Author Topic: Lakers Legacy-Graveyard  (Read 25095 times)

Offline Gogowars329

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Lakers Legacy-Graveyard
« on: July 09, 2011, 07:11:21 AM »
My current story starts here
The Lakers Legacy Heir Poll
Lakers Through the Generations
Generation 1

Bradley Lakers-Julienne (Knack) Lakers
Generation 2
(Heir) Chelsea Lakers - Kenji (Midden) Lakers
Daniel Lakers - Dana Ball
Saph Lakers (IF)
Generation 3
Emilia Lakers - Axel (Maroon) Lakers
Fez Lakers
George Lakers
The Pets
Generation 2

Incubus Lakers (Dog)
Lucy Lakers (Dog)
Lucky Fox (Horse)
Generation 3
Flower Lakers (Dog)
Bobby Lakers (Dog)

I dreamed of becoming a Rock Star, I still do. But the meteorite changed it all. It killed my entire family. I was luckily at a friends’ house preparing for the move. We all were going to Bridgeport, but now it’s just me, Ashleigh Lakers.
The plane from Bridgeport to Sunset Valley was long and gave me time to think about my future, but I only remembered the past. Always loving to play outside with my twin sister, gaining an interest in painting through my mother, learning guitar from my father and my love for parties.
During the end of the trip I thought about Bridgeport. I had always wanted to come here to pursue my dream. I had always wanted to be here with my family.
Now, I Ashleigh Lakers, had to fight through it all and raise a family and pursue my dream.
Gogowars Inc - The place to find all of my wonderful Sims 3 creations

Offline TheChronicR

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Re: Lakers Legacy
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2011, 07:15:06 AM »
I love the start! And I love Bridgeport!

Best of luck this time around, Gogo. Can't wait to read more. :)
Well, that's your opinion, isn't it? And I'm not about to waste my time trying to change it. - Lady GaGa

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Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Lakers Legacy
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2011, 07:39:31 AM »
Chapter 1: No More Money
When I left the airport, I read the note our lawyer gave me back in Sunset Valley.
‘Dearest Ashleigh,
I am very sorry for your loss, but I come bearing very bad news. The mansion that your parents had built has been demolished. The reason why is unknown. Also all the money from the Lakers’ bank account has been taken. The only money you have left is the $100 dollars you took on the plane.
The land where the property was demolished is still yours to keep and you’ll be living there until further notice. There are survival items at the lot.
Take care,
Mr. Traila’
I nearly started crying.
‘This is your stop, Ms Ashleigh.’ The taxi driver said.
I stared at the land. This time I cried.

I quit my crying and began to work on my dreams. I went to the Theatre and got a job and a Fan.
Then I was hit with a brainwave. I had no guitar due to the fact it was meant to be in the mansion but I needed a way to learn the guitar skill. I called a taxi and was off to Waylon’s Haunt.

I picked up the guitar there and before I got to the first level, a crowd started to watch.

Still before I got the first level, I met Barry. He was a cutie and we talked.

Although, he chose to ditch me and get an autograph from Richie Striker! To get his attention, a jammed with some girl.

That got his attention. We started talking about music other things too.

He became my first Bridgeport friend. To celebrate we danced.

When I got home I tumbled into my sleeping bag. I thought to myself, ‘This isn’t too bad.’  But I had no idea what was ahead.

Author's Note: Thanks Chronic.
Gogowars Inc - The place to find all of my wonderful Sims 3 creations

Offline TheChronicR

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Re: Lakers Legacy
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2011, 07:45:23 AM »
You're welcome. :)

Ooh, Barry looks like he could pass on good genetics - I'll go check his Sims Wiki page! I love Ashleigh's face in the picture after she says that Barry ditched her. Sleeping bags are awesome, aren't they? Awesome update, Gogo!
Well, that's your opinion, isn't it? And I'm not about to waste my time trying to change it. - Lady GaGa


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Re: Lakers Legacy
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2011, 08:09:04 AM »
Sorry you had to Re-start, Gogo. Ashleigh is very pretty, and Barry isn't bad, either  ;)

Offline GlassMirrors

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Re: Lakers Legacy
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2011, 09:06:07 PM »
Sorry that you had to go and restart, Gogo. However, Ashleigh is just so pretty (and I love the way her name is spelled) and Barry is a cutie just as well. Cute little update. Can't wait for more! :3
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Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Lakers Legacy
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2011, 09:32:21 PM »
You're welcome. :)

Ooh, Barry looks like he could pass on good genetics - I'll go check his Sims Wiki page! I love Ashleigh's face in the picture after she says that Barry ditched her. Sleeping bags are awesome, aren't they? Awesome update, Gogo!
I hope is does! I'm so happy Generations brought sleeping bags! I love them! Thanks.
Sorry you had to Re-start, Gogo. Ashleigh is very pretty, and Barry isn't bad, either  ;)
Yeah, Ashleigh is very pretty. She is just a copy of my dynasty founder, Lilac, given new hair, clothes and a personality. Lilac is actually is a copy of Roxie Lin!
Sorry that you had to go and restart, Gogo. However, Ashleigh is just so pretty (and I love the way her name is spelled) and Barry is a cutie just as well. Cute little update. Can't wait for more! :3
I restarted because I got bored. Haha. Ashleigh is pretty and I agree about Barry. His lifetime Wish is to become a Master Mixologist, I chose him because of that as I want to give it a go. Thanks.
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Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Lakers Legacy
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2011, 11:00:54 PM »
Chapter 2: Gaining Slowly
The only thing in the fridge was cereal. I have it every day now.

