Author Topic: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 29  (Read 86422 times)

Offline Serena Darrin

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 9
« Reply #90 on: August 19, 2011, 03:42:04 PM »
Yeah, I'm only on the third generation, so I can't imagine what it'll be like towards the end. And Anastasia wasn't exactly intentional. Anastasia and Drusilla are the names of Cinderella's evil step-sisters in the Cinderella movie. I wasn't actually going for the Anastasia from the Anastasia movie, if that makes any sense. :-\

Oh!  I knew Drisilla was one of the sisters, I didn't know the other was named Anastasia! I thought her name was something else.

Ok, cool!

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 9
« Reply #91 on: August 19, 2011, 08:08:28 PM »
Oh!  I knew Drisilla was one of the sisters, I didn't know the other was named Anastasia! I thought her name was something else.

Ok, cool!

I had to Google it because I didn't know what either of them were. :)

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 10, Part 1
« Reply #92 on: August 19, 2011, 10:18:05 PM »
Ch. 10: Oh, You've Got to be Kidding Me, Part 1

Drusilla and Anastasia are getting out of hand. They've set pranks up all around the house.

Tonight is prom. The girls were planning on having a wonderful time avoiding each other at the dance, but Anastasia has something else on her mind. She's planning to sabotage Cinderella's prom. Cinderella goes over to Eric House's house. She wants to try to ask him to prom.

However, Anastasia gets Cinderella in trouble. I don't even know how. Anastasia comes home from school and Belle immediately punishes her.

Cinderella doesn't come home for a few hours, but when she does, Belle punishes her too.

In the meantime, Anastasia and Drusilla run off to prom.

Since Cinderella has to stay in the corner, she misses the limo to prom and ultimately does not get to go. While wallowing in her sadness--after all, she was hoping to at least get to dance with Eric--she decides to confront her mother.

Cinderella: Listen, Mom...

Cinderella: You know I'm not one to complain. I just paint all day.
Belle: I don't know about that. You and your sisters fight an awful lot, especially you and Anastasia.
Cinderella: But it's not me! It's them! Have you really not noticed how evil they both are? I mean, they're so grumpy all the time, and they're so childish and never let things go. That's why they hate me! One argument and it's all they can ever think of. Plus, they're so mean-spirited that every time I even try to talk to them, they either ignore me or start fighting with me.

Belle: Cinderella...I don't think they hate you. I think they're jealous.
Cinderella: Why would they be jealous?
Belle: There's something I need to tell you. You know how Grandma Aurora is so old? She seems to just never want to kick the bucket?
Cinderella: Yeah. What about it?
Belle: Well, it's because she can't die.
Cinderella: Psssht, yeah right.
Belle: I can't either.
Cinderella: But you're not even that old yet. You're supposed to live for a while.
Belle: Cinderella... you can't die either.

Cinderella: You're not serious, right?
Belle: I am. You know all those renovations we've been doing to the basement?
Cinderella: Are they done or something?
Belle: Yes. If you take a look, you'll notice a few things.

Belle: Did you get a good look?
Cinderella: Yes.
Belle: What do you think?
Cinderella: ...what am I supposed to think?
Belle: Did you notice how your grandmother and I have a little part of the basement set apart from the rest? How there are sculptures and paintings of us?
Cinderella: Yes.
Belle: Did you notice sculptures and pictures of yourself?
Cinderella: Yes...

Belle: And your sisters have a room at the very back. There are a few sculptures, but you can clearly see their room is not the same as yours, mine, and your grandmother's.
Cinderella: ...

Belle: You're
immortal, Cinderella! It's your destiny!

