Author Topic: Mistiques write Myths - REBORN! The Root of All Evil & Remember Us!  (Read 32613 times)

Offline Widonja

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Re: An Immortal Myth...
« Reply #15 on: July 26, 2011, 03:45:57 PM »
As for now - I have a question. Right now (in the game), I'm planning on a major remodeling of the house, as I need to add some rooms. I want to ask you, if - from the first look at the Mistiques you got - you can think of a certain color or pattern, that would be a signature to them - to build an entire house of that pattern - maybe even clothes with that color/pattern? It would appear later in the game! All of your comments/feedback - as always - very welcome!
Chapter 8: Who is You? Us. (Daddy Issues) 
Oh, its you... 
"Hey... Is... Is something wrong?" 
"Hey... No, It's just... meh..." 
"We, need to get you inside, Aphrodite, you're shivering like a... amm... something that shivers a lot?" 
"Haha... A Chiuaua?" *gets up* 
"You're much cuter than a chiuaua" *smile* 
They went inside... Leo comforted Aphrodite and brought her a blanket because she was cold... When she was feeling better...

"Thank you, Leo... For everything... You know Leo... I like you... a lot..."
"I like you to Aphrodite! Always have... But it's just... Vicky..."
"I understand..."
"No wait... She won't be happy about this but... I think I can risk it for you..." *Smile*

Driving lessons - day 1
Pegasus: (Paranoic) "Now, Aphrodite, you know that I am against you driving already, because I still think you are too young, but if you are in such a rush, you have to know that driving isn't as easy as it seems... There are many things you probably still don't know about driving..."
Aphrodite: "No sweat, dad, this is going to be a peace of cake!"
Pegasus: "Well than this things should be elementary to you - to drive, you just have to:
Aphrodite: Dad?
Pegasus: alwaysonthelefthastobeemptywhentheblinkerisonyoucandrivebutwhentheresonlyyellowyouhavetopulldownandstopandwaitfortheblinkerorthegreenbecouseredcomesquickerthanthegreenthehandbrakeisusedonlyforspecificemger...
Aphrodite: DAD!
Pegasus: WHAT?!
Aphrodite: Chill out, dad, I just need to follow the traffic signs... it's not that confusing...
Pegasus: Oh, so driving is a peace of cake for you then? Well ok, I'll be quiet and lets se how you do!
Aphrodite: here we go!

Driving lessons - Day 4

Pegasus: "You're doing a lot better honey!"
Aphrodite: "Thanks dad! That real means a lot coming from you!"
Pegasus: "Slow down here just a little bit, honey... That's it! Soon you'll be driving all by yourself!"
We're going to die!! I don't have no death flowers on me!
Aphrodite: "Of course, daddy, what ever you say!"
Put a sock in it old man, I know what I'm doing!


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Re: An Immortal Myth...
« Reply #16 on: July 26, 2011, 04:10:03 PM »
Haha. The driving lessons were really funny. I like how you put a bunch of humor in your story.

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Offline Widonja

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Re: An Immortal Myth...
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2011, 04:20:11 PM »
I try to be unique and original, think that could get me attention... But you're pretty much the only one who looks like he's following it  :-\
Anyways, right now away from home and will try to catch up to the game so that it would feel more alive - but this computer isweakk....: (spoiler alert)
Immortal nr. 1 -successfull!

Offline Widonja

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Re: An Immortal Myth...
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2011, 04:49:57 PM »
Chapter 9: Wrinkle up!

Lately, Pegasus has had some frustration manegment issues, that he has been taking out on his daughter... When she finally passed her drivers exam (try 12, by the way), he has lost that one target... He does deserve his job title - Mad Scientist - as he is now taking out his frustration on random household objects...

His job has made him a bit of a whacko... When he blew up the oven last night he just turned away, smiled and sang:

Cool guys don't look at explosions, They blow things up and then walk away, Who's got time to watch an explosion, Cause cool guy's errand's that they have to walk to... Keep walking, keep shining, Don't look back, keep on walking, Keep struttin', slow motion, The more you ignore it, the cooler you look...

He then just put on a pair of sunglasses and walked on to the radio - eye of the tiger - and played cool! Lucky - the firealarm worked great and the girls saved their pressious kitchen...

You'd think that's all the wierdness about Pegasus, won't you? Well, it turns out, he went to embrace his sunglasses, put some gel in his hair and now, he wants to wear this to work everday...


