Okay, its the weekend, so I'll try to update as often as I can. I know the title is 'Millie Speaks' but I wanted to write from Stella's and Marcia's perspectives in these two short updates.
You Know Your Life is Messed Up when Your Sister Lives in the BasementHi. I'm Stella Stevens. It really sounds quite awful, doesn't it,
Stevens. I'm a teenager, I have a little sister called Millie, who's cool, and a twin called Marcia, who's...not. I know it sounds mean, but really. Marcia hangs around in her bedroom, also known as the basement, all day, being dull as dishwater. She wants to be a doctor, I think. She might be boring, but she'd be a good doctor. I remember when I felt really ill one day, Marcia helped look after me. Anyway, I don't want you to think all I do is moan and whine, so I'll tell you about myself. My passion is music. I want to be a star. A Rock Star, precisely. Millie wants to write. She's already penned her first novel, 'Life Sucks and then You Die-Oh Wait, I'm Immortal' and she's still a child. Mum is a writer and Dad is a painter. As you can probably tell I can't wait to leave Sunset Valley. It's boring, the people are boring and the excitement is nonexistent. Bridgeport on the other hand would be great, unfortunately though it's been wiped off the map for some reason, probably overtaken by vampires. I've started whining again, but I've not got much to be happy about right now. I'm just going to leave before you think I'm a pathetic little girl who thinks the world revolves around her.
-Bridgeport really
was 'wiped off the map' (uninstalled) because a) Too many vampires, and b) It was slowing down my laptop and making it overheat.
-Stella really is a whiny little brat, but I can't help liking her all the same.
-Personally I adore Sunset Valley, I wanted to inject a touch of realistic teenager-hating-quiet thing, but I can't do it very well, sorry.
-I still haven't let them move house. I'm a terrible, terrible person.
-Like the title of Millie's book, anyone? I do.