Cinderella: But what about Drusilla and Anastasia? Are they not?
Belle: No. Unfortunately, they're not. Neither was your Grandpa Jon, and neither is your father. You, Grandma, and I will outlive everyone in this house and everyone we choose to invite into it.
Cinderella: What if I don't want that?
Belle: I'm afraid it's not your choice. Your father and I had a hard time coming to terms with the fact, but it's something we just have to live with.
Cinderella: ...
Belle: Cinderella, I think your sisters have realized that you're not quite like them. They know we treat you differently. I think now, I'm starting to see that, and I'm sorry I've been so harsh to you. I tried to turn a blind eye and punish you all equally for what Drusilla and Anastasia did. I didn't want them to think you were special, but I think they've figured it out. They don't know exactly what it is, but they're jealous that you get to spend more time being the subject of art pieces. They're jealous that you do better in school. They're jealous that you met a guy! Yeah, don't think that I don't know about Eric.
Cinderella: Mom!

Belle: But in all seriousness, I'm going to ask Aurora to have a sit down with you and your sisters tomorrow. We need to sort all this out.

Next Chapter

Offline TallStar

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 10, Part 1
« Reply #93 on: August 19, 2011, 10:22:22 PM »
At least it's getting sorted out, and Cinderella should've gone to prom!
Tell Drusilla and Anastasia... I know where they live. And they'll be getting a horrid gift in the mail very soon.

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 10, Part 1
« Reply #94 on: August 20, 2011, 12:48:17 AM »
Ch. 10: Oh, You've Got to be Kidding Me, Part 2

Prom was certainly an event. Anastasia was in a terrible mood by the end of the night. She got in a fight, was refused a dance by her crush, barreled through the backdrop, and had a slew of other disastrous events. However, Drusilla was prom queen and she acquired herself a boyfriend by the end of the night. This is Peter Crosby. I'm assuming he's the son of Odin and Heather Crosby, but Odin is dead now and Heather is a vampire, so who knows what's going on.

Not that this should surprise anyone, but Drusilla and Anastasia decide that they're not going to be home before curfew. What does this result in? The cops, of course. Mr. Policeman does not look happy.

He brings them home, and the girls are pretty worried about the repercussions of their actions. At least Drusilla seems to be worried.

At this time, Belle has already gone to bed, so Aurora takes a break from her sprinklers to ground the two of them. So much for the perfect prom. I guess that's what they get for sabotaging Cinderella's prom. Then again, it seems that it's just Anastasia who's being the wild child. Drusilla is just along for the ride.

Morning arrives and Aurora fills Belle in on what happened last night. Belle also tells Aurora about her talk with Cinderella. The two agree to have a talk with the girls.

They head upstairs and first call in Drusilla and Anastasia. They think they're going to be yelled at about prom night.

Before Belle or Aurora get to talk, Anastasia bursts in.

Anastasia: What's all this about?!
Aurora: Don't use that tone, Anastasia.
Anastasia: I'll use whatever tone I want. Why did you ground me?! I had an absolutely terrible night at prom. Did you know that my crush
rejected me? Me! And I didn't even win prom queen, hmph.
Belle: Right now, I don't really care what happened at your prom. If you insist to talk about it, we will. But you will be punished even more for every sentence you utter about yourself.
Drusilla: Now that's not fair! I mean, she really did have a bad night. She actually fell through the photo backdrop *snort* while she was chasing after her crush, bahahaah!
Aurora: Drusilla, I advise you to be quiet. There is something else that your mother and I would like to discuss.
Belle: It involves Cinderella.

Anastasia: It always involves Cinderella...
Belle: Now why would you think that?
Anastasia: It's always about her! She gets to hang out with you and Dad in the art room all day, and you just fawn over her all the time. You have to get her ice sculptures just right, and Dad doesn't even paint us!
Drusilla: And you guys make us go around messing with all the sinks and radios and tv's and everything just because you're too cheap to hire a repairman!

Aurora: Do you enjoy tinkering with the appliances?
Drusilla: No!
Anastasia: No...
Aurora: Then don't do it. We're not forcing you. It's just a suggestion of how to spend your days. I tend my garden, your mother sculpts, and your father has a job.