I only have something different when I go to clubs. Speaking of clubs I visit them a couple of days a week after work.

While I was at Eugi’s, (Stupid name if you ask me!) I saw Barry. He and I danced before I finally had a meal other than cereal. It was delicious Nachos!

I arrived home and noticed I had mail, but not the mail I wanted. It was the bills. Luckily I had enough to pay.

I woke up in the morning and had my usual cereal but after a cleaned up I noticed a guitar?

I was so excited! Sadly, I couldn’t practise as the carpool had just come to pick me up.
After work, I saw Barry was at the theatre. We talked and something else happened...

I was in love!
Tom Wordy invited me to his party. I went into his hot tub when Romeo Rake came in as well. He and I talked but I knew that Barry was the one and Romeo could just be a friend.

I was gaining back everything I had slowly. I was gaining friends, money and love.
Gogowars Inc - The place to find all of my wonderful Sims 3 creations

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Lakers Legacy
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2011, 05:19:24 AM »
Chapter 3: 1 A and 2 Bs
I hate not having a roof over my head. The shower always needs cleaning.

I’m always away from the lot during the day, usually trying to get money.

I proposed to my Barry!

With the money he brought we built a small cottage (Finally!)and Barry got a makeover. Here he is after his makeover.

Quite hot, eh. He wants to become a Mixologist but for now he’s stuck in his cooking job, we need the money. He reads up on the skill and makes me food.

He and I heard chimes when we were in the shower.

I went out to complete an opportunity and had a drink. I was vomiting all over the toilet afterwards!

It was after I had a shower I knew why.

Barry was excited when I told him.

Barry and I went to the library and read pregnancy books. I also got bored and got kicked out for breaking the quiet rule.

I was really feeling like apples so I went to the supermarket and got myself a few, 10 to be exact!

I ate them in the bathroom.

We were given gifts for our marriage and we sold most of them but this is one of the ones that we kept.

Haha. At 4 in the morning, I began to scream. Barry was no help.

We went to the hospital and returned with the second B of the family. Bradley.

We had the house rebuilt and remodelled to include separate bedrooms, although the house is very empty. I can’t wait to get more money.

Gogowars Inc - The place to find all of my wonderful Sims 3 creations

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: Lakers Legacy - Chapter2/3
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2011, 05:41:58 AM »
Aww, this is so sweet! Ashleigh is really pretty, and Barry is indeed very hot. ;) Congrats on Bradley! Yey!

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Lakers Legacy - Chapter 4:To Riverview
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2011, 07:37:40 PM »
Chapter 4: To Riverview
Bradley does about nothing as a baby other than be cute and cry for his bottle.

Because of him, I forgot my birthday!

I got two things. New hair and wrinkles!   

Bradley’s birthday was up next and isn’t he the cutest toddler!

The subway was the best way to get around. So when playing tips there I earned a lot of cash!

While eating my waffles, I had a flashback. To the days where my father would make me Pancakes, French Toast, Waffles and so much more each day, but that was the past.

My phone was ringing louder than it usually does. I picked it up to see it was Mr Trailia.
‘Hello? Is this Ashleigh Lakers.’ His voice sounded worried, scared even.
‘Yes. How have you bee’
‘No time for chit-chat, Ashleigh. We’ve got a problem.’
‘What problem?’
‘You can’t talk to anyone but Bradley. Any social interaction with anyone in Bridgeort, but Bradley, have been compromised.’
‘Someone is trying to get to you and your family. I’ve found a way that could save you and your family.’
I listened gloomily. I had just got here and now it’s all going down the drains.
‘You’re going to Riverview.’
‘This is all we can do. The taxi will pick you up in 3 hours to take you to the airport. Good Luck.’
Author’s Note:  They family were hit with the bug where you can’t to any social interactions. Luckily they could talk to Bradley!
The reason I chose Riverview is as it has space for the clubs and Ashleigh came from Sunset Valley.
@Fez The family are really sweet, aren’t they.
Gogowars Inc - The place to find all of my wonderful Sims 3 creations

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: Lakers Legacy - Chapter 4:To Riverview
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2011, 07:46:46 PM »
Oh no! I've never had that bug but it sounds really annoying!
I adore Bradley's new hair! :D
The family are so sweet.


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Re: Lakers Legacy - Chapter 4:To Riverview
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2011, 09:36:48 PM »
I'm sorry that you had that bug, but I really like how you incorporated it into the story.

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Lakers Legacy - Chapter 4:To Riverview
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2011, 09:52:43 PM »
The bug has come over and turned Barry and Ashleighs' boxes green and they are un-controllable. This means Im going to restart, using Bradley! Hopefully I won't get bugs again.
Gogowars Inc - The place to find all of my wonderful Sims 3 creations

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: Lakers Legacy - Chapter 4:To Riverview
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2011, 05:11:03 AM »
Ugh, that's horrible, Gogowars! Fourth time lucky, hopefully! :)

