Chapter 24: Prepare YourselfMercury says good bye to his dear Ayesha.
He loved her more than life itself. Scratch that. This guys gonna be immortal. Can't be getting too sappy over a death.
But he still is sad.
So he grabs a thing of Andy's, a thing that's initials are MM. (not Metropolis Man)
Press the button Mercury, press the button and you can finally get over your wife's death*press*
I'm so happy that I cant even remember why I was ever sad!
It was because your wife died Mercury"I was married? I wasn't just a happy bachelor who was always happy and…"
While Mercury continues to grin uncontrollably, let's switch to the more important members of the dynasty.
Andy and Venus celebrated Venus' journey into adulthood.
Andy: "Ahhh!! The sparkles are eating my wife alive!"
And now it's Terra's turn.
First Andy shoves her face into a burning cake.
Is she doing the cross eyed thing again?!
Whoa, nice muscles you got there Terra. Thats really going to help you paint.
A quick makeover and our generation 3 is a child!
-a quick note. I stopped playing right after I gave her a makeover. So Chrisitne hasn't aged up yet. She will become a child in the next chapter.