When we last left our family, Isaac took a solo teen vacation to China where he tried to convince the locals to switch from Visa to MasterCard.
We begin this chapter with Ethan's adult birthday party. The Frohmen have now come to the realization that the only time the guests care about someone's birthday is if Ethan is the one that throws the party. If David does it, only the family members care. If Isaac does it, he goes overboard with the guests and invites Grim.
Ethan: I really don't have a wish so I'm just going to blow out the candles.
Maricela: Wish for Isaac to know what sarcasm is when I say yes to ridiculous questions.
Ethan: That was your fault.
During the party, Ethan pulled his wife to the side.
Ethan: Hey listen, you know how you've begun sculpting us whenever Isaac and I grow older?
Maricela: Yeah.
Ethan: How would you feel if I asked you to start painting me? Bebe's gone and we need a replacement.
Maricela: Can't you paint yourself?
Ethan: Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a good shot of yourself when you're holding your cell phone in front of you?
Maricela: What if I held your phone, took the photo, then gave you your phone?
Ethan: Impossible, our cell phones are surgically attached to our bodies. Why, you couldn't even get rid of yours even if you tried.
Maricela: How important is it that I paint a portrait of you? On a scale of one to ten?
Ethan: Fifteen.
Maricela: I'll do it if we move out of this house.
Ethan: How about this, if you paint me now and as an elder, I'll give you something really good.
Maricela: ...fine.
[Author's note: I bought another Midlife Crisis for Maricela, ditching Nuturing and Lucky for Artistic and Perfectionist. I also had enough happiness to buy her Extra Creative.]
Isaac: Hey mom, can I go back to China? I just have to convince this one last local to switch to a credit card company not named VISA.
Maricela: Not this time.
Isaac: It'll spite dad for making you do this.
Maricela: Tell you what, if you buy me a vacation home in China so I can move out. You can go.
Isaac: Deal.
Isaac: I hope that boulder smashing offer is still good.
Maricela: What did you say?
Isaac: Bye mom.
Isaac: Now the lady said I had to put this thing inside and the way to smashing boulders would open.
Isaac: An axe? That's the secret to smashing boulders? An axe? Well at least it's not a phone call to VISA.
Isaac: That was easy. Just a bunch of steam traps that only exist to minorly annoy me.
Pangu's Axe: Adventurer...
Isaac: This axe can talk?
Pangu's Axe: Listen closely, the woman who sent you to retrieve me wants to keep me for herself. You were promised something good, were you not?
Isaac: I was told I'd learn to smash boulders.
Pangu's Axe: That is a lie, when you return me, she will call VISA and tell them that you pay your credit card bills.
Isaac: Already happened.
Pangu's Axe: She will call VISA and tell them that you are not in debt.
Isaac: That too.
Pangu's Axe: Did you try cancelling your VISA account?
Isaac: Yes, another guy called them saying that I never did and that I was awesome.
Pangu's Axe: You poor soul... don't turn me in. Keep me, run for it.
Isaac: I have a better idea.
Isaac: I'm back and uh... I found the secret to smashing boulders, which is an axe. However... on the way back, I was ambushed by a bunch of ninjas who wanted the axe. They threw a bunch of boulders at me because they were really strong but I smashed those rocks to pieces thanks to that axe. Afterwards, I got abducted by an army of space cow plants who all wanted me to demonstrate the axe's boulder smashing capabilities. After I secured intergalactic peace for the next three million years, this mythical dragon that breathes thunder then stole the axe and I had to chase it down until eventually some guy sold it at a thrift store for ten bucks.
Maya: I buy boulder smasher at thrift shop for ten bucks?
Isaac: Uh... yeah, can I have my reward now? (I cannot believe she bought it.)
Maya: I call VISA and tell them you intergalactic hero.
Isaac: Great! I'll just get going now. (That axe was right!)
Back at the base camp
Isaac: Hello?
??: Hello, this is VISA, we're looking for an Isaac Frohman.
Isaac: Speaking.
VISA: We have received numerous reports that you can pay your credit card bills, are not in debt, are awesome, and even an intergalactic hero. We at VISA have given you permission to max out your credit card in China and purchase a vacation home in China.
Isaac: Oh that's great because I need to buy a vacation home for my mother.
VISA: Unfortunately, there is an age requirement to buy residential lots in foreign countries. You must be a young adult or older.
Isaac: That's a shame, I have a million dollars burning a hole in my pocket. (Mom's not going to be happy...)
VISA: We are very sorry that you cannot get in trouble with your parents for causing a family financial crisis.
There's nothing left for Isaac to do in China now that he's at VISA level 3 but too young to buy a vacation house so he went home.
Isaac: I still cannot believe I got an axe past customs.
Pangu's Axe: What do you plan on doing with me now that you've freed me?
Isaac: How would you like to be a Frohman?
Pangu's Axe: What is a Frohman?
Isaac: My family name.
Pangu's Axe: I think I would enjoy being part of this "family"
Isaac: Welcome to the family, Pangu Frohman.
Italicized = CompleteDavid's Immortality Progress -- IMMORTAL
Ethan's Immortality Progress -- 2 PORTRAITS REMAINING
Supermax: PaintingCareer: Architectural DesignerLifetime Wish: Master of the Arts6 Unique Opportunities (Black Ops): Research Project, Stinky Bugs, Interior Decor, The Drumline, Buoyant Bass, Practice Makes Perfect
Real Estate: EverFresh Delights Supermarket, Stoney Falls (Level 3)Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: Entrepreneurial Mindset, Extra Creative, Teleportation PadBest Friends: Raphael Gillis, Alesha Bundy, Hugh de Jesus, Leah Woodson, Janae Hankins, Calvin WestonTraits: Artistic, Virtuoso, Ambitious, Perfectionist, Family Oriented
Isaac's Immortality ProgressSupermax: Logic
Lifetime Wish: Seasoned Traveler
6 Unique Opportunities (Black Ops): Ballet Recital
Real Estate: Landgraab Industries Science Facility, Papayrus Memorial Library (Level 3)
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: Opportunistic
Best Friends:
Traits: Genius, Perceptive, Adventurous, Computer Whiz