling!" So I'm confused yet proud to show you the wedding of Henry Mitchell and Paige Halliwell!

After the wedding, cake and dancing, they went to their room to spend some alone time.

I am so beyond happy, amazed, shocked and thrilled to inform you guys that generation 4 is on the way!!! Also, as every other generation before them, Here is Mr. and Mrs. Paige Halliwell's dance.
Guys, I have to admit, I cried at this wedding. I've never ever gotten the 3rd generation married, and never had the 4th generation on the way before. I'm so overwhelmed right now. Also, how I got those pics of Morty passed out and stuff was funny. I'll tell ya if ya wanna know, otherwise it's my secret haha.


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #358 on: February 21, 2012, 08:06:03 AM »
Congrats with the wedding! Can't wait for the nooboo. Yes tell us how did it happen that Morty I mean Henry lol, pass out with needs static. :P

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #359 on: February 21, 2012, 05:16:22 PM »
Thanks Louise! I can't either. Normally I don't play them every day, but I'm so excited I'm getting ready to play some more! This is the farthest I've ever gotten!!

Lol I was hoping someone would ask! I started the Halliwell file, saved Morty to the bin. Than I went to the main menu and started a new game so I wasn't hurting an actual Halliwell, merged the new Morty in with Agnes, had him mourn Erik. Unfortunately he stood there for like 2 sim days waiting on him and he actually never did pop out, so I took Morty to the graveyard (notice the different scene in which he is saying "Ah a ghost?"  ;D) After I got that reaction, I took him back to Agnes's. Made needs dynamic, dragged the energy bar to the red, waited until he hit the ground. After he was passed out, I turned on moveobjects on, and moved him to where the rock was at his head, like he fell and hit his head! After I got those pictures, I went back to the Halliwell's and teleported Morty Henry and Paige to Agnes's for the last picture!

I had alot of fun with it!!  ;D