Author Topic: The Dreamer Legacy: This Dream is Over! (Graveyard, Please!)  (Read 95806 times)

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: The Dream is not Over!
« Reply #405 on: January 02, 2012, 06:35:45 AM »
I'm glad you will go on! Can't give up now ;) It will help with CAH if you make your delete some of your cc.

Hmm.. I'll delete those New Years items I bought then, seeing as I don't really need them anymore. Thanks, loveSims. :)

EDIT: It worked! No Error 12! Thank you so, so much, you have saved the Dreamers from the horror that is ugly clothes! :D

I am now on Chapter 30, it's taking longer than usual because on the part of the Business Abroad adventure where Taylor has to find the mummitorium - there was no mummitorium in Egypt! After wasting a whole three days rummaging through people's garbage cans (lol!) I just sent Lori and Taylor back home and played the part just before the Great Pyramid. After two days, I'll send them back in the hope that some mummitorium has spawned, either on the map or in the relic shop!

Also, at Annalie and Mel's graduation - they got different titles. Annalie got 'Most Likely to Fulfil Lifetime Wish' and Mel got.. 'Most Likely to Offend Others'!! xD I laughed at that, it suits her so much. :P I'm off to change that on the chapter and then play the rest of 30, and then begin playing the new chapter, which I'm hoping will be up by the end of tomorrow, but I'll rush and get it up today, if nothing else goes wrong. :P

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: The Dream is not Over!
« Reply #406 on: January 03, 2012, 03:34:08 PM »
As expected, something did go wrong. Taylor went back to Egypt with Lori and it took five days out of eleven for mummitomium to spawn! Then the laptop shut down while I was in the middle of the Tomb of the Desert Ocean, and I save at the start of tombs because it seems to be prone to crashing if I ever save inside a tomb, so I had to restart that. So now, I'm only at the start of the Great Pyramid, sorry everyone. :( I will try and try some more to get a chapter by tomorrow.

Also, it turns out there won't be any pets in this legacy, as I have a graphics issue which makes them look horrid that can't be fixed by lowering settings because they already are all low, so I'll try not to take any screenies with any strays or neighbour's pets in the background, so as not to give you all nightmares. :P (I'm not uninstalling, as I like the clothes and other features, as well as the fact that that'd just be a waste of money.)

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: The Dream is not Over!
« Reply #407 on: January 03, 2012, 06:04:56 PM »
The clothes are very nice! And you can try and get them a bird or other small animal. I think they will be ok. Birds is a lot of fun. :)

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: The Dream is not Over!
« Reply #408 on: January 03, 2012, 06:06:07 PM »
The clothes are very nice! And you can try and get them a bird or other small animal. I think they will be ok. Birds is a lot of fun. :)

I hope they look ok, I'll give it a try. :) Melissa would love a snake. :P

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: The Dream is not Over!
« Reply #409 on: January 04, 2012, 04:49:12 PM »
Well, I have a very important chapter ready! It's not exactly action-packed but it is one of those 'Extremely Important and Vital to the Legacy' chapters. ;) I spent the last three hours preparing it for you all, and it would probably have been finished by now and in place of this post, but my Mum was rushing me to get off the simming laptop, and in the haze of trying to paste the chapter to documents, I accidentally closed the wrong window and boom - the chapter is gone. :( I'll try again tomorrow, it shouldn't take as long this time as the pictures are already editted and up on the gallery, well the majority of them anyway. (No peeking! :P )

Completing what I did in Egypt really didn't take too long, so the final part of Egyptian Endeavours will be combined with A Secret Revealed into one chapter - this next one. Judging by that last title, you might be guessing what I mean by 'the secret', I suppose those of you who have been long-time Dreamer readers will know and for those of you who are new, or just can't remember, just have a look at the chapters with the word 'secret' in them. ;) Guess what the secret is as much as you like, but you'll just have to wait to find out what it is! :P

