Author Topic: The Frohman Dynasty. Final Chapter: Immortality Explained [FAILED]  (Read 35862 times)


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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 20: Who Needs Training When You're a Genius?
« Reply #60 on: September 16, 2011, 12:45:01 PM »
Nice update! Very clever to put the IF at the junkyard, after eight generations you will have quite a collection lol ;D


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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 20: Who Needs Training When You're a Genius?
« Reply #61 on: September 16, 2011, 09:39:02 PM »
Metro better watch out, cause this is going to top his soon as the funniest dynasty ever.

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Offline Orange Iguana

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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 21: Architectural Designing Like A Boss
« Reply #62 on: September 18, 2011, 08:53:15 PM »
When we last left our family, David yelled at thin air because apparently, some divine being wanted to leave the Frohmen alone until Isaac became a young adult.

We begin our chapter with Ethan receiving a phone call while painting something.
Ethan: Hello?
?: Mr. Ethan Frohman, we of the Architectural Designers Guild have noticed that although you have reached the top of your career, you have not done a single renovation. Is this true?
Ethan: What? I can't hear you.
A.D.G.: Is that a chainsaw in the background?
Ethan: Is that a pain seer in the slack pound?
A.D.G.: A Chainsaw
Ethan: Chainsaw
A.D.G.: In the background
Ethan: Ohhhhh, my wife's sculpting.
A.D.G.: Mr. Frohman, have you done a single renovation since you joined us?
Ethan: I get paid to just draw.
A.D.G.: That is not enough, you need to renovate a customer's house or else you'll get fired.
Ethan: I need to return some customs or I'll get liared?
A.D.G.: Renovate a customer
Ethan: Renovate a customer
A.D.G.: Or you're fired
Ethan: Uh-oh... hey wait, my mother never got this call. What gives?
A.D.G.: She wasn't a Dictator of Design.

This isn't good, if Ethan gets fired, he won't be able to abuse that 40% build/buy mode discount anymore. To be fair, they really do not need it anymore but it's a matter of principle! Ethan got dressed and set out to find a customer.
Ethan: Hello, I'm Ethan Frohman, Architectural Designer.
Fiona McIrish: I'm Fiona, I'd glad you're here. I need my entire home redesigned on a $50,000 budget.
Ethan: (I could be at home painting right now but no, that guild demands that I do this.)
Fiona: Say something?
Ethan: Nope.

Ethan: Well then, before I begin, why don't you tell me a little about yourself? What do you like?
Fiona: Well, I love donating to charity and I love art. I spend most of my time reading books and whenever I do something, it has to be done perfectly. I'm also a bit of a neat freak as well.
Ethan: Ok, so I'll make sure to buy lots of scupltures and bookshelves for you. Sound good?
Fiona: You're the designer.

What will Ethan do with $50,000 to renovate an entire house? Let's find out.

Ethan: Alright, it wasn't easy but I finished redecorating your entire house.
Fiona: I can't wait to see it.
Ethan: Ok, close your eyes.
Fiona: Ok...
Ethan: Turn around.
Fiona: Ok...
Ethan: And open your eyes to see your brand new house!

Fiona: I LOVE IT!

[Author's note: I really did get a great review for doing this.]

When Ethan got home, the first thing he did was check his e-mail.

"Dear Ethan Frohman,

Your long lost brother has failed to pay his $40,000 rent. As punishment, he was tied to two fat ladies while sticky buns were thrown in opposite directions. We are very sorry for your loss but he did leave behind $31,157. The money that never made it to his landlord has been wired to your account."

Long Lost Frohman Relative Death Count: 3

We haven't had one of these in a while.

Meanwhile, it appears Agnes has climbed out of the museum to check up on Bebe.
Agnes: Hey
Bebe: Hey

What does Agnes intend to do with the Frohmen? Could she have found a way to get revenge on David via the afterlife?

No, she'd rather nap.
Agnes: Much more comfortable than my urn.

