Thanks Louise. After many days and too many pills to count, I feel better. My nose still hurts and is still running, but thankfully I've stopped sneezing and coughing. I'm sorry it took so long, I wanted to have this up before now. Hopefully it was worth the wait.I'm sure you guys heard, Betty has passed on. But that is not the focus of this update. This is about life and love. Paige met this boy named Mortimer. We all call him Morty though.
She invited him over to the house and asked him to move in. He agreed.
Betty painted his child portrait.
While Kelvin sculpted his child sculpture.
He than had his teen birthday.
Betty painted his teen portrait.
Kelvin sculpted his teen sculpture.
In between this though, Paige sculpted her 25th ice sculpture. So her 26th was her dad.
It was put into his museum.
Morty's things were put into his museum in his favorite color, black.
Dad tutored Morty real quick so he'd start high school with an A.
Than Morty disappeared into the basement. I heard Paige giggling, and peeked in on them. They were flirting, and holding hands.
As I watched, my baby girl got her first kiss!!
Paige also asked him to be her boyfriend, so my baby is no longer single!!
Aww. I remember the feeling, but I was older. How sweet is young love?
When we lost mom, we still had me and Betty as painters, but now that we've lost Betty too, I was concerned about who would paint my elder portrait. Morty stepped into the void perfectly!!
After his first skill point, he went to get a job but it was after curfew, and since none of us wanted him getting busted, dad went with him.
The only thing Paige has to do to supermax sculpting is sculpt 5 of each material. She started on metal, and caught her rear on fire. I know, it's not funny but I caught myself snickering even as I clicked to put it out.
That's it for this time. Next time, Betty joins Jon and Laurel across the street and in the after life.