Author Topic: Mistiques write Myths - REBORN! The Root of All Evil & Remember Us!  (Read 48857 times)

Offline Widonja

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Chapter 15: What makes Ambrosia go? (The secret of Immortality)
« Reply #45 on: July 30, 2011, 06:27:27 AM »
Chapter 15: What makes Ambrosia go? (The secret of Immortality)       
My name is Mistique... Pegasus Mistique... Dr. Pegasus Mistique... I've been assigned a task. I would need to preserve me and eight of my offspring firstborns in Sunset Valley for ever. I was told - by my forefathers - that the secret to immortality is eating Ambrosia, but lately, I've been conducting some experiments... that made me doubt it a bit...       
It can't be that easy... Ambrosia is accessible to everybody with the skills to prepare it. Then I started to wonder: What if it depends on other things the person who is eating it has done in his life? I started calculating and then came to a result. I walked out to the family museum entrance. I wrote down all the requirements on a mini-blackboard, that is also to be placed in every room of the museum.     
A Sim is a social and ambitious being... Every single one of us has always wanted something. I - Dr. Pegasus Mistique - Founder of the Mistique Dynasty here by encourage you to go after all those things and you - one day - will become an Immortal. I know it may be a tough road, some of you may give up in the middle, but Don't do it! I belive in each one of you... If you are reading this right now, you are either just a meer child, so full of life and wants to know what you have to do with your life, or you are already an Elder, like myself at the moment, and are just passing by, to see if you can eat Ambrosia already. So - here we go: To eat ambrosia, you must accomplish: 
- your Life Time Wish - Something you always wanted - Sims, who can't follow their goals, do not deserve the gift of Immortality...   
- Max a Career - Reach the very top of your career track - Sims, who settle for Mediocrity can not be Immortal... 
- Supermax a skill - Be the master of a skill - only Sims who are above others in a certain way will become Immortals... 
- Buy a Property and a lot and max it to level 3 - Real Estate is an important thing as it - during time - you will become the ultimate master of Sunset Valley... 
- 3 lifetime rewards and 6 Opps, that are unique to you and only you... something to differ you and to get your name around... 
- Have 6 best friends... Being social is important in the life of a Sim - you have to understand other people to get Immortality... 
And don't dare to cheat - If you do, Grim will make a sudden appearance!

And then, It was time to write down My accoplishments...
Pegasus' spread wings
Conceal a flaw, and the world will imagine the worst.
Marcus Valerius Martialis (40 - 103)

LTW: Become a Creature-Robot cross breeder
Career: Mad Scientist [Science Career]
SuperMaxed Skill: Fishing
Property: Pinochle Pinnacle [Pegasus' Fish Gallery]
Building: Landgraab Sell n' Swap
Rewards: Collection Helper, Super Green Thumb, Watering Hole Regular
Opps: Fix It, Outstandigly Rare, Uncommonly Good, Lettuce Help Out, What not to Fish, Best Food in Town
6 Best Friends: Jenna The Car, Xander Clavell, Christen Reiter, Vicky Ursine, Geoff Landgrabb...

"I seem to be missing a Best Friend... I'll call Susan Right Away!"

Not long after her arrival, their friendship became better and they were best friends!

Now, I did everything I needed to do... I just had to wait for Agnes to sculpt my sculpture...

And then I whipped up some Ambrosia!

And then there was only one thing for me to do

Get another Immortal Tatoo in our new 'Room of Immortals' and become Eternally Alive!


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Re: Mistiques write Myths... Apollo has landed.
« Reply #46 on: July 30, 2011, 11:29:53 AM »
Congrats on your first immortal! What does the tattoo look like?

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Offline ratchie

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Re: Mistiques write Myths... Apollo has landed.
« Reply #47 on: July 30, 2011, 12:03:37 PM »
I have just read this all in one go and it is so funny. I love the way you write I will be waiting with baited breath for updates.

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Offline Widonja

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Chapter 16: The Memory Remains...
« Reply #48 on: July 30, 2011, 12:16:22 PM »
Chapter 16: The Memory Remains...     
Yesterday, me and Leo were cuddling under the stars and thinking about everything that we've been trough together...

Honey, You are such a great mother to Apollo... You are born for this job! I think you could easily handle a house full of babies!     
Aphrodite: Oh and, remember the Prom? I got crowned queen and you were the king... The photo was funny!     
Fun is Fun, but the next day was Monday (Monday, gotta get down on monday), so Leo's work hours were starting again! He got a call from his long time rival, Chris Steel. He styled him once before and he wasn't happy with it...     
Hello, Is this the Styling agency?     
Leo: Sure Is! How may I help you?     
Chris: Oh, It's You... To what do I owe the displeasure...     
Leo: Christopher Steel... What, you want me to shave your Llama-like bodyhair?     
Chris: Please... Can I just get somebody else?     
Leo: Sorry, Only one in today!     
Chris: ... Okay, come around, I need a new Athletic wear...
But Leo had a little surprise in store for Chris...     
Recognize anybody?    
Strangely enough, he loved the new look...   
Aphrodite: DAD! Can you take care of Apollo, I'm going to the SPA and Mom is at the Library?!   
Pegasus: Sure thing, Aphrodite! Come here, Apollo! I'm going to show you my all-time favorite book! 
"Oh no!" Liloo, The Unicorn screamed, when the masked men were taking her away with the net. "Who ever can save me now?" -"I can!" said Pancake, the magical Pony, as he ran down the hill and into the woods... "Don't worry, My love... Soon... Soon, I will come for you! 
So the Princess offered Pancake Knighthood, but Pancake smiled at her and replied: I'm sorry, Peach... You've got Prince Mario, And I have Liloo, The Unicorn. I bet you would even give up your spaghetti for Prince Mario, As I will give this up for her - you see, she means too... *Aphrodite rushes into the bathroom* "'Dite? You OK?"

