Chapter one A Goode heart these days is hard to find.
Voice:Well hello there Hebe how are you.
Hebe:Why did you put me in the dark place.
Voice:What dark place?
Hebe:The place where we go when you don't play us.
Voice:Do you mean the family bin.
Hebe:Yes,why do you think I am always rummaging in the trash.
Voice:Well to be honest I never...
Hebe:I look for them all in there all those Sims with no home,no story,no life.
Voice:Well never mind that you are going to be in another story.
Voice:Well what do you think of the new you.
Hebe:I don't own a mirror so I wouldn't know.Hold on a minute how did you change my hair and clothes without a dresser or mirror.
Voice:(cough)The create a Sim cheat.
Hebe:Ooh are you allowed to do that Metro will tell you off.
Voice:How do you know about Metro.
Hebe:The amount of Sims that end up in the bin when all those dynasties fail or get completed they all know about him.
Voice:Anyway Metro can't tell me off he didn't make up the legacy rules.
Hebe:O.k do you want me to ring Thornton up and get this thing rolling.
Voice:No your not marrying Thornton.
Hebe:What do you mean I am not marrying Thornton.
Voice:Wrong town,plus he is rich and legacy spouse are not allowed to be rich.
Hebe:Oh now you follow the rules. So who am I marrying?
Voice:Goodwin Goode. But first we have to find him.
Hebe:Excuse me could you tell me where a Mr Goode lives please.
Hebe:Yeah that was helpful and people say I am insane.
Hebe:(Giggle) do you want to get married and have babies.
Goodwin:Yeah,why not.
Voice:I now declare you husband and Wife.
Goodwin:Did you hear that!
Hebe:Just go along with whatever she says or she will send us back to the bin.
Voice:Be nice Hebe,welcome to the family Goodwin.
Authors note: there will be lots of conversation in this story this is the way I tend to write in stories involving Hebe it just seems to work for her.