Author Topic: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 29  (Read 106238 times)

Offline fansidoodle

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 11
« Reply #120 on: August 28, 2011, 01:32:21 PM »
Thnx for answering my question and thanx for reminding of tiana i forgot to include her yet i love that movie so much :) also disney's made about 31 princesses that i've counted. 

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 11
« Reply #121 on: August 28, 2011, 02:44:28 PM »
Thnx for answering my question and thanx for reminding of tiana i forgot to include her yet i love that movie so much :) also disney's made about 31 princesses that i've counted. 

I wouldn't be surprised about there being 31. I just want to use the most well-known ones. Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Snow White, Jasmine, Mulan, Pocahontas, and Ariel (in no particular order, this isn't a spoiler).

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Offline AnnBeiFong

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 11
« Reply #122 on: August 28, 2011, 09:15:02 PM »
That make sense. I love your choices!

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 12
« Reply #123 on: September 04, 2011, 08:31:09 PM »
Ch. 12: Birthday Time Once Again

Is it time for an update? I think yes.

Let's start with this silly picture of Cinderella... I'm not sure what she was doing.

Now that that's out of the way, let's go to Cinderella's friend, Eric House. She seems to think he's a cutie.

While hanging out on the back deck, Cinderella decides to do some stargazing with Eric. In fact, they're stargazing in the exact same spot that Belle and Kristopher did when they were teens. :)

By the end of the night, the two have become very good friends, and Cinderella decides to put the moves on him... Success!

Now that they're going steady, it's time for another triple birthday! (Oh goodness...) Anastasia decides to insult the very first guest who shows up. Hal promptly leaves after being insulted, and he doesn't even get to enjoy the party. You know, maybe she should stop being mean to vampires.

And here follows a series of birthday pictures. Let me know if you're getting tired of them. I know there are just so many, lol.

And the girls' makeovers. Cinderella's LTW is Swimming in Cash. Her last trait is Hates the Outdoors.

Drusilla's new trait is Genius. Her LTW is World Renowned Surgeon. As my response to the storyline, Drusilla has become a much nicer person, so via the Mid Life Crisis Reward, she is now Genius, Workaholic, Ambitious, Bookworm, and Good.

Anastasia on the other hand... Well, she's still pretty terrible. Her last trait is Kleptomaniac, and her LTW is Become a Master Thief.

That's it for this update! Sorry it's so short, but these birthdays take a lot out of me, ugh. Kristopher's Elder birthday is coming up. Oh, and possibly a wedding! Maybe Eric really is Cinderella's prince charming? And the family living room and entryway will get redecorated to fit Cinderella's tastes.

Next Chapter

Offline AnnBeiFong

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 12
« Reply #124 on: September 04, 2011, 10:01:30 PM »
Yay! The whole stargazing part was awesome. So cute that that's the same spot her mother and father went to stargaze.

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 12
« Reply #125 on: September 04, 2011, 10:10:37 PM »
Yay! The whole stargazing part was awesome. So cute that that's the same spot her mother and father went to stargaze.

I didn't even notice it until I zoomed in to take the picture, and I thought Huh, this is oddly familiar. I thought it was pretty cute, too.

Offline Deme

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 12
« Reply #126 on: September 04, 2011, 10:42:46 PM »
It really is adorable. The more things change...
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Offline jen2912

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 12
« Reply #127 on: September 05, 2011, 08:37:05 AM »
Great story!

I was looking at old dvd and found Cinderella 2 where Anastasia married a baker much to her sister's dismay.

I really love the colour of Cinderella's formal wear and wondered what the hex code was?


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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 12
« Reply #128 on: September 05, 2011, 08:01:25 PM »
Beautiful. But I was kind of dissapointed when I read that Cinderella's last trait was Hate the Outdoors. Unless it's for a special purpose of, course.

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 12
« Reply #129 on: September 05, 2011, 08:08:52 PM »
Great story!

