Author Topic: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!  (Read 84073 times)

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #195 on: November 15, 2011, 07:52:25 PM »
Dad bought a hot tub some years ago, so he was enjoying that one.

Than he decided to buy a better one. After it was delivered, Betty decided to make it unbreakable before he used it the first time. We are expecting 8 immortals to use it after all!!

Right now it's kinda boring, even for me. Kelvin sculpts. He's attempting to get non-melting ice sculptures!! Since this pic, he has reached level 10!

Jon paints. 

Mom paints.

I paint while Paige lays in her crib.

An awesome thing did happen. Betty achieved her LTW! She wanted to be a Renaissance Sim and max 3 skills. She had already maxed Fishing, Handiness and than Cooking sealed the deal for her!!

My darling husband sculpted an urn in stone. It was his very first masterpiece!!

He put it in our room. I asked him why in the world he would sculpt a morbid object like an urn. His response made my eyes fill with happy/sad tears. He said "Well babe, I'm gonna die. I've sculpted this urn so I will always be near you. What better place to put it than our bedroom?" Isn't he so sweet?

One of the pets Precious caught died. It's probably because we keep forgetting to feed them lol. It would be really awesome if they were like my family. We never have to eat or sleep!! It was a chipmunk, and dad mourned it even though we aren't really close with them. Just our 2 cats and each other!

Precious started fishing the other day. She also caught a deathfish! I'm so proud of her!!

Decker had his adult birthday too.

We decided that it would be awesome if Precious and Decker had babies. Even though they are best friends, that option just wouldn't come up, so I did what daddy did when he had a problem he couldn't find a solution to. Went to Carl and Pam's Forum. I found out we need a doghouse for them, and even though they are not dogs, next time I will buy one for them lol.

Several of our gnomes have died. Weird thing is, I know for a fact dad named every gnome on the lot. Some of them have the names he gave them, but a couple of them just say "Here lies Mr. Mysterious Gnome." So I'm not sure if a couple came onto the lot without his knowledge, or if they lost their names upon death.

Even after the ones that have died, we still have a bunch of live ones!! Uh yeah that's my old homework still lying on the table. Wonder if I could give it to Paige lol.

Oh, by the way I forgot to get a pic of it, but Kelvin fulfilled his LTW of Swimming in cash the first day he was in the family. I'm so proud of him!!That's it for this time. Enjoy!


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #196 on: November 16, 2011, 03:03:14 AM »
You know how to keep your sims busy! That is a lot of paintings. Congrats on Betty and Kelvin fulfil their lifetime wishes! That is still a lot if gnomes! I got a horse a dog gnome, but never one for cats if you get one please tell me how you get it. I hope there is someting like a cat gnome lol! Good luck with the kittens!

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Offline Sophie98

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #197 on: November 16, 2011, 01:08:03 PM »
Welcome Paige! Yay, she's green! Pam's doing well with her requirements.
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Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #198 on: November 16, 2011, 02:32:24 PM »
Thanks loveSims and Sophie! Yes I love painting! It's easy and keeps them busy for hours.  ;D Plus the money is awesome too lol. In one of my games in AP, I got alot of horse gnomes because I had horses, but I've never seen a dog or cat one. Maybe they are in buydebug? Thanks, I can't wait to play again so I can get started on the kittens!! Yes she is beautifully green!  :D Yes she is. The only thing she has left is 2 ops, 6 best friends and her adult and elder portraits. Well, technically she has more than 6 bf's right now, but I like to wait until they are getting ready to eat Ambrosia to write them down cause I've had a few die on me, so it's easier on all of us.

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #199 on: November 18, 2011, 02:15:46 AM »
Esther's words:
I played for several hours tonight, but I really don't feel up to telling everything that happened. Paige had her birthday, and Jon died. Really really bummed right now, hope you understand.

What can I say about Jon Lessen? He was an awesome mortal. Let's celebrate his life. I just realized some of these pics are outdated. Like the ones of mom and dad hugging him are when they were still adults. Ah well, we loved him very very much.

Now that those are done, we have the very last picture of Jon alive.

He was an amazing painter. Over the course of his long life, he painted a total of 188 paintings, of which 40 of those were brilliant, and 45 of them were masterpieces. His most expensive painting he sold was worth $8,952 and it was of average quality. He made a total of $460,845 painting. He was level 10 in cooking and painting, level 7 in guitar, level 2 in charisma and level 1 in nectar making. His traits were Over-Emotional, Workaholic, Ambitious, Virtuoso and Artistic. Not only was he level 10 in his career as a painter when he died, he had also reached level 10 in the culinary career. Ok, now I suppose these need to be seen, but I really don't feel like saying anything about the pictures. Normally dad and now I would explain what was going on, but you guys are very smart.

R.I.P Jon Lessen
104 years old

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #200 on: November 18, 2011, 02:34:51 AM »

Sorry I'm so late with this.  I had Facebook do the same thing to me with one of my videos.  I figured I had something playing on my Custom Music that they felt violated some kind of copyright.  I haven't tried to counter it or upload the video again.

