Author Topic: The Peddler DecaDynasty: FAILED. Graveyard, please.  (Read 28675 times)

Offline TheChronicR

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 3 Little Miss Peddler
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2011, 05:17:08 AM »
Wow, the kids look just so much like Penny. :o
Well, that's your opinion, isn't it? And I'm not about to waste my time trying to change it. - Lady GaGa

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 3 Little Miss Peddler
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2011, 07:32:50 PM »
Spouse hunting season is always exciting. I love the idea of the big forum in the sky.


Oh, yes. It's very exciting. This challenge adds a new element, too. Which townie house do I want to move into?

Really great so far!


Wow, the kids look just so much like Penny. :o

They look exactly like Penny lol. I was hoping the genetics would mix a little more, but oh well.

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Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 3 Little Miss Peddler
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2011, 10:19:14 PM »
Ch. 4: A Party that Goes Down in the History Books

You all know Jenny, right? Well, she's growing up fast!

Jenny added the trait Bookworm on her birthday. She likes reading in her princess outfit. :D

Here's a picture of her room, decorated in her favorite color lilac.

Here's Jeremy's room as well. Instead of his favorite color lime, I adapted the colors of the nursery into his room. A small bathroom separates the kids' rooms.

The next day, Penny and Jeremy both have their birthdays.

It's like he's going to just explode into his teen years!

Everyday, formal, and sleep wear:

And if you thought he looked like Penny before, take a look at this. He must be her male clone or something!

Jeremy will be a painter. His added trait is Born Salesman. Also, the trait from his child birthday is Family-Oriented. I think he's ready for some romance, what about you?

So... prom! Here's his date, Billie Spitzig. She actually phoned him up and ask him. Then while at prom, Jeremy got his first kiss and he and Billie started going steady.

Jeremy also won prom king. Here's a picture of their photo and his crown.

In the meantime, Jenny's teen birthday was on the same night.

It would have been a great party if three guest didn't die!! Get a look a this! The one on the left is Carl Zoni, middle and back is Anne T. Septick, right is Carrie Post. All NPC's.

On a good note, though. Look at this sucker. It fell from the sky while Jenny was searching the galaxy. It's called Rurumite I think? And Jenny sold it for over $9,000! I've never had such a high-selling space rock. :o

Coming up, Clark has hit 90 so he shouldn't be around much longer and Jeremy's going to graduate soon!

Offline TheChronicR

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 4
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2011, 05:31:07 AM »
Yeah, those gigantic space rocks sell for quite an amount.

Oh Gosh... So it's official... Penny Pincher from Twinbrook shall never ever have any kids. I mean, poor Jeremy and Jenny! She's worse than Arlo. :o

Awesome update nevertheless!
Well, that's your opinion, isn't it? And I'm not about to waste my time trying to change it. - Lady GaGa

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 4
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2011, 11:31:49 AM »
Yeah, Jenny's kind of... hideous? And I say that with all the affection in the world lol. I'm glad Jeremy doesn't look quite as terrible.

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 5
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2011, 03:36:49 PM »
Ch. 5: A Little Down Time

After the deaths of three NPC's, I've realized that I've been going at this challenge all wrong. There's no way the NPC's from the beginning of the game are going to still be alive when Jeremy becomes an adult. Duh. So right now, everyone is just skilling. Jenny's role in my plan is to make a Young Again potion for Penny. Or maybe Age Freeze. I'm not sure yet. If I freeze Penny's age at adult then age her up with a birthday cake later, will she stay at the beginning of her elder stage forever or will she start aging normally again?

Here's Jenny working on her potions.

Oh, I guess I should show her new outfits too. I decided to give her an extra everyday outfit.

This is a closeup of her face. She really got the worst of the family genetics. She's got Penny's face, nose, and hair but Clark's thin and wide lips. Clark and Penny both have the same color eyes, so Jeremy and Jenny have the same color too.

I'm also trying to get Jenny to SuperMax Logic. I've not done it before, and I just want to see how much time it takes to finish this skill. Here, she's tutoring Zachary Gaskins.

