Name: Knollwood
Lot Size: 30x40
Bedrooms: 4 +Nursery
Bathrooms: 4
Cost when placed on lot: $191,886
Cost when placed on lot unfurnished: $83,229
Requires expansion/Sims 3 store content: WA, Amb, NL, Generations, HELS, some store content (mostly free items)
With four bedrooms, nursery, four full baths, and spacious living areas, his large home has lots of space for the growing family. The main floor features a large study, the master suite, a second full bath, large garage, formal dining, living room, and kitchen. Two baths, small laundry, three bedrooms, and the nursery are located on the second floor. The family can lounge by the pool, try their hand at gardening, or watch their children play on the old swing in the large backyard.