Author Topic: To Lose the Best and Recover-Graveyard  (Read 9020 times)

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2011, 03:50:19 AM »
Part 1, Chapter 5: To Find my Mum
Tyler had come home late from his afternoon out. When he arrived home he was confronted by Moxie.

Moxie: Tyler, I know where your mother is. But first, an explanation is necessary, why am I helping you.
Your parents were part of an organisation called SIMSS. Sierra’s Institute of Making Safe Societies. Your father was a Sunset Valley based agent, your mother, she roamed all over. I am a Bridgeport based agent. The SIMSS were the ones who made your mother come to Bridgeport. The reason, a vampire overrun. One vampire had bitten many innocent people. Your mother came and stopped him before it was too late. She and I worked together on that mission.
A while later, she left Bridgeport to a place the SIMSS never knew, until today. Penelope Bond, an open agent, gave me vital information. Your mother is in Barnacle Bay.
Tyler: I’m not sure whether I should believe you?
Moxie: It doesn’t matter whether you believe me or not, Penelope is going to pick you up early tomorrow. Have you chosen your partner yet?

Tyler: She’s right here. Her name is Hannah.
Hannah came into the kitchen with her new clothes and hair, all ready to go. Tyler had filled her in on the basics about finding his mum, but what she didn’t know, she would need to know soon.

An hour later, I barged through the door.
Penelope: It’s time to go.
I was a little early (8 hours) but we needed to go, before someone could stop us.
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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover-Part 1.5
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2011, 04:40:29 AM »
Ooh, this is exciting! :D

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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover-Part 1.5
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2011, 05:35:16 AM »
Ooh, this is exciting! :D
Of course it's exciting! I'm writing what might be the final chapter to the first part now. It will be 'love'ly.  ;)
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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover-Part 1.5
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2011, 06:00:54 AM »
Part 1, Chapter 6: Remembering Hannah
My first day of school was where I first met Hannah. She was the only one to greet me when I entered the classroom an hour late. She even let me sit next to her.
Our relationship just grew from then on. Within a few weeks we were best friends.
Before I come home to have Moxie tell me where my mum is, I was out with Hannah. We went off to the outlook.
We talked and I told her about my story, about my father, my entire life really. But when I told her about the SIMSS after the meeting with Moxie, she had no idea what to believe.
Anyway, back at the lookout we watched the bright lights of Bridgeport and looked out onto the water. Before long we had become closer than ever.

Now, she’s going to Barnacle Bay with me. To help me find my mother.
Author’s Note: This is the second last update for this part. The next part will be set in Barnacle Bay.
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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover-The End of Part 1
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2011, 11:18:01 PM »
Part 1, Chapter 7: Fare-well Moxie
I gave Tyler the biggest hug I could give.

Moxie: Good luck. You’ve got a lot of work ahead of you.
Tyler had no idea what I was talking about. Hannah was already waiting in the car and Penelope was impatiently standing by the door.

Moxie: Here take this. It’s a computer; it has a file I want you to read once you arrive at your new home. It should explain a lot.
Tyler: Thanks Moxie!
Penelope: Hurry up you two! The jet has to go pick up an agent from Sunset Valley after it drops us off!
Tyler: Bye Moxie.
Moxie: Goodbye.
Tyler: Left and placed his bags in the car before taking a seat and talking to Hannah.

Penelope: There’s one last thing I must give you before your part in this mission is over.
She handed me a card.
Penelope: Welcome to Bridgeport High Rank Agents.
I just stood there in awe. I was finally one of the key agents for Bridgeport. Buster Round, try to beat that!
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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover-The End of Part 1
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2011, 04:02:29 AM »
I decided to upload Tyler onto the Swap Shop. You can find him here
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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover-The End of Part 1
« Reply #21 on: August 29, 2011, 06:04:38 AM »
Part 2, Chapter 1: SIMMS Secrets #1
The three of us arrived at our new home in Barnacle Bay. It’s called Fordland and the builder is amazing. Her name is Lynley.

As we arrived we all branched off. Penelope began to practise her chess. She’s a great chess player and neither Tyler nor I could beat her on the plane trip here. (She has a chess app on her phone!)

 Tyler was working on his fitness on the treadmill. I remember when I walked in and he fell over. Haha.

I was working on my entrance homework into Barnacle Bay School. Tyler had already completed his before we even got on the plane!

After I finished the exam, Penelope called me out for a nice quiet Lunch with her.

Penelope: Your mother and aunt are SIMMS Agents.
She tried to say it discretely but I heard what she said and nearly dropped my hot dog.
Penelope: Your mother was never around as she was s Senior Agent, a Senior Agent who hung out as a paparazzi. She was able to retrieve heaps of information on the enemy. Katrina, your aunt, was told to look after you. She too is an agent but not as high as your mother.
I was just dazzled.

Penelope: You look confused? Let me repeat something I said earlier. We have agents in every town and city except for Hidden Springs. Currently Hidden Springs is a no-go zone as the Green People there have an ability to freeze their aging. Tyler’s mother started having agents in Barnacle Bay. After she left Bridgeport and came here, there were more agents here.
Hannah: So you’re telling me Tyler’s mother is the reason behind Barnacle Bay’s agents?
Penelope: Correct but Tyler cannot know. If he learns of this valuable information the next part of the procedure will be compromised.
Hannah: What’s the next part?

Penelope: Getting my police car out and arresting you for asking! I can’t tell anyone yet as across the road is an agent. She’s been signalling me. We need to take Tyler’s laptop away from him before it gets hacked.
Hannah: It’s going to get hacked?
Penelope: Yes, I’ll take the laptop later.