Clark achieved his lifetime wish of Master of the Arts. It was originally Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law, but I was having trouble with that one so I changed it via the lifetime reward. He'd already maxed painting, so I made him go to the movie theater every night. He earned a hefty amount of tips while working towards level 10.

After that, he went back to painting. I'm going to have him churn out as many masterpieces as he can, and that will be the collection I leave behind. If he dies before he makes 10, Jeremy is SuperMaxing painting so he can take over for Clark. This will probably happen soon, as Clark is already 95. In the meantime, Penny has taken up sculpting to kill time after her daily cleaning of the house. I figure that I should wait for Jeremy to become a Young Adult before Penny befriends the last few NPC's. I don't want them all to die on me, now.

Also, Jeremy has maxed painting and he's level 7 in his painter career. He's making tons of money for the family by selling everything at the consignment shop. With that extra money, I purchased Hogan's Boxcar Diner and Elkhorn Fishing Park. The family now fully owns Hogan's and Elkhorn is fully upgraded. I'm making better progress than I thought!

On the downside, remember Billie Spitzig? She's Jeremy's girlfriend right now, and I was planning on Jeremy marrying her for the next townie generation.

But, I followed her home... and she lives here. I don't mind the dilapidation part, but this lot is really small and would be hard to expand. Plus, I don't want to alter the townie houses too much.

So, this may have not been much of an update, but I feel like I've made some real progress. Well, I guess I've developed my strategy a lot more.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 5
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2011, 04:47:25 PM »
Jenny looks very planet of the apes the poor love. Good luck with supermaxing logic I found that it is better to get ahead start on it by working on it as soon as the Sim ages up to child.

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Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 5
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2011, 04:57:33 PM »
Jenny looks very planet of the apes the poor love. Good luck with supermaxing logic I found that it is better to get ahead start on it by working on it as soon as the Sim ages up to child.


I know. :( I'm tempted to not even marry her because those genetics really don't need to be passed down. If I find a really pretty sim for her, I might give it a try, though lol. And Jenny has been using the telescope since child and she just found 20 celestial bodies, so now I'm starting her on the potions.

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 5
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2011, 12:04:06 AM »
Ch. 6: The Changes are A-Comin'

First thing's first. Jeremy's Young Adult birthday has finally arrived. Hopefully, this won't go as terribly as Jenny's birthday--all those NPC deaths.

Well, doesn't he look... handsome?

And I don't quite know why, but Clark still thinks that birthdays are just the funniest things in the world.

I think Jeremy looks a little better here. His last trait is Over-Emotional. His Lifetime Wish is Illustrious Author.

After a long hard think, I decide that Jeremy needs to break it off with Billie. For a while, I was considering keeping her around, but I really don't want to play on that lot! He looks so mean. Poor Billie, she was even having a blast at the party before he ruined it for her! I wish there were a nicer way to break up.

The next day is graduation. Jeremy is valedictorian and was voted "Most Likely to Have a lot of Children," or something like that.

Ah, here we are. I made the educated decision for Penny to drink a Young Again potion. Penny was 2 days away from being an Elder, and I just want to make extra sure that she sticks around for the end of this generation. She does have all the friends, remember? I've never used this potion before, so it's kind of interesting to see the animation. I've also decided that since you can't bring items with you to the next household, I will have Jenny stock up on Young Again potions (for future generations, just in case) and on the day of Jeremy and whoever's wedding, I will make sure that Jenny gifts them all to the bride! This will also be a very, very useful trick in the future for different items. I feel so intelligent for having thought of this. ;D

Oh, and here's a bonus shot of Penny receiving a giant nail in the mail. Haha, just kidding. Her sculpting gear got stuck to her hand!

Next on the list in Jenny's YA birthday!

Man, that hair is not flattering on her.

But after a quick makeover... much better! Except for the whole ape face thing. Poor Jenny. Her last trait is Lucky. Her Lifetime Wish is Chess Legend.

Good news, Jeremy has SuperMaxed the Painting skill and is only a couple thousand away from level 10 in his painting career. I like this cute Spore creature. :) I also think it's neat how EA put this little hint of their other game in here.