Also, on that really long post with no pictures, would you mind putting in some paragraph breaks.  The super long paragraphs are really hard to read for some people.  Thanks much!
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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #201 on: November 18, 2011, 02:42:36 AM »
Pam, I did have custom music in the video, but I countered it and they put it back up. Also, the one of Pam's update? How do I do that? Hope I'm not being crazy but I've never put a paragraph break in before.
EDIT: I did what Pam asked and hopefully it's easier to read now!

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #202 on: November 18, 2011, 04:57:49 AM »
Its ok to be sad if one of your sims die. Jon was a great sim look at allb those paintings! I hope Grim haven't zap him I hate when it happen. Rip Jon :(

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #203 on: November 18, 2011, 05:03:48 AM »
Thanks loveSims. Yeah he was awesome. I would normally have taken care of his gravestone, but I was so bummed, I just put it in the chest with all his masterpieces. No, Grim didn't slap him thankfully. He just stood there looking at him while he was begging, than Jon jumped into his urn.  :'(


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #204 on: November 18, 2011, 08:40:06 AM »
That's good. I hate it when they beg and he slap them! Put his grave ouside then he can have a good time with the sim nubb and computer!

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #205 on: November 18, 2011, 06:29:32 PM »
I do too. They are already dying, why insult them worse by slapping them? When I feel up to playing for real and not just trying to fix the breeding, I'm going to make a cemetery for the mortal's of the family.

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #206 on: November 20, 2011, 01:34:26 AM »
Dad asked me to add this pic in here. It's of him and Paige!

My baby girl had her toddler birthday! Happy birthday sweet baby!

She has the Halliwell hair and mine and dad's eyes!

Mom chose to paint her portrait.  

I taught her to stand up and walk like a big girl.

And than I taught her to talk. We discussed how grandpa one day was going to make a medicine that would save grandma.

Than I also taught her to potty like a big girl!

Doesn't she look like her mommy?

Here is Paige's museum!

Betty learned the Ambrosia recipe. Too bad we can't use it on everyone we love. Especially Jon, I could have saved him you know.

Betty also started painting.

She joined the painter career.  

That's it this time. Next time, does Kelvin get non-melting sculptures in time or does Jon die before he gets them?
Esther's words:
I told you guys I played several hours that night right? Well, I haven't opened the game again but figured I'd post some of the picture. Plus, we have future knowledge. Because at this moment, Jon hasn't died so she really wouldn't have said that, but I figured it was a nice touch.


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #207 on: November 20, 2011, 04:02:29 AM »
Paige is so cute! Keep Kelvin glued at the scupting station lol! ;D

Offline Esther1981

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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #208 on: November 21, 2011, 10:38:25 PM »
Thanks loveSims! Yes she is! And he was!!  ;D

I haven't told Paige about the Dynasty. Of course, she's only a toddler so she wouldn't understand. She loves watching mommy paint and that's cool as long as she doesn't want to follow her mom's footsteps like I did!

Kelvin redesigned Kelvin's Dog Park (KDP). Here is the bathrooms.

And the rest of it. It's now fully upgraded!

This picture is a little painful to look at now, but Kelvin got his 25 ice sculptures done, so his 26th was Jon.

It was put in his room.

He also did mom's.

Which was also put in her room.

Than it was dad's turn.

Than Betty.

When it came to my turn, I was posing and heard the most awful, numbing noise in the world. Grim came to take Jon away from us. I hate him for reminding me that mom is getting older every day and I can't save her anymore than I could save Jon. Well, I could. I do have the power, but dad said I could only use it on him. I stood by helplessly and watched Grim take him. I'm so sorry Jon.

Than it was Paige's turn. I know Kelvin, my love. I miss him too.

I'm sure you guys heard about the issue where Precious wouldn't have kittens right? Well, it felt like we were dragged into an alternate reality for a little while. While in this alternate universe, I found a cat gnome. This next pic is for loveSims! I also wanted to let her know, she can find one in buydebug!

Last thing tonight, I specifically told the cat shelter I wanted a girl cat. I even picked her out. Well, the shelter made a horrible mistake and gave me a male. After many, many hours of trying to figure out why they wouldn't breed, and several embarrassing posts on Carl and Pam's Forums, I took Precious to the CAS doctor and he was kind enough to make her a girl for me. He also made her younger! Before the surgery she had 9 days until she turned into an elder and after the surgery, she now has 23 days! Also, as soon as she came home, her and Decker were able to try for kittens. Last pic is right after the chimes rang out. So, we have kittens on the way! I know Decker. I still miss him as well.

Hopefully in a few days the pain will fade, but our memories of him will never die.

Esther's words:
I'm going out of town tomorrow for a few days and won't be back til Thursday. Hopefully by that time I'll be over it and can open the game. Plus, I know I have kittens to look forward too!! Weird looking ones at that!  ;D


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Re: The Halliwell Dynasty 5. Practice makes perfect!
« Reply #209 on: November 22, 2011, 02:37:06 AM »
I'm glad Kelvin have time to sculpt Jon. The cat gnome is cute! Will cheat and get one I'm allso a big cheater lol! The kittens will be cute how can kittens not be cute? I love cats :D