Belle: And Drusilla, you know it's not that we're "too cheap" to hire a repairman. You two live very lavish lives, and you know we will hire a repairman if you don't want to fix any of our failing plumbing and electronics.
Anastasia & Drusilla: *grumble, grumble*
Belle: However, we didn't ask you here to talk to you about your handiness skills.
Aurora: We know that you both have some problems with your sister, Cinderella. We want to know why.
Anastasia: She's just so stuck up, and she always gloats about how much better she does in school.
Drusilla: And she brags about what
great paintings she makes. They're terrible in my opinion.
Aurora: Girls, you know that's not true.

Belle: I think if you'd ask Cinderella, she would say that you two are the ones who are terrible.
Anastasia: Of course she would! She's little Miss Goody-Two-Shoes!
Drusilla: Hah! That was pretty dumb of you to say. She's terrible because she's so good. *snort*
Aurora: This clearly isn't going anywhere.

Belle: Look! You two need to smarten up! You've been out of control lately. Anastasia, you fight with Cinderella on almost a constant basis. Drusilla, you set booby traps all over this house! We're going to tell you something right now, and you're not going to like it, but you're going to deal with it like civilized ladies.
Aurora: I'm immortal.
Belle: I am too and so is Cinderella.
Anastasia: Yeah, whatever.
Aurora: We are all going to outlive the two of you. Eventually, your urns will sit in the basement while we wander around this home.
Drusilla: Prove it.
Aurora: I'm not dead. How's that for proof?

The girls fall silent.
Belle: Maybe you should come in now, Cinderella.

Aurora: We're going to leave you, now. The three of you can sort this out on your own. We'll be back in a few minutes.

Anastasia: Is it true? Is everybody really immortal except for us?

Cinderella: Yep. It's this thing called Ambrosia. It's supposed to keep you from dying. Grandma knows how to cook it, and she's bound by some unknown force to keep consuming it and for the firstborn of the next 7 generations to consume it as well.
Anastasia: Is that why
you get all the attention?
Cinderella: There are requirements that need to be met before I can eat Ambrosia. Filling the new museum in the basement is part of that requirement.
Drusilla: But that's not fair! How come we don't get to do that?

Cinderella: Look, I don't know. I barely got the first part of this conversation memorized before Mom called me in!
Anastasia: Then I'll eat it!
Drusilla: Me too!
Cinderella: No, you can't!
Anastasia: And why not?
Cinderella: Because... then we all die.

Drusilla: I don't believe it.
Cinderella: So don't. If you're so certain that we'll all live through it, eat Ambrosia. Grandma has a bunch of it stored on the Food Replicator in the kitchen. And I certainly won't stop you. I don't want to live forever.
Anastasia: Yeah, right. Why wouldn't you want to live forever?
Cinderella: You know how a painter's works are worth more after they die?
Drusilla: Oh, don't try to tell us that when you die anything you touch will be worth so much money just because you think you're so good at painting!
Cinderella: You don't get it! If I'm not going to die, then my paintings won't be worth anything! I don't want to be as old as Grandma. I want to die young and make everybody think "Wow, she died so young. There's so little in this world that she took part in." That way, maybe--just maybe--they'll assume I was a good person who didn't deserve the death and people will actually like me. But if I'm alive, everyone is just going to resent me for outliving them.

Anastasia: You can't possibly feel like that. It's just your little cry for attention. As if you don't already get enough of it.
Cinderella: Well, I do feel like that. You two make me feel so terrible. Why do you think I avoid you all the time?
Drusilla: ...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel so bad. I was just jealous at all the attention you were getting from everyone.
Cinderella: It's... it's okay, I guess.
Anastasia: Don't expect an apology from me! I haven't done anything wrong.
Cinderella: Fine. I'm outta here. Thank you for the apology Drusilla.

Drusilla: Way to go,
Anastasia: Shut up. I don't need to hear this from you.
Drusilla: No, maybe you do! You're the one who's always fighting with Cinderella. You're the one who hates her. I just liked you better so I sided with you. Now I'm starting to think I made the wrong choice. Cinderella doesn't want to live forever. Don't hate her because she has to.
Anastasia: You. Out of my face. Now.

Drusilla: And now you're turning on me?! You have some serious problems, Anastasia. When you work them out, I'll think about talking to you again.

