Ch. 6: The Changes are A-Comin'First thing's first. Jeremy's Young Adult birthday has finally arrived. Hopefully, this won't go as terribly as Jenny's birthday--all those NPC deaths.
Well, doesn't he look... handsome?
And I don't quite know why, but Clark still thinks that birthdays are just the funniest things in the world.
I think Jeremy looks a little better here. His last trait is Over-Emotional. His Lifetime Wish is Illustrious Author.
After a long hard think, I decide that Jeremy needs to break it off with Billie. For a while, I was considering keeping her around, but I really don't want to play on that lot! He looks so mean. Poor Billie, she was even having a blast at the party before he ruined it for her! I wish there were a nicer way to break up.
The next day is graduation. Jeremy is valedictorian and was voted "Most Likely to Have a lot of Children," or something like that.
Ah, here we are. I made the educated decision for Penny to drink a Young Again potion. Penny was 2 days away from being an Elder, and I just want to make extra sure that she sticks around for the end of this generation. She does have all the friends, remember? I've never used this potion before, so it's kind of interesting to see the animation. I've also decided that since you can't bring items with you to the next household, I will have Jenny stock up on Young Again potions (for future generations, just in case) and on the day of Jeremy and whoever's wedding, I will make sure that Jenny
gifts them all to the bride! This will also be a very, very useful trick in the future for different items. I feel so intelligent for having thought of this.
Oh, and here's a bonus shot of Penny receiving a giant nail in the mail. Haha, just kidding. Her sculpting gear got stuck to her hand!
Next on the list in Jenny's YA birthday!
Man, that hair is not flattering on her.
But after a quick makeover... much better! Except for the whole ape face thing. Poor Jenny. Her last trait is Lucky. Her Lifetime Wish is Chess Legend.
Good news, Jeremy has SuperMaxed the Painting skill and is only a couple thousand away from level 10 in his painting career. I like this cute Spore creature.
I also think it's neat how EA put this little hint of their other game in here.
I'm still working on SuperMaxing Logic with Jenny. It's a lot more time consuming than I thought. I'm just getting her started on the chess tournaments. She tutors Penny in Logic in the meantime. I think later, I'm going to have Jenny tutor Jeremy's future fiance so she'll have enough Logic to get a job right at the beginning of my next generation. Also, Jenny got a job at the hospital. Looking in retrospect, it might be easier to SuperMax Logic without her having a job... but oh well! Here's her first ranked chess match. She lost, even though she was feeling lucky that day!
A quick shot of Jenny graduating...
And then it's a sad day. Clark was taking a trip to the Town Hall to sue for slander--he was supposedly seen fighting with someone, so not true--and then this. I should have expected it.
He seems like a happy ghost here, but he begs Grim to not take him away.
Here lies Clark Peddler. Death came to him at the age of 102. May he rest in peace.Clark managed to paint 5 masterpieces and a couple over $3,000 paintings to leave behind. Jeremy just has to make two more, I think, and then the 10 Unique Items will be completed. Sorry to leave this post on Clark's death.
PS. Does anybody know the exact number of LTH points it takes to get a tall grave? I didn't check Clark's points before he died, but I was a little surprised that he only got the medium tomb since he completed his Lifetime Wish and I kept him pretty happy.