The thread about the Never Nude trait has got me thinking. It's clear that some traits affect game play much more than others. An ambitious sim is going to play much differently than mooch, for example. But would a never nude sim play all that different from a vegetarian? I decided to enter Create A Sim and pick the 5 traits that I think individually as having the lowest impact on game play.
I ended up creating Herman Milquetoast. His traits are Can't Stand Art, Clumsy, Hydrophobic, Never Nude, and No Sense of Humor. I debated ditching one of these (clumsy, maybe) for the Vegetarian trait, but doing so seemed to really cut down on the number of Lifetime wishes that would pop up.
I reset his Lifetime wishes a few times. He was getting options from everything from CEO of a Major Coporation to The Perfect Garden to Hit Movie Composer. I finally decided to give him Jack of all trades. I won't be playing him for a while since I am doing a Centurian challenge, but I think it might be interesting to see how such a low impact traited sim might play.
So, what traits would you come up with for your low impact traited sim? Any ideas at to what traits might be better choices than the ones I made?