I'm still working on SuperMaxing Logic with Jenny. It's a lot more time consuming than I thought. I'm just getting her started on the chess tournaments. She tutors Penny in Logic in the meantime. I think later, I'm going to have Jenny tutor Jeremy's future fiance so she'll have enough Logic to get a job right at the beginning of my next generation. Also, Jenny got a job at the hospital. Looking in retrospect, it might be easier to SuperMax Logic without her having a job... but oh well! Here's her first ranked chess match. She lost, even though she was feeling lucky that day!

A quick shot of Jenny graduating...

And then it's a sad day. Clark was taking a trip to the Town Hall to sue for slander--he was supposedly seen fighting with someone, so not true--and then this. I should have expected it.

He seems like a happy ghost here, but he begs Grim to not take him away.

Here lies Clark Peddler. Death came to him at the age of 102. May he rest in peace.

Clark managed to paint 5 masterpieces and a couple over $3,000 paintings to leave behind. Jeremy just has to make two more, I think, and then the 10 Unique Items will be completed. Sorry to leave this post on Clark's death. :-\

PS. Does anybody know the exact number of LTH points it takes to get a tall grave? I didn't check Clark's points before he died, but I was a little surprised that he only got the medium tomb since he completed his Lifetime Wish and I kept him pretty happy.

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 6
« Reply #24 on: August 16, 2011, 03:50:56 PM »
Ch. 7: Generation One is Coming to a Close

I'm so excited! Everything is coming together perfectly!

Jenny has achieved her Lifetime Wish of Grand Master.

She's also very close to the top of her career. Aw, look at her in her pink scrubs.

But the most interesting part is this little catch right here. This is Katrina Barbee. She's still a teenager, but I think she has very good genetics. And I think that you will agree that the Peddlers need a good dose of pretty face right about now.

And better yet, this is where she lives! She is a serious, serious candidate for becoming Jeremy's wife.

However, Jeremy is running short on opportunities over here. He's five days away from his adult birthday and he's only completed five opportunities. He even has the Opportunistic LTR! And he's only gottne one painting opportunity. I find the painting ones to be incredibly rare in every household I play. I frequently use painters, and I've gotten the 15 paintings a few times, and I've gotten the other ones probably a total of one time each. Anyways, I sent Jeremy to get a job in the Journalism career.

I also make him work on that writing skill since his LTW includes maxing it. I know that means no heir can SuperMax Writing, but that's okay because the Writer Career is incredibly hard to reach level 10 in and I hate the Journalism career altogether. I'm thinking that in the next home though, Jeremy can leave behind 10 novels.

Katrina comes over often and Jenny tutors her in Logic.

Over the next few days, Jeremy gets a bunch of music related opportunities. As a toddler, he maxed the xylophone and as a child, he took a field trip to the theater. This means that Jeremy is level 3 in Piano, Bass, Drums, and Guitar. I'm really glad about that, too because Jeremy got 4 opportunities related to these skills and then he got one job related one. This means his BlackOps requirements are complete. Now, it's time for his adult birthday.

And you know what the coolest part is? Katrina aged up to Young Adult the night before Jeremy's birthday. They do a bit of talking and then some more at his party. She is definitely the one for him.

Sadly, she leaves before Jeremy gets a chance to propose. However, he invites her over later that night and (after a few refusals) she shows up. Jeremy gets down on one knee... and the wedding is planned for tomorrow.

Sorry guys, I was so focused on finishing this that I only got shots of the couple and not pictures of the wedding setup. It was really pretty, too. :-\

Welcome to your new home, Jeremy!

I quickly give Katrina a makeover. I'm a little disappointed that her favorite color is Spice Brown, since her skin color basically is Spice Brown, haha.

That night, the couple settle into their bed and dream happy dreams. Jeremy... of his future children, and Katrina... of radioactivity? Ah well, I'm just happy this first generation is complete!

