Author Topic: When going on adventures sometimes my Sims don't go!  (Read 6082 times)


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When going on adventures sometimes my Sims don't go!
« on: January 31, 2010, 12:52:32 AM »
I get to france or egypt and no sim!  It seems to happen if I move people around too much by splitting and merging households.  Maybe the game just loses track of where the other destinations are up to.  Is there any way to fix this other than saving all to library and starting again in a fresh town?  

Lol I'm probably missing something.


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Re: When going on adventures sometimes my sims dont go!
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2010, 01:36:44 AM »
I'm probably missing something.

No, I don't think you are because I've heard of this before. I don't know of any fix though.

What happens if you simply quit without saving, open up the game again and try to make them travel again? I mean is that Sim always not showing up or is it random?

You could save just before making them travel and if it doesn't work then quit and try again. Annoying though... :-\

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Re: When going on adventures sometimes my sims dont go!
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2010, 05:37:46 AM »
I'm not sure I understand what's happening.  You use one particular sim to book the travel, that Sim leaves the house, the loading screen for the destination country comes up, you arrive at the base camp...  without Your Sim?  But you're in the new location, right?  The vacation spot.  Does your Sim not show up along the left side of the screen?  Do you have the normal control panel along the bottom of the screen that you use to control and keep up with your Sim?  What exactly happens when you arrive at the destination country?  With as much detail as you can give, please.
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Re: When going on adventures sometimes my sims dont go!
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2010, 10:45:44 AM »
My sim and anyone travelling with them ring up book travel.  The loading screen comes up.  Then the picture of the base camp and the destination and on the bottom of the screen no picture of any sims and empty boxes where the control panel would be.  I can control the destination sims a bit if I go to edit town and change the active family but unfortunately this kills any sims that were travelling lol and there is a lot of bugginess about the destination sims if I want to mess with them.  The fault stays constant if I quit and try again.  Also the fault stays for different destinations and different households.  The only work around I have is to save all my sims to the library and drop them into a new game- but I lose all the progress on the holiday destinations and all the relationships between the sims.  

This bug sucks!  It's like my save game loses all connection with the destination files.

I've also noticed that it happens if i have been moving my sims around a lot using split household and merge household.


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Re: When going on adventures sometimes my sims dont go!
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2010, 07:02:41 AM »
I have the exact same problem.  No custom content installed, no cheats enabled.  The Sim who calls for travel can travel alone, but if he brings his wife, they don't arrive in China or France.  I can adjust the clock, and pan the map - local sims move around, but no one to control!

Any ideas?



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Re: When going on adventures sometimes my sims dont go!
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2010, 07:16:53 PM »
Are you moving, merging, and splitting households as mentioned earlier?
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Re: When going on adventures sometimes my sims dont go!
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2010, 10:46:01 PM »
I have the exact same problem.  No custom content installed, no cheats enabled.  The Sim who calls for travel can travel alone, but if he brings his wife, they don't arrive in China or France.  I can adjust the clock, and pan the map - local sims move around, but no one to control!

Any ideas?


I've also had this problem in my Wishmaster group.  One particular sim has disappeared in transit, both when travelling to and from the holiday destination.  When I tried to take her to China, I was there with no sim - no icon on the left, nothing.  When she went to France with her husband, things were fine until the return home.  He came, she didn't.  I found her in another sim's relationship panel listed as a foreign resident.  No idea why this happens.
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Re: When going on adventures sometimes my Sims don't go!
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2010, 11:08:11 PM »
Wow, that is really strange.  So far so good on mine, but now that I have said it.  Ok, I won't go any further. lol  Well, looks like they need another patch for even more bugs.  I hope everyone knows, this game will never be without it's bugs and there is not really any way not to have bugs and glitches.  The small ones are work arounds, but these big ones are getting too big. 

I hope this gets worked out and we can go on vacations without any more problems.
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