Ch. 20: Elders RuleFirst of all, may I say that this is my favorite painting so far in the game. Cinderella painted it, and it's lovely. I just had to share it with you all.
Second of all, this is a small and big update but it's only over a span of two days.
The triplets have their Elder birthdays.
I forgot to take a picture of Drusilla's makeover, but here are Cinderella and Anastasia for now. Now there are five Elders running around and Eric has his birthday in four days!
Anastasia finally reached the top of her career the day before her birthday. She went to join Mulan in her zen garden of Martial Arts and started slapping the wooden thing. She then rolled the wish to retire. Anastasia has worked hard and made it through a long life. I figured she should be able to relax and learn Martial Arts with her favorite niece.
However, the biggest part of this update is Cinderella. On the night of her birthday, Belle did her sculpture and painting. Anastasia took her photograph. After placing them in the museum, she went to bed for a very restful night's sleep. In the morning, she checked her requirements, had a little quality time with Eric and Mulan, and took a trip to the Food Replicator. She was ready for her first Ambrosia.
LTR: Swimming in Cash
Career: Painter
SuperMax Skill: Painting
Building: Hogan's Deep-Fried Diner
Property: Romper Recreation Playground
3 LTRs: Extra Creative, Suave Seller, Fireproof Homestead
6 Best Friends: Eric (House) Queen, Aurora Queen, Mulan Queen, Windy Rouse, Emanuel Lowery, Nawwaf Espinosa
6 Opportunities: Free Game, Scavenger Hunt, Sculpture for a Friend, The Importance of Sculpting, Interior Decor, Photo Contest
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
Ice Sculptures: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
Photos: Child, Adult, Elder
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