I love how this thread is evolving! I knew people would give it their own special flair, and that's exactly what's happening.
Oh, how much I do love the Alien quidrilogy myself!
But isn't that a bit offtopic here, or does alien talk fit in, in a Special Party topic?
It's not off topic at all, Leto. People will naturally talk about whatever interests them at a party. I think one of the marks of a successful party is that people don't just stand around being formal.
I am terrible at making my sim-self! I want to come to the party, but is it mandatory that the sim looks just like me?
Esther, if you tell us your Sim-self looks just like you, we'll believe it. No matter how impossibly beautiful she is.
Hi everyone! Glad you could stop by my bathroom as I prepare for the long trip to Saskatchewan for Schip’s party commemorating the forum’s 2nd birthday. I always like to go to the bathroom before a birthday party and not in the middle of the festivities.
And here I was anticipating a screenshot of you getting ready for the party by practicing a special drum number. Silly me.
Of course a shot of you going to the bathroom is much more Manly. Still, I suppose we're all grateful that you did it
before the party. I'm definitely going to keep a close eye on you and the level in the champagne bottle.
I love the different ways people are presenting their Simselves. And I have to say, when I got up this morning and checked this thread, not quite awake, Gogowars really got my attention with this shot:
I sat here thinking, "he's twins? Really?" before finally realizing it was a mirror! Haha. Like I said, not quite awake yet. Can't wait to see what other creative ideas people will come up with.