Italicized = Complete
David's Immortality Progress -- IMMORTAL
Ethan's Immortality Progress
Supermax: Painting (Painting level 10, 1/3 challenges complete)
Career: Architectural Designer
Lifetime Wish: Master of the Arts
6 Unique Opportunities (Black Ops): Research Project, Stinky Bugs, Interior Decor, The Drumline
Real Estate: EverFresh Delights Supermarket, Stoney Falls (Level 3)
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: Entrepreneurial Mindset, Extra Creative, Teleportation Pad
Best Friends: Raphael Gillis, Alesha Bundy, Hugh de Jesus, Leah Woodson, Janae Hankins, Calvin Weston
Traits: Artistic, Virtuoso, Ambitious, Perfectionist, Family Oriented
Isaac's Immortality Progress
Supermax: Logic
Lifetime Wish:
6 Unique Opportunities (Black Ops):
Real Estate:
Portraits: Toddler
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards:
Best Friends:
Traits: Genius, Perceptive


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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 21: Architectural Designing Like A Boss
« Reply #63 on: September 18, 2011, 08:59:14 PM »
This is hilarious!
Great renovation!


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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 21: Architectural Designing Like A Boss
« Reply #64 on: September 19, 2011, 08:17:44 AM »
This was so funny! Poor Fiona haha ;D

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 21: Architectural Designing Like A Boss
« Reply #65 on: September 19, 2011, 11:36:15 AM »
Have I mentioned that I love this dynasty? Because I love this dynasty. Always so funny. :D

Offline Orange Iguana

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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 21: Architectural Designing Like A Boss
« Reply #66 on: September 19, 2011, 04:39:10 PM »
This was so funny! Poor Fiona haha ;D

What do you mean poor Fiona? She loved it!  ;)

Have I mentioned that I love this dynasty? Because I love this dynasty. Always so funny. :D

I had been wanting to do a chapter like that ever since I decided to make the second generation an architect.

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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 21: Architectural Designing Like A Boss
« Reply #67 on: September 19, 2011, 04:48:48 PM »
Haha, nice job on the house, but didn't it take a long time to delete everything?

Offline Orange Iguana

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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 21: Architectural Designing Like A Boss
« Reply #68 on: September 19, 2011, 05:10:11 PM »
Haha, nice job on the house, but didn't it take a long time to delete everything?

The sledgehammer tool (default key K in build mode) lets you mass delete objects in an area. It did not take long at all to delete everything she had.

Offline Orange Iguana

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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 22: The Golden Sledgehammer Award
« Reply #69 on: September 23, 2011, 03:23:13 PM »
When we last left our family, Ethan had to secure his position as an Architectural Designer by renovating someone's house. Destroying someone's house and using Medusa Victims as walls wasn't quite what they had in mind but the customer is always right.

We begin this chapter with a celebration at the town hall.

One of the Sims: I hear Ethan Frohman destroyed Fiona McIrish's house and turned it into the best sculpture garden in America.
Another Sim: Oh I wish he'd destroy my home.
Yet another Sim: I'd give up my weekly ambrosia meals and my unlimited supply of death flowers to live there.
One more Sim: There he is now!
All: You rock! Woohoo!

Mayor Kathrine Foster: Architectural Design is not an easy profession. Sitting at home drawing all day, freezing time while you magically renovate people's houses without lifting a finger, taking a very bad cell phone photo because you can't resize the image. We are here today to congratulate Ethan Frohman for doing the greatest renovation in the history of Sunset Valley, despite Ethan being the very first architect to ever work in Sunset Valley.
Ethan: First renovation too
Mayor: I hereby award you The Golden Sledgehammer Award.
Ethan: It's a letter K...
Mayor: The letter K is the default key for the sledgehammer tool which I'm sure you used to destroy that house. Let's give it up for Ethan Frohman!
Crowd: Destroy my house! I'll bear your children!

Mayor: (Psst, Ethan, never do a renovation in Sunset valley again.)
Ethan: (Are you sure you don't want your house done? The army's offering me a 99.9% discount on their fighter jets.)
Mayor: (I'll have you arrested if you come near my house.)
Ethan: (Ok ok)

Now normally you would celebrate something like this by throwing a big party. Not Ethan, Ethan celebrates by...