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: The Dream is not Over!
« Reply #410 on: January 05, 2012, 01:08:48 AM »
Oh! I've done that before. I've lost several complete chapters because I accidentally refreshed the reply page when I was changing around some pictures(For some reason if you preview post and then change the size or color of a picture it won't change unless you refresh the page again!). It's no fun I'll tell you that, but in the end I find that I ended up writing a better chapter than the first draft anyways. :)

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: The Dream is not Over!
« Reply #411 on: January 05, 2012, 06:51:30 AM »
Oh! I've done that before. I've lost several complete chapters because I accidentally refreshed the reply page when I was changing around some pictures(For some reason if you preview post and then change the size or color of a picture it won't change unless you refresh the page again!). It's no fun I'll tell you that, but in the end I find that I ended up writing a better chapter than the first draft anyways. :)

Yes, that tends to happen. :) I'm off to re-write it now, it'll be here within an hour or two! :)

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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: The Dream is not Over!
« Reply #412 on: January 05, 2012, 08:50:05 AM »
Author's Note: Right, so should I post the chapter now or should we wait a few more months? ;) Oh and by the way, yes - I did forget to take an actual picture of the vacation home..

Chapter 31 - Egyptian Endeavours (Part III) and a Secret Revealed

Mum and Dad had a few days left in Al Simhara and Mum was rather annoyed at all the attention Dad's adventures were gathering around town. It was time for Mum to be a hero, too and she was going to do it.. by getting to Visa Level 3 before Dad!

Dad constantly boasting about his adventures did it, off Mum went to look for an adventure..

She found one! As Dad was left at base camp strumming some tunes for tips, Mum made her way to her first tomb - filled to the brim with danger, risks and adventure..

Err.. Mum? Taking a photo of a floor trap isn't exactly Dad's level of adventure..

Dad was already onto the last mission he needed on his road to Level 3!

Mum! Canned soup is not going to get you anywhere! Tomb time, please!

She finally found her way into a real adventure..

But it was already too late.. By the time Mum even got halfway through to Level 1 by completing the Copper Quarry, my Father had a surprise waiting to tell her about back at Base Camp..

Dad had got us a vacation home on the edge of beautiful Egypt! It's called Acacia Palace, and it sure does look like a palace!
Dad decorated the third floor with his collected relics and sigils..

Mum and Dad enjoyed their last few days of vacation in their own personal palace..

...Before finally making their way home. They brought gifts for us! I got some gems, as did Nick and Ben. Mel got some precious metals to show off and Annalie got a fishing book..

Then I got the phone call..

It was my partner from work, the quiet boy that Ben and I reckoned might have something to do with Max.. (He doesn't, though. It's been weeks and although he's gotten more social with me, he just doesn't seem to be part of any of it. Perhaps I'd meet this mystery person further up in my job.) What annoyed me was that Jayden, my partner, sounded quiet over the phone again, just like the day we met. And I really thought he was starting to be more open! How are we ever going to move on up at work if we can't communicate? He doesn't even have the shy trait!

Something was up, and if he was playing around like an idiot then I'd just need to request a new partner. I was quite ready to do just that, but I'm friendly - I'd give him a chance. I'm not one to jump to conclusions.. Besides, there wasn't just hints of shyness in his voice, there was urgency, too..

He invited me round, and so I went.

Jayden lives in the house that my own Father lived in before meeting Mum.

Jayden didn't waste any time getting to what he had to say. Although I was still irritated, I paid quick attention to him.

I paid even more when he said Max's name.
"You ever wondered why he took the time machine?"
I hadn't, actually. I just thought he wanted to take it, as it was technically his and not ours - it was him that built it, and I knew he was proud of it..
"No.. why?" I said, cautiously.
Then Jayden explained.
"He took it because he needed it. One day, when you were just a teen, Max travelled to the future. He saw you, and he saw you alone. You weren't married, Renesmee. You couldn't continue the legacy."
Jayden let that sink in for a while, before continuing..
"Don't worry, you do find someone. After all, you're gorgeous, Renesmee, and smart - You could have any guy you wanted. But you didn't want this guy. You were only with him for the sake of the legacy, so it could continue. But you were miserable, and it wasn't fair on him."
I could only imagine. Jayden was here to warn me of this horrible future.

