Ch. 17: Too Many Birthdays!The home got a huge renovation. I was getting tired of the "added-on" look, so I tore down the house and started from the ground up. The third floor is actually empty, but I built it just in case. It's not my best work, but I was going for functional over pretty, lol. The yard will come slowly. I just put some trees in for filler.

The family is enjoying the new home. The rooms are spacious, but not fully decorated yet. But they're okay with that because Mulan consumes most of the family's time.

Anastasia, with her Criminal job, runs on different hours than the rest of the family. Because of this, she finds herself tending to Mulan's needs during the early morning hours. She even finds herself smiling and feeling warm and bright while holding this bundle of joy.

Soon, it's time for Mulan's toddler birthday. Oh, and it's also the triplets' birthday... That's right,
four birthdays! We start with Cinderella.

Then Drusilla.

And Anastasia.

Then finally, Mulan. She ages up with Eric's hair and eye color. I change her hair color, though.

Cinderella and Eric spend all of their time teaching Mulan her skills.

And in the meantime, Mulan just plays it cute.
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