Ch. 23: No RestI was unprepared at how sad I would be with the passing of Anastasia.
She begged and begged for Grim to not take her, but he would not relent.
She now rests in the basement.
However, with Anastasia's death, this meant that Mulan and Lester could finally bring in the next generation.
Sadly, even the prospects of happiness could not keep Grim at bay.
Grim's patience was wearing thin, though, and he had no time for Drusilla's pleas.
He whacked her over the head with his scythe, sending her hurtling into her urn.
Never have I seen such a show of hatred from Grim. I was appalled, and so was Aurora. She confronted Grim and expressed her disdain. However, Grim just waved her off and disappeared.
However, there is no rest for the Queen family. Currently, this is good. Despite the deaths of Anastasia and Drusilla, Mulan's pregnancy progressed.
It progressed so far, that she went into labor.
The results of the pregnancy though, will have to be revealed next time.
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