I was looking at old dvd and found Cinderella 2 where Anastasia married a baker much to her sister's dismay.

I really love the colour of Cinderella's formal wear and wondered what the hex code was?

:o I didn't even know there was a second movie! Next time I play this file, I'll be sure to write the hex code down for you.

Beautiful. But I was kind of dissapointed when I read that Cinderella's last trait was Hate the Outdoors. Unless it's for a special purpose of, course.

I couldn't think of a good last trait, so since Cinderella will mostly be painting, I gave her Hates the Outdoors because she won't get Stir Crazy with that trait.


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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 12
« Reply #130 on: September 05, 2011, 08:13:21 PM »
Yah that's what I was thinking after it sunk in.  ::)

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 13
« Reply #131 on: September 19, 2011, 12:32:32 PM »
Ch. 13: The Pages Turn

All is well in the... oh my goodness, I just realized that I've gone 12 chapters and 3, almost 4 generations without telling you the household's last name! It's Queen, ahahaha. So, all is well in the Queen household! The girls aged up beautifully, and now it's time to graduate. And for some reason, Anastasia (right) decided to wear a panda hat instead of her cap? And she got valedictorian! That was a complete shock to me. She also got Most Likely to Commit a Crime. Drusilla was voted Most Likely to Write a Best Seller. Cinderella was voted Most Likely to Have a Lot of Children. I hate to disappoint her peers on that one. PS. It took me forever to get this picture.

Upon returning home, Belle spent some time sculpting the girls in their graduation getups. Here's Cinderella. I guess she was feeling pretty spunky that day.

And of course, the home gets redecorated to fit Cinderella's tastes. The entryway:

This was the last room I did, so I just changed colors instead of completely redecorating. Dining Room:

Living Room:

Also, here's Cinderella's new bedroom. It's on the third story.

Drusilla and Anastasia get a joint bedroom.

And instead of starting on the fourth floor, I converted the art room into a study room for Drusilla. After overcoming her evilness, I thought she deserved a place to escape and work on her logic skill. Her LTW is to become a World Renowned Surgeon anyways.

The art room was moved to the third story balcony. It overlooks the backyard. And now I can use all these glass doors to keep people who don't need to be there out.

And you know what I forgot about while redecorating? Kristopher's elder birthday!

I think I might keep his gray hair. I'm not sure yet.

Last couple things. Anastasia got a job in the Criminal career. Here she is running a little late.

And Drusilla made her way to the hospital to get started on her career.

Th-th-th-th-that's all folks! Now we just have to wait for Eric to age up! Or will Cinderella find a more eligible bachelor in the meantime? She's been spending some time down at the consignment shop and has been friendly with a certain Mr. House... I wonder if that's Eric's dad? Scandalous! Until next time...

Next Chapter

Offline AnnBeiFong

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 13
« Reply #132 on: September 19, 2011, 05:30:22 PM »
Yay for updates! I was kind of wondering what their last name was, but I just guessed it was Princess or something. Or White, as a reference to Snow, but I had no clue. Most likely to have a lot of children? Wow, her peers have got her pegged.  ::)


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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 13
« Reply #133 on: September 19, 2011, 05:43:49 PM »
Oh, I was wondering when you were going to update. Thanks! All of my Sims wear the little tiger hst for some reason. Lovely update.

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 13
« Reply #134 on: September 20, 2011, 12:37:23 PM »
Yay for updates! I was kind of wondering what their last name was, but I just guessed it was Princess or something. Or White, as a reference to Snow, but I had no clue. Most likely to have a lot of children? Wow, her peers have got her pegged.  ::)

I still can't believe I never mentioned it until now lol. I'm kind of looking forward to only one child for this generation. It will be a HUGE break from the triple birthdays.

Oh, I was wondering when you were going to update. Thanks! All of my Sims wear the little tiger hst for some reason. Lovely update.

Yeah, it's been a while. Silly college classes ::) I've never had a sim wear anything other than the graduation hat. I thought it was weird.

