Almost a normal familySome days we could almost forget about the
tasklike the day mum went into labour. While we went to school Dad took Mum to the hospital and several hours later our baby sister were born.
This is mum with Nightingale.
Here is dad with Starling.
From the diary of Raven Kennedy.
Something horrific has happened all of our lives my sister and I have dressed the same,wore our hear the same and today just after we had our birthday my sister the other half of my soul came downstairs and she didn't look like me. I shouted and screamed at her but all she said was I thought it was time we were different.
how can we be different we are the same person we shared a womb. I feel in my heart that she is breaking away from me now because she knows as well as I do that one day we will be apart because the rules for this task say that she cannot come with me when I marry nor can I stay with her. This Man this
Metropolis Man is taking me away from my beloved sister and the day that happens my heart will truly break.
This is Lark in everyday wear
Raven in everyday wear.
Authors note:You will see their formal wear at prom night.