Begging for money.

Oh please give me money
Please give me money
I got a genius child I need to raise
I don't care that my family has $750,000 from subway tips
Please give me money

Meanwhile, back at home, Agnes has crawled out of the museum again.

David: Agnes?
Agnes: Just using your computer, by the way did you know that your long lost cousin attempted to suplex a moving train? Didn't work out but he left behind $30,165.
David: How long have you known the password to my e-mail account?
Agnes: Ever since you bought this computer.
David: Maricela how long has she been here?
Maricela: Can't talk. Sculpting.

Long Lost Frohman Relative Death Count: 4

3 days of letting Ethan and Bebe rot in a subway while they play for tips later, it was time for Isaac's child birthday and, you guessed it, only the family members cared.

Oh those googly eyes, it makes you wonder if choosing to make Logic his supermax skill was a good idea.

A quick to the dresser and... Isaac is going to want a woman lifetime partner, right?

[Author's Note: Change of Taste is reaaaaaally tempting right now, that or just not letting immortals wear their favorite color clothes with favorite color rooms and favorite color museum sections.]

Italicized = Complete
David's Immortality Progress -- IMMORTAL
Ethan's Immortality Progress -- 1 BLACK OP AND 2 PORTRAITS REMAINING
Supermax: Painting
Career: Architectural Designer
Lifetime Wish: Master of the Arts
6 Unique Opportunities (Black Ops): Research Project, Stinky Bugs, Interior Decor, The Drumline, Buoyant Bass
Real Estate: EverFresh Delights Supermarket, Stoney Falls (Level 3)
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: Entrepreneurial Mindset, Extra Creative, Teleportation Pad
Best Friends: Raphael Gillis, Alesha Bundy, Hugh de Jesus, Leah Woodson, Janae Hankins, Calvin Weston
Traits: Artistic, Virtuoso, Ambitious, Perfectionist, Family Oriented
Isaac's Immortality Progress
Supermax: Logic
Career: Here's a hint, something that you can do 24/7 with the Motive Mobile.
Lifetime Wish: Something completely unrelated to logic
6 Unique Opportunities (Black Ops): Isaac's cell phone is ready and waiting
Real Estate: Isaac may be a genius, but real estate has age requirements
Portraits: Toddler
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: He wasn't THAT happy as a toddler
Best Friends: Let's see what school has to offer
Traits: Genius, Perceptive, Adventurous

Offline Orange Iguana

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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 23: It's Lightish Red...
« Reply #70 on: September 25, 2011, 02:10:46 PM »
When we last left our family, Ethan received a medal in the shape of the letter K and Isaac became a child.

We begin this chapter with Maricela tutoring Isaac, which seems rather pointless since Isaac is a genius.
Maricela: First you take a can of Pepsi, then you find a scan of the graphics used online--
Isaac: And change the nutrition facts to my notes, print it, glue it onto an actual can of Pepsi. Why would I need to cheat when I already know this?
Maricela: You didn't want me to teach you how to cheat?
Isaac: No.

During a sculpting session, Isaac brought up something he's been wanting to do.
Isaac: I want to sign up for ballet
Maricela: You want to pike up for valet?
Isaac: Sign up for ballet!
Maricela: Line up for bail? Well sure, you can bail my sister out of jail. Here's $1,000
Isaac: I'll just take that as a yes.

Ethan: Ah, just finished painting our son. It was a masterpiece.
Maricela: Is there any reason why we have to paint, sculpt, and photograph our kid through all of his life stages?
Ethan: Because dad here is a narcissist that wants our "dynasty" to be remembered forever.
Maricela: ...what's taking Isaac so long?
Ethan: What's he up to?
Maricela: While I was sculpting him, he asked if he could bail my sister out of jail. I sent him out hours ago.
Ethan: That doesn't sound like Isaac.
Maricela: Well I thought he had wanted to pike up for valet.
David: Valet? Well as long as it's not... uh-oh.
David and Ethan: BALLET?
David: Ethan, my grandson better not be a guy chaser or we're in trouble.