He wasn't finished, though.
"You know Max cares about you, though. That's why he included the 'alternative futures' option in the Time Machine. He had to see if there was any other way.. Any way to make you happy."
Quiet. Jayden looked shifty now. Nervous, even.
"He found it, Renesmee." He said, quietly.

"Max left because he had to travel in time, away from where he was. He had to meet someone, and he had to do something, in order for you to meet the man that will make you happy and let you continue this - happily. As you should."
I had put two and two together. I waited for him to say it.
"I'm Max's son, and I was.. essentially made for you, Nessie."

Jayden was sleepy now, and went off to sleep. He knew he didn't have to say anything else. I went to sleep too, and thought about what my future held.

In the morning, as I ate some cereal at Jayden's table and waited for him to wake up, I took in what he said. And don't get me wrong, it was weird. Here was this man.. practically the perfect man for me.. Same lifetime wish, three traits in common, and I won't lie - he is drop dead gorgeous..

..But it still felt sort of.. arranged..

I waited for Jayden to wake up before going to tell him how I felt.

But Jayden understood. Maybe he felt that way, too. He took my hand and told me there was no need to worry, that this needn't be rushed and that Max only did what he did because he knew that sometime, I would fall in love with Jayden.

"We needn't rush anything. I'll always be here, waiting for you."
Perhaps my brain's just muddled, but after a few more conversations and a deeper think about Jayden, this felt pretty natural to me..

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: The Dream is not Over!
« Reply #413 on: January 05, 2012, 08:56:15 AM »
Grr, does anyone know how to do the chapter links? It doesn't seem to be letting me do it the old way. :(  Ugh, and the signature isn't working as well. :( Can anyone PM the solution, please?


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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: The Dream is not Over!
« Reply #414 on: January 05, 2012, 10:10:56 AM »
Awesome update! Jayden is very cute. ;)

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 31
« Reply #415 on: January 05, 2012, 10:48:30 AM »
Awesome update! Jayden is very cute. ;)

Indeed, I made him myself in CAS and was very proud! :P He will be up on the Swap Shop once Renesmee marries him. :)

Here's some CAS shots:

Offline kattiq

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 31
« Reply #416 on: January 05, 2012, 10:54:18 AM »
Oh man, he's gorgeous! (Shouldn't his name be Jacob? Jk if you've never watch/read twilight)
I've never done tombs without cheating with static needs, is it super hard to get to level 3 Visa? I just don't want my sim to die in there! And I'll PM you and see if we can get those links and signatures working!

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 31
« Reply #417 on: January 05, 2012, 10:57:48 AM »
Oh man, he's gorgeous! (Shouldn't his name be Jacob? Jk if you've never watch/read twilight)
I've never done tombs without cheating with static needs, is it super hard to get to level 3 Visa? I just don't want my sim to die in there! And I'll PM you and see if we can get those links and signatures working!

Thank you, I really don't know how to do it since the forum's new upgrade. And omg, I never noticed how much like Jacob he looks! :o However, I have planned every generation's name and actually one of them will be called Jacob, so his name had to be different. :P


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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 31
« Reply #418 on: January 05, 2012, 11:08:48 AM »
He does look a lot like Jacob! I watched all the twilight movies more than oince with my daughter. I love it.

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 31
« Reply #419 on: January 05, 2012, 02:37:25 PM »
He does look a lot like Jacob! I watched all the twilight movies more than oince with my daughter. I love it.

If my Pets graphics had worked I would have given him the Raised by Wolves LTR. ;)