1. Jeremy was born on Week 1 Day 4. Penny and Clark were both living together.
2. Jeremy was on  honor roll both in elementary school and high school.
3. 10 different NPC Friends:

  • Policewoman--Tessa Boyer
  • Mixologist--Corrine Alvarez
  • Dancer--Ida Dunnit
  • Repairwoman--Maggie Net
  • Newspaper Deliverer--Russel Hopkins
  • Babysitter--Abel Bodey
  • Pizza Deliverer--Sonja Thomason
  • Paparazzi--Karina Jones-Brown
  • Maid--Ty Dee
  • Mailman--Garret Bain
4. 10 Best Friends:
  • DeAndre Wolff
  • Jenny Peddler
  • Penny Peddler
  • Katrina Barbee
  • Maggie Net
  • Russel Hopkins
  • Tessa Boyer
  • Ty Dee
  • Ida Dunnit
  • Jade Greenwood
5. Max Unique Career: Painter
6. SuperMax Unique Skill: Painting
7. 10 BlackOps:

  • Pile of Permission Slips
  • Schoolyard Chums
  • The Boiler Room
  • Buoyant Bass
  • A Retreat to Inspiration
  • The Drumline
  • Drum Roll, Please
  • Practice Makes Better
  • School Musical
  • Why Did the Journalist Cross the Road?
7. Fully Owned Building: Hogan's Boxcar Diner
    Fully Upgraded Property: Elkhorn Fishing Park
8. Jeremy is an adult.
9. Clark has died of a natural death and has a medium tomb on the home lot.
10. Set of 10 Unique Items: Paintings
      Total value: $40,984

I know I'm not supposed to use all caps but I FEEL SO ACCOMPLISHED. ;D

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 7
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2011, 03:55:17 PM »
Way to go Jeremy and congratulations to you to Moons.

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Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 7
« Reply #26 on: August 16, 2011, 03:57:47 PM »
Way to go Jeremy and congratulations to you to Moons.


Thank you, thank you. :)

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 7
« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2011, 03:11:49 AM »
Generation one is complete! Congrats! I think you picked the perfect wife. I don't blame you for switching spouses if it means getting rid of that tiny shack of a house. And nice total on the paintings! Good luck with Gen 2.

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 7
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2011, 03:01:11 PM »
Ch. 8: New Beginnings

Cheesy title, I know. But now that I know what strategy works, I need to start over again with generation two! Katrina and Jeremy are very much in love.

So, what's better to do than have a nooboo? To have a nooboo the day after Katrina signs up for a job in the Science Career. Mayyyybe not my brightest idea. For this generation, I've decided to not use apples/ watermelons. I want to be surprised!

Oh, and when Jeremy moved in, Katrina was living with her two sisters, one brother, and mother. I decided to move all the siblings out, but keep Dierdre Barbee so she might be able to be the family member that dies. She's currently working on her Lifetime Wish, Illustrious Author. Gotta have more than that itty bitty box for unhappy sims when they die.

Jeremy is working on his writing. He's already maxed it, but I want him to make 5 Masterpieces so he can specialize. So far, he's written 4 books each in Fiction, Non-Fiction, Children's, and Trashy. Now he's working on Romance. Still no Masterpiece. I guess I need to make him read more books. Perhaps a Midlife Crisis involving Bookworm is coming up?

Katrina writes thank you notes for the friends who sent them wedding gifts. Of course I sold them all and got a hefty $7,000 out of them!

Did I mention that Katrina is Childish? She'll be a great mom.

And on second thought, Dierdre isn't going to live long enough to achieve her LTW and I need to convert her room into a nursery. So, I kick her out. Where does she wind up? Two houses down the street.


And then! Really, that formal of a dress? You're just pregnant, girl.

A couple days later, she tells Jeremy the exciting news. I think he'll make a good dad, too.

Oh, Katrina is so very Childish. :)

Soon after, she goes into labor. And of course, she drives herself to the hospital on her little scooter. Jeremy eventually joins her.

And! We! Have! Twins! The Heiress Kerri is being held by Katrina, and her twin sister Kassy is being held by Jeremy. Kerri is Neurotic and Excitable. Kassy is Athletic and Disciplined.

Tune in next time for, well you know, nooboo stuff. ;D

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Re: The Peddler DecaDynasty: Ch. 8
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2011, 05:46:02 PM »
Hello little girls no offense to Jeremy but I am hoping that they take after their mummy.

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