Penelope: I’ll tell you more later. Now aren’t the new dumbbells we got awesome!
Hannah: Go talk to Tyler about dumbbells. I’m going to go paint.
And I left, but Penelope was still at the table.
Penelope picked up a phone and spoke into it:
Penelope: Moxie, tell Romeo to contact Sierra. Barnacle Bay needs an extra agent and by extra agent I mean Cressida.
Moxie: I can’t tell Romeo as he’s on a holiday to Twinbrook but I’ll send Matthew and email.
Penelope: She also fell for the hacking trick.
Moxie: Katrina is a smart aunt, isn’t she?
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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover-Part 2, Chapter 1:SIMMS Secrets #1
« Reply #22 on: August 29, 2011, 01:16:24 PM »
:o Woah, drama! Everyone is involved in this! Your such an intriguing writer, Gogo, I just cannot wait to read more! :D

Offline Sophie98

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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover-Part 2, Chapter 1:SIMMS Secrets #1
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2011, 04:03:31 PM »
This is so clever! Moxie and Romeo just happen to be my favourite Bridgeport townies and they're secret agents too? Awesome!
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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover-Part 2, Chapter 1:SIMMS Secrets #1
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2011, 05:43:33 PM »
:o Woah, drama! Everyone is involved in this! Your such an intriguing writer, Gogo, I just cannot wait to read more! :D
Thanks heaps Fez!
This is so clever! Moxie and Romeo just happen to be my favourite Bridgeport townies and they're secret agents too? Awesome!
Well, if you know your townies well you'll know who Cressida is... Thanks.

I should have an update by the end of the month. I know that is a while but school holidays start in 2 weeks. Thanks!
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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover-Part 2, Chapter 1:SIMMS Secrets #1
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2011, 02:04:08 AM »
Cressida Wells right? Lives with the Cook family?
"The world is not a wish granting factory."
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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover-Part 2, Chapter 2:What's With Penelope?
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2011, 04:48:50 AM »
Part 2, Chapter 2: What’s With Penelope?
It was one week since the talk between Hannah and Penelope and Cressida still hadn’t arrived. Penelope has been stressing about it and has been wasting her energy. A nap was what she needed.

The teens were skilling up and soon Hannah broke the silence.
Hannah: She’s asleep. It’s freaky how she’s always watching us, making us skill and how she has an office that we can’t enter.
Tyler: Don’t worry about it. Come on, let’s go relax.

The teens sat at the couch ready to relax, after having turned off the cameras Penelope had recently installed, but something was bugging Hannah.

Hannah: Remember my talk with Penelope and how afterwards she called Moxie:
Tyler: Yeah.
Hannah: Why do you think she needs Cressida? Why has she been at the gym each day and she why did she install cameras throughout the house?
Tyler: She loves being fit! You should know that by now and she could be going on a holiday?
Hannah: Maybe SIMSS business? No no, that doesn’t cut it. I still think we haven’t heard the whole story.

Tyler: Neither do I. She has been acting really suspicious recently.
Hannah: Remember when she tried to trick us by going to buy a ‘teddy bear’! That worked!
Tyler: We followed her and she ended up going into the diner at the beach!
Hannah: Aren’t we great spies!?
The teens started cuddling and actually relaxed but little did they know, that soon it all would be clear.

Penelope had woken up with a start.

Cressida: Good afternoon Senior Roaming Agent Penelope, you called.
Penelope: You’re late. You should’ve been here last Sunday.
Cressida: I had business with Moxie and Matthew back in Bridgeport, we had just recruited Elspeth.
Penelope: Good, good. I’ll be leaving soon, I had to change the meeting to this Saturday, you may as well become friends with the teens before the conference.
Cressida: Shouldn’t you be watching them right now? They should be training, not cuddling on the couch.
Penelope: What!
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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover-Part 2, Chapter 2:What's With Penelope?
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2011, 11:55:25 AM »
Ooh, now Penelope knows! I wonder why she minds so much about Hannah and Tyler..?

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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover-Part 2, Chapter 3:Learning about the Enemy
« Reply #28 on: October 19, 2011, 04:07:15 AM »
Part 2, Chapter 3: Learning About the Enemy
Anyone wondering why I came so late? Moxie had found something out about Penelope, she wasn’t a SIM. In fact she was the opposite of a SIM, a Rebel. A member of the Resistance. The Resistance our the SIMMS enemy.
It was the night of our chess match when I decided it was time.

I called the kids for Dinner but Hannah had already eaten. The Dinner was delicious.

Cressida: Can I have your laptop?
Tyler: Yeah sure but why.
Cressida I need to show you something.

I showed him a few photos of what I saw the other night when following Penelope to the local Park.

Tyler: Who’s he?
Cressida: A member of the Resistance, Derik O’Hara.
Tyler: What!
Cressida: We had learnt of Penelope being a Rebel before I arrived but we needed to make sure.

Cressida: This is proof. She’s been sending tapes of us to the Head of the Resistance.
Hannah had been watching us during this time and she was gasped.

Hannah: I can’t believe this.
Cressida: Take a seat.

Cressida: Tonight we are leaving. I have told anyone who needs to know and we are heading to Modern China.
Tyler and Hannah: Where!

The kids were disappointed when Modern China  was actually the name of the house. The only changes done to it were the additions of Skill Items. Any bright colours could be seen by Penelope and that wouldn’t be good. She’s learnt enough about these two and slowed down the process of the Barnacle Bay SIMMS Plan and the initiation of Hannah and Tyler.
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Re: To Lose the Best and Recover-Part 2, Chapter 3:Learning about the Enemy
« Reply #29 on: October 19, 2011, 03:48:56 PM »
Thanks for using my house! I feel so flattered!  ;D Great chapter. Can't wait to learn more. (About SIMS, of course  ;D)