Here's something that really annoyed me. Yesterday my household of five Sims had a fire. The Sim I controlled called the fire department while the other four Sims were yelling and walking toward the fire.
I didn't know this but Coward Sims faint at fires. He fainted and blocked the four other Sims from moving and they burned to death.
So I exited without saving. Then later on, another fire broke out. This time I had a fire alarm. Coward Sim faints, and I sent all my other Sims into the pool out of the way.
Firewoman arrives puts out flames the Coward Sim wakes up and then I hear the Grim Reaper music. The four Sims drowned in the pool.
The firemen/women annoy me. Once I had a fire, it took them forever to show up and my own Sims put it out. Then I was fined 500 simoleons, because the firewoman thought I called in false alarm.
I was like of course, there's no fire, we put it out ourselves.
Another time I had a huge fire, two Sims died and the fireman says "I can't reach it let's hope it burns itself out." I was like you could try??? I managed to put it out and the weird part was the toddler Sim was in the middle of it, and of course, because they can't die, didn't.