Sorry folks. I won't be uploading anymore houses to this site nor will I be visting here anymore.
My reason is because I was accused of using a large amount of CC on a starter home I just uploading a couple of days ago. I assure you there was no CC used.
I was never asked if any CC was use. They just deleted the house and never even bothered to tell me.
They will probably delete this thread too.
I'm sorry Sierra, I wasn't trying to accuse or attack you about this. While the thread was still up, I saw somebody post that they'd picked up CC from the download, which presumably lead to the thread being deleted. The moderator who removed your starter house from the Swap Shop was trying to stop potentially harmful content from spreading, and they probably just panicked and forgot to tell you about what happened. I was actually really surprised when I saw this thread, because it meant you didn't get a PM about this from the moderator who removed your post.
As Justwright said, it's possible a bit of CC just attached itself to your file, but I think you might have accidentally included it in your house. Are you sure the painting and pot plants in this picture are official content?
Anyway, I think there were probably mistakes on both counts here, but you're an excellent builder and I think we'd all be sad to see you go.