After watching the live-chat they had today showcasing Hidden Springs, I am a little disappointed. Like Barnacle Bay, its not really set up to well for ambitions. No junkyard, fire station, etc. Hope someone can make a few of the needed lots after it comes out that will blend well with the rest of the environment. Was also bummed that the fancy building with the slanted windows is actually a rabbit hole, and not a building your Sims can go into, meaning there are no slanted windows, at least, none that I saw. It was also hinted at during the video that the green skinned Sims are green skinned because they have lived in Hidden Springs for so long. After seeing the video, though I would like to eventually get Hidden Springs, I'm in no rush and can wait a while. With luck, there won't be the number of bugs at launch that I remember hearing Barnacle Bay had.