Author's Note: Okay, this blew up way bigger than I expected. I just took a bunch of pictures and then a story just kind of came out with them. And this wasn't even my original idea! That idea was blown the day of prom, haha. I think it turned out alright, though. A bit more dramatic than I wanted, but hey, I'll play in that ballpark. Next time... well, something is going to happen. It will involve pictures and, uhm, something that I make up right on the spot?

Next Chapter

Offline Deme

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 10, Part 2
« Reply #95 on: August 20, 2011, 09:18:15 AM »
That last picture reminds me of a great quote from a show I watch:
"I will always wave my finger in your face!"

I'm enjoying this dynasty very much: I like that you're taking cues from your theme to make the story.
Stories In Progress:
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Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 10, Part 2
« Reply #96 on: August 20, 2011, 12:35:25 PM »
That last picture reminds me of a great quote from a show I watch:
"I will always wave my finger in your face!"

I'm enjoying this dynasty very much: I like that you're taking cues from your theme to make the story.

Thanks. I'm kind of surprised at what all happens with this family. I just kind of guide them along, and they do everything else. :)

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 10, Part 2
« Reply #97 on: August 20, 2011, 12:53:53 PM »
Yay, LOL I for some reason flet like laughing at the finger pointing  ;D.
Lovely update as always! Haha, I don't know why am laughing. Thank for this great update(s)!!

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 10, Part 2
« Reply #98 on: August 20, 2011, 12:57:57 PM »
Yay, LOL I for some reason flet like laughing at the finger pointing  ;D.
Lovely update as always! Haha, I don't know why am laughing. Thank for this great update(s)!!

Hah, me too. I actually was just trying to get a picture of them talking, but all Anastasia wanted to do was snub Drusilla! I even made sure she stopped snubbing her via interactions panel, but every time Drusilla tried to talk to her, Anastasia would just wag her finger at her.

Offline Orange Iguana

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 10, Part 2
« Reply #99 on: August 21, 2011, 06:12:51 PM »
Making the immortals Disney princesses is actually pretty creative.

Drusilla is quite the finger wagger.

Offline AnnBeiFong

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 10, Part 2
« Reply #100 on: August 22, 2011, 04:52:57 PM »
Haha! I loved it! Even though it was supposed to be dramatic, I couldn't help but chuckle at their comments! And the last picture is awesome. So funny. You had me on the edge of my chair, laughing my head off! The best of both worlds!

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 10, Part 2
« Reply #101 on: August 22, 2011, 05:35:06 PM »
Making the immortals Disney princesses is actually pretty creative.

Drusilla is quite the finger wagger.

Thank you. :) And that's actually Anastasia doing the finger wagging, haha.

Haha! I loved it! Even though it was supposed to be dramatic, I couldn't help but chuckle at their comments! And the last picture is awesome. So funny. You had me on the edge of my chair, laughing my head off! The best of both worlds!

Thanks! The subject material was turning out to be more dramatic than I expected, but I still tried to make it funny.

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 10, Part 2
« Reply #102 on: August 26, 2011, 01:30:12 PM »
Ooooh  I really like your idea of doing the princessess and good luck with your dynasty.

Offline MoonsAreBlue

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 10, Part 2
« Reply #103 on: August 26, 2011, 03:40:26 PM »
Ooooh  I really like your idea of doing the princessess and good luck with your dynasty.

Thank you! And welcome to the forum.

Offline bekkaruella

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Re: The Disney Princess Immortal Dynasty: Ch. 10, Part 2
« Reply #104 on: August 26, 2011, 08:46:49 PM »
I love this story! I really like the idea of Disney Princesses, that is so cool!
God created Pie when He wanted a snack.  Pie was very pretty so lots of cute boys wanted her attention.  Eventually she ended up marrying a Greek god (Erebus) and having a child named Rebekah Ruella Felucia, nicknamed Bekka. <br />Bekka grew older and became the second vampire to exist, and is 9,086,753,423 years old.

