I never experienced the trash glitch until after I read this post....and low and behold I went on to play my game and my Sims were showing the moodlet for dirt/trash every time they came near the refrigerator. There were flies swarming, but no green fumes/mist coming from the refrigerator indicating spoiled food. I searched every item in the refrigerator and found nothing bad. After making sure I checked everywhere there could possibly be trash, I decided to try and delete the refrigerator and buy a new one. In both Buy and Build mode it would not let me delete the refrig. because it said that one of my kid Sims was in use of it. I went through every Sims and there isn't anything that I can find that is trash. Even the kid that is supposedly the culprit does not show the trash moodlet until he comes near the refrig. I have used cheat mode and reset my Sims child several times and even tried moveObjects on. Nothing has worked.
I started to do what Tiberium_Glow did and break down walls and floor where the refrig. was sitting. On the foundation level I did see a faint green glow floating in the air like the small trash bags they carry when they empty out a potty chair....I tried to click on it and it seemed to evaporate. End of problem....or so I thought. I still can not delete the refrig. because it says that the kid is still in use of it. So I thought I would be clever and just leave the dirty refrig. on the foundation level and put the new refrig. in the kitchen. Well, it worked for the Sims moodlets, but when I try to cook out on the grille, the Sims get mad and stomp their feet because they can't walk to the refrig. on the foundation level despite the new one in the kitchen. They can get food from the new one to cook or to eat so I'm just going to be happy about that. They just can't grille out until I figure out a way to delete the old refrig.
I also used this trick for the little green baby bottle that shows up on the floor and won't go away...I just put it in the attic when I no longer had babies or toddlers. Out of sight, out of mind....except for the stinky refrig. under the house....lol. Sigh......these glitches can be such a pain.
Thanks for the tip Tiberium_Glow!