When you play normal life span in one file and then change to epic in another and go back to the normal life span one... only to find its changed to epic.
Is there a mod that will stop this from happening? It annoys me badly.
This bothers me too! I don't know of a mod, but I thought I'd let you know that you weren't alone in the struggle!
I play a game on the shortest lifespan, one on normal, and one on medium (Short Dynasty, Legacy, and 4x4 Respectively). Don't even get me started on playing forum challenges on top of these files! I recently started a full out Immortal Dynasty and I wanted to leave celebrities on. I did not want celebrities on in any of my other games, but whenever I go to play them someone will randomly become a celebrity, so I'll have to flip testingcheatsenabled on and change them back while going through every menu to make sure that everything is exactly what I want it to be for this file.
It's just obnoxious that I can't just open a file and play, but that I have to edit the settings for everything for every file because I want different game play in each!
Other things that have started to annoy me, mainly birthdays. I bring this up because of my short dynasty. With aging up on a 1/2/2/4/6/6 day cycle for just one Sim (not even counting many others) I have
so many disruptions. I usually have about 8 Sims in that house too. So if one stops doing what I was hoping they would continue doing then I just get stressed out and have to micromanage harder.
Also, while I think it's strange and awful that cars will drive through bikers/slower cars, I'm completely ok with that, as sometimes it takes too long to get to a destination as it is without adding traffic into the mix!
Here's something that always makes me upset, is there's always a house that will adopt cats, and cats will always have low social/hunger needs, and feeding them treats helps, but I hate when they'll come up to my Sim and try to mark them.
I love cats. Don't get me wrong. I'm snuggling my cat as I write this. It just makes me angry because my sim will always reject the poor dears.
Don't even get me started on my love/hate relationship with spiral staircases...