So, I was playing a family the other day and the mother's LTW was "Surrounded by family." By the time her last two children were born (twin boys) there were already 4 other children in the house. That was a little too much for them to handle and they had a comfortable income, so the triplet girls were all sent to boarding school. One of them was unhappy and came back, but while the twins were baby's the eldest turned to a teen. So, basically the house had a teen (minimal effort from the parents as the teen could of course take care of himself, for the most part), a child and two infants soon-to-be-toddlers. When the twins turned into toddlers, I did everything I could to ensure they had a happy childhood. The mother was a stay-at-home mom so she got to spend a lot of time with him and the father did as well when he was around and not at work. Both of them got taught all of the necessary toddler things, were read to, were generally happy. Of course, every once in a while one of them would get a lonely or hungry or dirty moodlet but these were taken care of swiftly. Then, when they grew into children one of the toddlers (Jeramy) was assigned a trait because of my poor parenting skills. The other one, I got to choose a trait for him because of my excellent parenting skills. The even more bizarre thing is, even though I tried to give them both attention, Jamison (2nd twin) seemed to need a little less so Jeramy received even more attention from mom and dad and yet he was the one who grew up to be a coward. Does anyone know why this might be?