Hmmm, it's been a while, hasn't it? I've had crashing problems with my other files that I've been trying to fix, so this story has been on the backburner. But it is destined for me to continue this story, because it never crashes lol.
Ch. 29: Halfway There!Our Pocahontas has been working on SuperMaxing Logic. None of her friends from school will come to her house, which is odd. Something always comes up. So instead of tutoring, she has been working her way up the Chess Tournament ladder.
Her first match didn't go so well.
But, big news, Mulan has reached her Elder birthday! All of the family gathers in the dining room to celebrate.
Belle immediately starts on Mulan's sculpture. Cinderella quickly snaps her picture and paints her portrait.
We have officially hit the halfway point, everyone!
LTR: Perfect Mind, Perfect Body
Career: Athletic
SuperMax Skill: Athletic
Building: Soil and Water Research Facility
Property: Octagon House: Historical Museum and Art Gallery
3 LTRs: Office Hero, Stone Hearted, Learned Relic Hunter
6 Best Friends: Belle Queen, Trevor Redman, Bryant Tanner, Elizabeth Fenton, Garret Abernathy, Keenan Newsome
6 Opportunities: Stinky Bugs, Cultural Interval, Push It!, No Sweat!, Stadium Cleanup, Sprint to the Finish
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
Ice Sculptures: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
Photos: Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
To mark the triumph of this halfway point, Aurora ventures down to the museum. She found herself gingerly picking up Jon's old guitar. It was time for a new hobby.
Since Aurora had started playing guitar, Cinderella decided to bang around on the new drum set, while Belle sat down at the piano bench and pecked out notes as if they were on a computer keyboard.
Almost every night, Pocahontas has been taking a trip out to the pond to talk to Grandmother Willow. Pocahontas has learned a few things about her, though. First, she glows different colors, and when Pocahontas eats one of her fruit, she goes pale and dull and can only speak for a few more moments.
Pocahontas found herself drawn to Grandmother Willow in a very inexplicable way. Pocahontas was rather logical, and it took her a while to finally accept she wasn't hearing things when she went to the tree.
But one night, Grandmother Willow told Pocahontas a secret. It was a very dark secret, and this secret would change the future of the Dynasty as we know it.