Author Topic: Problem with Game Crashing  (Read 2493 times)


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Problem with Game Crashing
« on: January 30, 2010, 09:13:12 AM »

I have a problem. I reinstalled windows and I download the copy of Sims 3 (razor version) and the copy of World Adventures (in my city, I didn't find the original one, so when I travel in any country, I would buy). But until then, I installed both of them and I updated World Aventures to When I enter in game and start a new game (Sunset Valley) suddenly the game closed by itself. What's the problem? Before reinstalling the windows, it worked well.


[Edit:  I changed the name of the title of this topic. -Pam]

Later edit by me - I fixed the problem . Sorry for bothering. It was an update .