I'm... Fine... Where's Leo? Call Him...

Aphrodite: "Leo!"
Leo: "Yees, Pumpkin?"
Aphrodite: "Pumpkin?"
Leo: "Yes, Pumpkin! You know... Big, round, kind of like Oranges, Harry Potter drinks their juice..."
Aphrodite: "There are no Pumpkins and No Oranges in The Sims 3..."
Leo: "Oh..."

Aphrodite: "Anyhooooooooow.... You know how you were saying yesterday, that I could handle more babies?"
Leo: "Yes?"
Aphrodite: "Well.. I thi... no wait... Umm... How do I put this... I think Leo is going to have some company..."
Leo: "The Landgraabs are coming! Oh Boy! I'll go cook up some hot dogs for the kids!
Aphrodite: "No, Dummy, what I'm trying to say is... I'm Pregnant!
Leo: "WHA... Just kidding *wink* That's great!"

Leo: "Hello, Hello? Anybody there? This is chief commander Daddy speaking!"
Aphrodite: "I just hope this one likes Pepsi..."

And here's a Grim reminder why you shouldn't eat too much Mexican Food... Agnes spent her whole day down there and look what happens!

Offline Widonja

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Re: Mistiques write Myths... Apollo has landed.
« Reply #49 on: July 30, 2011, 12:19:00 PM »
Thanks Rachel and Sportsfan!

You can see the tatoo in 2 pics, it's the same as on the back (the shape will always be like this, additional tatoos are optional too..., only colours will differ!)

Right now have material for an update or 2, but otherwise, the remodeling of the house is in process! The question remains, if anyone is interested! ;)


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Re: Mistiques write Myths... Apollo has landed.
« Reply #50 on: July 30, 2011, 12:21:44 PM »
I don't think that eating too much Mexican food makes that happen to you. I eat a ton of Mexican food and I've never spontaneously combusted.
Maybe it's the sculpting.
Sorry, I can't think of a theme for the house.

Offline Widonja

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Re: Mistiques write Myths... Apollo has landed.
« Reply #51 on: July 30, 2011, 12:43:02 PM »
I know, it's just sculpting  ;D

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Offline Widonja

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Chapter 17: They will replace me...
« Reply #52 on: July 30, 2011, 02:07:26 PM »
Chapter 17: They will replace me...
It was just an ordinary day in the Mistique household...

When suddenly Agnes started acting strange....

A... Are you the grim reaper?

She begged him to leave her in the mortal world but Grim coldly rejected her and sent her packing.

The entire Mistique Familly was in mourning...

And while Pegasus was arranging the Funeral, the young couple payed a tribute to Agnes by sculpting her signature sculpture...

When the Funeral Started, Pegasus shared his memories with the friend he knew the longest - Uriah Suggs.

We were... Sitting... on the couch... And... She would just tell me... "They will replace me... In your life... Don't worry, Everything is going to be OK, I have to move on, but you can Stay, My love..."

Agnes' death deffinitly hurt Aphrodite the most. She was crying all day, when her cries of sorrow turned into those of pain.

[Wow, I LOVE this next picture! Apollo looks a lot like his dad!]

Leo rushed to the hospital...

Where Aphrodite gave birth to twin sisters!


And Phoebe

(Such a sweetie!)


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Re: Mistiques write Myths... Apollo has landed.
« Reply #53 on: July 30, 2011, 03:48:08 PM »
Sorry about Agnes death. Apollo does look like his dad. Boy, twins! That's gonna be tough.

Offline Widonja

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Re: Mistiques write Myths... Apollo has landed.
« Reply #54 on: July 30, 2011, 04:09:31 PM »
Well, probably, there won't be any babies and such... but at least it's going to be fun! ;)

Offline Widonja

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Re: Mistiques write Myths... Stopped due to Sims Error
« Reply #55 on: July 31, 2011, 04:22:13 PM »
It gives me great displeasure to inform you that I have to pause - if not stop writing this dynasty... Patch 1.24 ruined my game and I had to reinstall... Looks like I didn't do it correctly, so... untill then, the dynasty is stopped... Wish me luck and hope that I can reinstall sims correctly so I can continue this dynasty, if not, I will tell you soon!


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Re: Mistiques write Myths... Apollo has landed.
« Reply #56 on: July 31, 2011, 04:31:07 PM »
No! That's terrible! Is that the patch that came with Town Life Stuff?
I almost had a game ending technical problem today, the graphics were all bad and everything was disappearing. But then my dad checked something on the computer and made it work again.
I hope you can continue.

Offline Widonja

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Re: Mistiques write Myths... Apollo has landed.
« Reply #57 on: July 31, 2011, 04:34:29 PM »
I don't have original games but I downloaded the one that works 100%

I'm trying to have the 2 SPs I don't have... I patched to 1.24 and it didn't work, but it did before the patch... Looks like the reinstalation wasn't as smooth as I wanted it to be... Let's hope I can work something out in the next days, as I can't play Sims right now at all!

Offline cathyknits

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Re: Mistiques write Myths... Apollo has landed.
« Reply #58 on: August 01, 2011, 10:02:54 AM »
Aiiee, I hope you can fix it! I haven't commented before, but I love what I've been reading here.
Immortal Dynasty: A Bouquet of Blossoms

Offline Widonja

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Re: Mistiques write Myths... Apollo has landed.
« Reply #59 on: August 01, 2011, 01:53:52 PM »
Thanks for the support guys! It took long hours of sitting behind the computer but...


I now have all EPS and SPs and am rebuilding the house! ;)