Chapter 14: Pre-Immortal agenda(Poo and Ambrosia) Agnes has finally suceeded in potty training Apollo. She was totally grossed out by what oak meal and baby food reproduce into...
"You know, Leo, I can always visit an experienced stylist!"
"No, No, You've been Aphrodites best friend since high school! I insist!"
"But, you aren't that experienced..."
"Trust me, I will blow you away! It's Summer time! Let's work on that!"
It was blast from the past time for Aphrodite, when she decided to let Mrs. Butters out again...
"Aphrodite! How are you? I've missed you so much!"
"I'm great... khm... Mrs. Butters... How are you?"
"I'm so happy you let me out! Lets go up in the tree house and you can tell me all about your time!"
"Mrs. Butters... I'd love to but... I'm a grown woman now! I have a child! Say Hi, Apollo!"
Apollo: "Hi, Apollo!"
"He's so cute! I could just snuggle him all day and..."
"Mrs. Butters, he can't see you"
"Oh, Okay, Let's play Tag then, but not before a BIG HUG!"
"Mrs. Butters, I'm sorry, I can't... I just wanted you to see the world for one more time... not to... Let's face it - we've grown... You can't stand art - I love it! I don't think I should..."
"You don't love me anymore?"
"Ofcourse I do... I just... I don't know what... I think it's time for you to go back... See you..."
"I love y..."
While Pegasus...
"It was a dark and stormy... Psych! You thought I was reading the sequel to Pancake the Pony weren't ya? I sure fooled you! I already read it! Agnes is reading it right now!"
"Why is this page torn out? Whats this?
| <------- I tore this page out of the book as it contained content
that scared me that wasn't
|suitable for me. The page also made me
cry think about life and the whole book is too hard for |children as it includes
tuchtouchingents life paradoxes like
Pancake the pony having to leave his |
friends Betrayal and death...
Hope you don't cry like I did understand and don't
be sad worry, Pancake doesn't die!
I actually learned how to cook Ambrosia! And I already have all the ingringredients
"Whats up, B...eagles? It's my birthday!"