Sorry for digging up an old topic, but I am still a bit confused about the rate at which the seeds that are dropped.
I have an orchard currently of 12 trees, 6 are from original "found" seeds, and the other 6 are from seeds that have dropped. And thats all I have had from my very original tree, is one seed.
Look it is great orchard am I am not complaining, on target to harvesting over 80, more like 90 bags this week, and it is the fisrt week for a full harvest of the orchard. Currently 70 bags for 30K so far.
The trees are 6 perfect, 3 outstanding and 3 very nice. The feritiliser I am using is Outstanding, mainly flame fruit as I have so much of it. I do have plenty of life fruit so I might give them go on the next round of fertilising the trees.
From what I have read should I expect another 6 six seeds from the six trees that arent perfect? or is outstanding better than perfect?
Also is there a way of getting them to drop seeds again? Would it be by getting the tree to drop below pefect by nnop watering and no fertiliser? or would i just have to negkect them totally? no tending, no harvesting too?