Author Topic: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!  (Read 84105 times)

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #285 on: January 04, 2012, 01:38:38 AM »
They're alive!!
Happy Birthday Paige.. And try not to wreck your car too much. It's rather nice :P

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #286 on: January 04, 2012, 06:18:43 PM »
Thanks Juxt, Louise and Kattiq! The kitties don't die, just get merged with Betty's sister lol. I know, thankfully I was able to snap that picture, I was laughing so hard I almost missed it.  ;D Yes, the car is awesome, but I just remembered I left it sitting in Riverview. Ah well, not going back to get it!!  ;D

Dad seems to be taking mom's death really really bad. He just stands in the yard for hours, crying over her.

We all love our cats, but maybe it's best for everyone if they are not here right now. It's not their looks, because everything is beautiful in it's own way. It's mainly the lagging that made us decide to give them to Betty's sister Martha. First, we saved them so when we get better graphics, they can come back to us. Than I gave Decker a big hug and kiss.

Next was Kit.

And lastly, Precious. She by far was the hardest to let go of. But, it's for the Dynasty.

A friend of Paige's came home from school with her. His name is Angel Britt. All dad could talk about was mom. I'm really starting to worry about him.

It was time for dad's Ambrosia again, so he got it from the replicator and ate it.

This is the second time he's eaten it. Than he went to his and mom's room and stood for many hours staring at her pictures.

I can't take this anymore. Yes, I miss mom too but it has hit dad the worst. I know you guys remember Agnes Crumplebottom right? The one that helped dad out in the beginning? I was online talking to her tonight.

She told me a change of scenery might do all of us a world of good. She suggested moving to Sunset Valley and meeting new people. I thought long and hard about it. Dad is obviously gettting worse instead of better. Riverview holds nothing but bad memories for him. He cries for hours upon end, he doesn't eat anything, he never sleeps. So, I think we are going to do it. We're leaving Riverview behind. I tried to talk to dad about it, but he just muttered something about llamas coming to get him, so my impression is the sooner the better. I told everyone to take only what they needed and leave everything else behind. As we walked out of the house for the last time, I felt peace wash over me. We were going to make it, we're gonna be ok.

Next stop, Sunset Valley!

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Offline Juxtaposition

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #287 on: January 04, 2012, 06:42:48 PM »
Ah, I'm glad that the kitties just went to go live somewhere else, and may someday be back.

Great Update, I love the family lined up in front of the limo, and I can't wait for their new adventures in Sunset Valley, farewell Riverview!
You can call me Juxt

De D'Onlyn Dynasty
where the party never ends.

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #288 on: January 05, 2012, 12:22:04 AM »
Wow. No offense but those kitties didn't look too good :( I hope you can get a new graphics card soon!
I played Sunset Valley the other day, it was so weird! I guess I just got so used to Appaloosa Plains it was hard to go back to the first world. :P


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #289 on: January 05, 2012, 06:06:23 AM »
Very clever way to move them to Sunset Valley! Can't wait for next update. I love Sunset Valley. ;D

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #290 on: January 06, 2012, 01:47:05 PM »
Thanks Juxt, Kattiq and Louise! Yes the cats will definitely be back as soon as I get my new GC. At the time I did it, I hadn't thought of moving them so I was kinda afraid they would be dead of old age before I could get them back, but now that they totally moved, I'll have to use CAH to re-create them and they will still be adults! None taken Kattiq, scarily they don't look that bad to me. When I get done posting this, I'll find the picture of my horse and send you a PM.  ;D I hope I do too!! SV is my favorite as far as Corny, Morty and Chris but in looks UC has beat SV for me! I do too! I really was more upset than them about Laurel, but with the lagging and not being able to stop it no matter what I did, I decided to move them, and it was at the perfect moment to capture those pics and say they moved to start fresh after she died.  ;D

The fun part of moving is being able to build the house again. Also, since we had over 3 million dollars, we were able to do it right away and not have to build room by room the way dad did the first time. There was a few negative things that came from moving, and one is the sculptures are no longer able to be clicked on and see what they say. But, so far I think I got them in the right rooms. Museums are first! Here is dad's.



Jon's. Another negative was the painting he was painting dissappeared. :'(

Mom's. Same with her last painting.



Than for the next floor up, Betty's bedroom. Yes it's smaller this time. Notice the different colors? I'm trying my hand at redecorating while sticking to a few certain colors. Let me know how it works out!! This room is only used for the picture.

Here is part one of the bathroom.

And part 2. Notice the lovely things and gadgets? Plus you can never have too many mirrors in the house. The only use for this room, is the lovely picture it took.

Our living room. We never go in here either.

Our kitchen. Used for making and eating Ambrosia and maybe homework.

Dad's room. He gets his own private bathroom. I loved the idea, and he does too, even though he never uses it except for the computer.

