I have several actions queued up and they are dropped randomly for reasons such as
- walking past the latest addition to the family, a ghost baby. This, I can sort of live with, although I also don't like how non-ghost siblings react all 'ewww'.
- having photo taken/being asked for autograph. Just, no, random stranger.
- walking to the outside wall of the place the sim is supposed to go then complaining 'can't reach'.
- having spell cast at you. This made me really angry, my sim was gardening, dropped everything and walked outside the fence. I checked, but the action could not be cancelled so the paparazzo outside fire blasted her, leaving her singed. This after many other 'be chatted to', 'listen to story' etc. by the same pap, which could thankfully be cancelled.
Still, precious time was wasted because I had to line up actions over and over again. Not cool.