I know I should be tracking interest by the view count, but it's still disheartening when I post three "chapters" in my dynasty over the course of about a week and get a grand total of one comment - and that's happened twice. There have been a couple times when I've been about ready to give up posting the story and just put up the museum pic when I finish.
The thing is, the view counter just says someone looked at the page - and some of them are me referring back to what I've written previously. There's no feedback there that I find useful - I don't know who's reading, or even how many different people, and I don't know what they think about it. And I'm my own worst critic - if you ask me, my story is stupid and cliched and not living up to the grand vision I had when I started out, plus, my screenshots are uniformly awful, so I'm just wasting bandwidth and server space posting it at all, and obviously nobody is commenting because they have nothing nice to say. Unless someone occasionally pops up and says "Nice job, Cathy, keep it up," or asks a question, or gives some other sign that they're reading, I've got no reason to disbelieve my own opinion...
...that said, I can see the logic behind the "no frivolous comments" policy, and I don't comment much myself because pretty much everything I have to say is frivolous.