Ethan: Isaac... son...
David: Do you prefer guys over girls?
Ethan: Dad! Let me handle this. Isaac, did you sign up for ballet?
Isaac: Yes but I'm not gay.
David: This is a family-friendly story! We do not use the word gay unless it means happy!
Isaac: And you guys thinking I'm gay is family-friendly!? You two are going to get this story shut down for breaking rule #3.
Ethan: Well to be honest, your favorite color is pink and you did request a pink room.
Isaac: It's lightish red.
David: Looks pink to me.
Isaac: Look, I already know what you two are up to. Immortal dynasties, I'm an immortal, I have to find a woman to give birth to the fourth generation and complete some challenges. You'll be fine, I swear.
Ethan: But can you lose the pink?
Isaac: It's not pink! It's just a very light shade of red.

Maricela: Ethan what's going on in this family?
Ethan: Oh nothing you need to worry about, just had to make sure our son was going to get us grandchildren.
Maricela: What did your dad mean by "we're in trouble."
Ethan: He's just a crazy old man that thinks he'll be around long enough to become a great grandfather.
Maricela: I want to move away from this house.
Ethan: Now we can't do that, we're stuck here.
Maricela: What do you mean stuck? We have $1,000,000, we can move anywhere.
Ethan: Yes! Yes we could but uh... I'm... under city arrest! Yeah that's it. I am legally banned from leaving Sunset Valley for doing that renovation. Have to stay here until the day I die.
Marciela: ........
Ethan: Look we'll get through this. We'll have the entire house to ourself soon. (This quest to live and paint forever is getting harder and harder.)
Maricela: Say something?
Ethan: Nope.

Italicized = Complete
David's Immortality Progress -- IMMORTAL
Ethan's Immortality Progress -- 1 BLACK OP AND 2 PORTRAITS REMAINING
Supermax: Painting
Career: Architectural Designer
Lifetime Wish: Master of the Arts
6 Unique Opportunities (Black Ops): Research Project, Stinky Bugs, Interior Decor, The Drumline, Buoyant Bass
Real Estate: EverFresh Delights Supermarket, Stoney Falls (Level 3)
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: Entrepreneurial Mindset, Extra Creative, Teleportation Pad
Best Friends: Raphael Gillis, Alesha Bundy, Hugh de Jesus, Leah Woodson, Janae Hankins, Calvin Weston
Traits: Artistic, Virtuoso, Ambitious, Perfectionist, Family Oriented
Isaac's Immortality Progress
Supermax: Logic
Lifetime Wish:
6 Unique Opportunities (Black Ops):
Real Estate:
Portraits: Toddler, Child
3 Unique Lifetime Rewards: Opportunistic
Best Friends:
Traits: Genius, Perceptive, Adventurous


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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 23: It's Lightish Red...
« Reply #71 on: September 25, 2011, 04:52:34 PM »
Very funny! And pink is a lovely colour :P


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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 23: It's Lightish Red...
« Reply #72 on: September 25, 2011, 04:57:06 PM »
Aw Isaac... :D

Guys can wear pink!

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 23: It's Lightish Red...
« Reply #73 on: September 25, 2011, 06:29:28 PM »
Aw Isaac... :D

Guys can wear pink!

It is not pink its a lightish red  ;). One a sort of relevant topic my twenty three month old son was sat eating a bowl of cereal earlier dressed in a snow white costume and pink tiara.
The conversations between your Sims are so realistic and natural.

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Re: The Frohman Dynasty. Chapter 23: It's Lightish Red...
« Reply #74 on: September 25, 2011, 06:36:08 PM »
Aw Isaac... :D

Guys can wear pink!
We certainly can. I wear all pink everyday. Super manly.  ;D

I totally agree with you ratchie. The funniest thing about this is that the conversations seem so real.