Author Topic: Babysitter leaves early  (Read 5583 times)


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Babysitter leaves early
« on: January 30, 2010, 06:30:14 PM »
Ok, this is related to my previous posting, but now I'm in a pickle (I think):

I sent both of my parents to work and had the babysitter come in. She was doing well, until a notice popped up saying she had to go somewhere else. I've paused the game and I'm needing some questions answered.

1. I *really* don't want a visit from the Social Worker, so if the babysitter leaves all of a sudden, should I send a parent home so this doesn't happen or do I have another option? I'm about two levels away from getting one of them to the top level of their career and I'd like to keep going. Not sure if leaving in the middle of the day will affect the job negatively, but I'm assuming it will.

2. IF I do get one of them home quickly, will it be quick enough before the SS guy shows up?  >:( Arrghgh! I wish the babysitter stayed with the baby for as long as possible! Any suggestions?


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Re: Babysitter leaves early
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2010, 07:22:07 PM »
I often get that notice that the babysitter has to be someplace else, but then they don't actually leave.  And if the babysitter does actually leave your house, you'll get a pop up notice saying that your child cannot be left alone.  It will give you the option of calling a babysitter or staying with the child.  I don't think the social worker will come in your situation.  The game makes it almost impossible to leave the child completely alone.  The social worker gets called if you neglect the child in other ways, like not feeding him.
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Re: Babysitter leaves early
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2010, 04:45:03 PM »
The social worker does not come for a long time when you have not fed or socialized with the baby. You should have the chance to call another babysitter and not miss much work if the babysitter actually left.
"Yes, I try to pick up strange babies, but only in the game.  Don't judge me." - Pam
Too late, Pam. Too late.