It was the day Pegasuses Mid Life Crysis finally got to an end. He managed not to deal too much damage to himself and his family! And than, right behind the easel, Agnes aged up to an Elder.

She decided to live her life on the edge from now on - as there wasn't much left of it... She first picked out a daring hair style... But she just couldn't choose between the two...

WAIT, you actually bought that? Agnes aged up in a loving old grandma, but still embraced her talent in art... She even convinced her daughter to follow her footsteps as a sculptor...


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Re: An Immortal Myth...
« Reply #19 on: July 26, 2011, 04:57:17 PM »
Hah. Yes I did buy it. I was thinking that the first hairstyle looked good on Agnes.

Offline Widonja

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Re: An Immortal Myth...
« Reply #20 on: July 26, 2011, 05:05:56 PM »
That - I don't buy ;) Probbably the last update for today... hope somebody gives a thought or two on the quote I've been posting :P

If you're reading, don't be shy, tell me what you think! ;)


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Re: An Immortal Myth...
« Reply #21 on: July 26, 2011, 05:31:21 PM »
I like the second hairstyle! It's totally awesome!

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Offline Alieana4518

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Re: An Immortal Myth...
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2011, 06:35:53 PM »
Haha, love the haircuts! I just found this and it's interesting. I'll be reading this one. :)
One day everything will make sense... On the way there, love like you'll never get hurt. -Erica Kohn

Offline Widonja

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Re: An Immortal Myth...
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2011, 05:22:17 AM »
Thanks, both of you, glad you like the story, Alieana!

Naah, I'm keeping the whole 'loving granny' look, She already had GaGa hair, we don't want her to become an over-aged version of Pink, do we? ;)

Anyway - new update comming soon, hope we will et a new site, this one is pretty long already ;)

Offline Widonja

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Re: An Immortal Myth...
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2011, 07:07:12 AM »
First of all, I want to apologize that I don't have the Prom picture... I will upload it as a bonus scene when I get home... Expect it around Friday... We'll just skip the prom now ;)   
Chapter 10: No more child play   
It was graduation time for Aphrodites class... She was very busy, as she was also organising the after party, wich was - also - her birthday party...   
"No, 'bub, I've clearly told you - I want 300 ballons, a Graduation sign, 300... No, I... No, I don't want to join no exclusive club... I don't care if it's 20 percent the next time - let's face it, I'm never going to shop from you again... No, Lazily, I don't care if you were my school mate... I said... wait, I have another call... Hey Stan, How are we doin' on the Pizza? What do you mean there's no Pizza? That's like the only thing I asked you to do! I don't care if you have a freaking cold, you just had to make a phone call... You know what stan, you are just another lazy son of a... Hello? No he didn't! He didn't just hang up on me!   
When she finally came down, the ceremony started. She was voted most Artistic and became the Class Valedictorian too! 
On the Birthday party, she finally aged up to Young Adult. Here is the goddess of beauty - finely aged. 

Late at night, Leo brought her back from the party. The preparation of the party tired the poor thing so much - good thing she has a caring boyfriend, who offered to carry her home... When Aphrodite came too, she had a little surprise of her own...

And then it was time to have some fun.

Offline Widonja

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Re: An Immortal Myth...
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2011, 09:51:52 AM »
Chapter 11: The Wedding 
What's up Peeps? Leo here! And this is a new entry in my blog... Probably won't be writin' much more, because, as I mentioned before, I got married yesterday... Here's some highlights... 
Pop Pegasus set the whole thing up... He build the arch himself, and grew the flowers too! At first, I didn't think he liked me very much... Maybe because of the whole Vicky thing... But about Vicky later... It was time for some Vows... 
Aphrodite: I, Aphrodite Mistique, take you Leo Suggs, to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today, tomorrow, and forever... 
*************************After 15 minutes*****************************
As I have given you my hand to hold So I give you my life to keep... I love you Leo...[/i] 
Leo: Umm... I like you... will you be my wife?
*Crickets, Some of Leo's guy friends laugh*
It didn't happen like that... Who... Who tweaked this video? Anyway, we exchanged rings...

And then I could kiss the bride :D

Nothing like a nice massage under the wedding arch, eh?

Aphrodite wasn't feeling very well at the wedding though... I sensed she wouldn't mind if everybody left... She always frowns like this when she has a headache or her stomach is hurting... She told me, she wasn't feeling well...

But I guess it was pretty bad... maybe there was something in the cake?