Mine and Kelvin's room. The only time this will be used is changing clothes or hairstyles and using the computer.

Paige's bedroom. Used for the same thing as mine.

Remember how in Riverview I painted outside? Well, I built myself a little room in the basement. Here is mine and Betty's painting studios. Since this was taken, we have used it and had to remove a few easels that were previously unreachable but it's basically the same.

Paige's sculpting studio.

And last but not least, Kelvin's sculpting studio.

I love the new house, and SV air is really agreeing with dad. He's becoming more like his old self. I think this was an awesome idea!


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #291 on: January 06, 2012, 03:10:30 PM »
The house look great! Sorry about the paintings. It is clever to put all the skill stuff in the basement, you will have no problem with speed3 down there! How does your game behave in Sunsety valley?

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Offline kattiq

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #292 on: January 06, 2012, 10:45:55 PM »
I love how all of your color schemes are so VIBRANT. It's awesome!
The museums are cool too, I haven't even began one in mine because I don't want my game to lag anymore than it has too!

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #293 on: January 07, 2012, 10:28:47 PM »
Thanks Louise and Kattiq! It's ok, I mean I was sad to see the last paintings gone, but at least I got the sculptures back. They are non-clickable but at least they are there. Speed 3 is awesome! Other than a few oddities, and some minor lag the game is doing great in SV! This move was the best thing that could have happened to them. When I started out in Riverview, I wanted a different scene from the previous 4 attempts and they made it several months there so I'm happy with it.

Thanks! I'm sticking with the few basic colors but I'm also mixing up the textures. I'm glad it's working so well!! The museums are cool and I hope they don't cause lag, but they are necessary and I'll send good thoughts to your game to keep the lag away when you build yours!

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #294 on: January 08, 2012, 12:07:47 AM »
Thanks! I'm sticking with the few basic colors but I'm also mixing up the textures. I'm glad it's working so well!! The museums are cool and I hope they don't cause lag, but they are necessary and I'll send good thoughts to your game to keep the lag away when you build yours!

I appreciate it! I built an awesome house for them all but I'm afraid I might have to downsize again and move them all to the basement if things get too ridiculous! I hate waiting, and having lag so I'll do pretty much anything to keep it from happening!

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #295 on: January 08, 2012, 01:01:29 AM »
I know what you mean. I was just about to give up on them until I thought of moving them. Lagging is one thing I can't tolerate. Thankfully though that seems to be behind them!! Hopefully yours will not lag!

When we got to Sunst Valley, one of the first things that happened was Alma Tanti, our new mail woman asked dad for his autograph.

Than he re-planted his garden. It's not half as big as it was though. The only things he planted was money trees, watermelon and life fruit.

Even though Paige had an A in Riverview and was on the honor roll, they must have messed up her papers when she transferred because she only had a C, so dad had to re-tutor her, if that's a word lol.

We were also the owners of 0 properties which freaked dad out, so he ran to his room and got on the computer and bought Hogan's deep-fried Diner and changed the name to Wyatt's Diner and he also bought one of the fishing spots and re-named it Laurel's Park.

He remembered mom wanted her grandkids and great-grandkids to be able to go there and have fun, so here is a picture of it fully upgraded. Notice all the child-friendly things?

Kelvin sculpted an ice unicorn and put it in dad's room, he said "I know it's not Cashew, but it's the best I can do right now."

We moved the park across the street and made it a graveyard instead. Here is Jon and mom's graves.

Dad started using the hot tub again. He's so happy here! We all are actually!

Paige comes home and does her homework in the kitchen.

Remember I said some negatives happened by moving? Another of those negatives, well I don't know if it's a negative or humorous cause this made me laugh. My "mother" is Queenie Landgraab. Kelvin was putting out the nectar racks, and found mom's. Check it out hehe.

Last one tonight is a funny look at dad's stats. "Queenie" and dad were together for 63 years haha.


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #296 on: January 08, 2012, 02:44:00 AM »
It is so weird that the game choose a new wife for Wyatt! The upgraded waterfall look awesome a real paridise for kids. I'm very glad you can enjoy playing your dynasty again! ;D

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #297 on: January 08, 2012, 02:47:59 AM »
Thanks Louise! Yes, it is weird yet funny lol. No matter who the game says is Pam's mom, we know the truth!! That's what I was hoping for, so thank you! Me too, I admit I was getting bored because of the lagging and plus doing the same thing over and over isn't fun, but I've got a renewed fun in them now!  ;D


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #298 on: January 08, 2012, 02:52:08 AM »
That is great Esther! Lagging can realy suck the fun out off playing. ;)

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #299 on: January 08, 2012, 11:59:56 AM »
Haha, man Wyatt gets around eh? Just kidding! That's so funny that the game would actually do something like that.
I'm glad everything is (mostly) working out like it used too back in Riverview!

