I was aiming for a consignment shop , and it ended up building a Mall ! it features multiple consingment registers, relic register ,A food register, a professional bar, a playing area, a small park, and more...
DetailsLot Size: 30x30
Needed EP/Sp: World Adventure, Generations, Ambitions, Late Nigh, maybe High end Loft stuff ( probably just a plant doesn't matter if you want I can remove it and re-upload)
Price: Againe, who cares? it is a community lot
probably above 100 k
ScreenShotsFirst Floor: Features a small sitting area, food register, bar, playing area, the empty rooms have a hidden marker and are meant to be storages
Second Floor Features 3 consignment registres a relic registry and an executives office, the idea behind the gems is that I wanted to display everything that a consigment shop has to offer if I get a better Idea I will replace them
Some Zoom in screens
Hope you enjoy it, as usal I'm open for suggestions, you get a better Idea post it and I will do it
now I'm going to do a SV version for my pool, and work on a requested house by fez
P.S: I know this is copy/past from the showboat thread