On the other hand, I had a slice too! And it was delish!

And yes, that is me after my makeover... don't ask about my formal wear at the wedding... It was a tribute to my granddad, he wore it at his wedding!

Look who decided to crash the party... He took one of my dads best friends with him. Luckily, he didn't cause a scene... He went in peace...

Offline Widonja

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Re: An Immortal Myth...
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2011, 04:29:27 PM »
Chapter 12: One man. One rod... And a WHOLE lot of bait (Pump it, Leo!)

Nothing has ever brought up the sparkle in Pegasus' eye like fishing. He has gone out on a quest to catch every kind of fish, that can be found in Sunset valley and then - other places!
Leo - on the other hand was still starting to discover the true goal in his life... First off - it was Athletics...
"Okay, Leo, here we go! One... Two... Aargh... Three..."
Aphrodite: "Leo! Here you are!"
"304, 305... Hey, Hun!"
Aphrodite: "I've been all over the town! Listen, I've got something wonderful to..."
"Not now! I'm going for my personal best!

Pegasus is now a true Fisherman! He cooks his own fish too! Okay, those might be pancakes, but SOMEDAY, he will! SOMEDAY, he will be a great cook!
For Leo - Logic was next...

If I move the queen here, the opponent would take my bishop, but would then open up a game for the King gambit... I don't know if its worth it, but...
Aphrodite: "Hey, Honey? Have a sec'?"
Leo: "Not now Woman!"
Aphrodite: "??"
Leo: "I... mean... sweatypie... please... just a sec... I'm working on my strategies now..."
And then - finally he tried art...

Aphrodite: "This is nice... Just you and I... doing the same thing... I've got something to tell you about you and I..."
Leo: "Not now! I got a vision!"
Aphrodite: "Meh." *Tries not to cry...*

Leo: "Honey... Is... Is something wrong?"
Aphrodite: "You don't love me... You won't even take the time and listen to me..."
Leo: "Don't say that! Don't say that ever again!"
Aphrodite: "... Okay *smile* Than... I want to tell you something..."
Leo: "What is it?"
Aphrodite: "I'm.... I'm pregnant."


Offline Widonja

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Re: An Immortal Myth...
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2011, 06:03:55 PM »
Chapter 11: Apollo has landed

Aphrodite was getting bigger and bigger everyday. Leo was totally fine with the baby later on...
When it was the time to go to the hospital, Grandma gave the parents a ride, while Grandpa stayed at home and...

It was a dark and stormy night... Pancake the rainbow pony of friendship was lost inside a scary forest. The elk yelled out: Quick, Pancake, Save yourself! As the magical Rainbow Trout jumped out of the lake and charged straight towards Pancake. He opened his mouth and exposed a set of nicely groomed, sharp teeth and... "I can't watch this! They should have rated this book R!"

And here he is. Little Apollo. He has such a naughty, advanturous look in his eye! He looks like a little mischief maker!

Agnes: "Hey, Guys, what's all the arguing about?"
Aphrodite: "I'm not talking to him!"
Leo: "I'm not talking to her!"
Agnes: "Hey, You to! You're young parents! This should be the greatest day of our lives!"
Leo: "But..."
Aphrodite: "Mom, Tell him, Apollo should wear Blue chlotes! Not Green!"
Agnes: "..."

Offline Widonja

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Chapter 12: Born to Rock! (Quest for new chlotes)
« Reply #28 on: July 28, 2011, 08:17:20 AM »
Chapter 12: Born to Rock! (Quest for new chlotes)  
Soon after the arrival of the new member to the house, it was time for his first birthday!  
First, he needed to put on some of Mommies toddler chloates, because they didn't have enough money for new ones (Pegasus just bought Landgraab's sell and swap...)  
But everybody pitched in and earned some money!  
While Leo took care of the Xylophone prodigy!  
Seeing that he liked music so much, Leo came up with an idea!  

While Pegasus was starting to really think about ambrosia and Immortality...

Agnes tried to Enjoy what was left of her life...

Offline TheChronicR

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Re: Mistiques write Myths... Apollo has landed.
« Reply #29 on: July 28, 2011, 08:28:06 AM »
Widonja, awesomely done so far! Oh my, Apollo is such a sweetie! And the shirt's just wonderful.

Best of luck later on! ;)
Well, that's your opinion, isn't it? And I'm not about to waste my time trying to change it. - Lady GaGa

