Author Topic: The Dreamer Legacy: This Dream is Over! (Graveyard, Please!)  (Read 95880 times)

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 20 - Stealing The Spotlight
« Reply #240 on: August 15, 2011, 01:09:23 PM »
You SOO are a great writer and storyteller. (Honestly, haven't read the whole thing yet, I just wanted to tell you this.) Of course you can be humble, but don't belittle yourself in your eyes because you think others can write better. I could tell in one post that you have a unique writing style and relate things perfectly. :D

Oh! Thank you so, so much MissPlumbob. That comment brought tears to my eyes, lawl. It really means a lot to me, thank you, again and I hope you enjoy the rest of your read of it. :)

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 20 - Stealing The Spotlight
« Reply #241 on: August 17, 2011, 09:10:35 AM »
Chapter 21 - A Girl Named Annalie.. Crazy In Love

Hello!! I'm Annalie! I like marshmallows, the colour purple, fish, plants, flowers, indie music and marshmallows.
The past few days were very purple.

Max made two sculptures. One of my twin, Melissa wearing her favouritest top.

And one of me wearing my marshmallow dress.

Melissa said they were bubbles, not marshmallows, but I ate one and it was a marshmallow. So ha!

Mum finished Melissa's painting. It is fuzzy and Melissa didn't like it. I think it's nice, though and so does Dad and Max.

Ben is my little brother with curly hair. He went swimming.

But then he had to go home a minute later because he was out too late. Poor Ben. :(

The next day, Ben invited his friend, Melodie and Nick invited his friend, Eugenia. They are both children of the Landgraabs.

Ben became bestest friends with Melodie and invited her to sleep over.

Nick is bestest friends with Eugenia now too. But Eugenia couldn't sleep round because Nick had to go work out. Renesmee worked out too. Renesmee looks like a light blue marshmallow! Hehe!

I gardened till it was bed time. I love gardening because I am a green thumb! Mum gets annoyed sometimes because I take over her plants and flowers LOL.

The next day, I went fishing because I am an angler, too. I caught a clownfish!

He looks like an orange marshmallow!!

Later on, when I got home, I heard Melissa talking to Ben. They are bestest friends, too.
Mel said: "Wait till you see him, Ben.. I invited him round today and he's the hottest thing there ever was!"
Ben said: "Erm.. Why are you telling me how hot he is? Personally, I think I'm the hottest boy there ever was."
Mel said: "Ugh.. whatever. He's hot. anyways.. And tonight, I am going to make him mine, just you watch!"
Then, Ben said: "Okay, I'm going to go breakdance on top of a car now."

Sometimes I don't know if Ben is a daredevil or insane, like me. Even I don't breakdance on cars! ..Sometimes.

Anyways, I feel very sorry for the boy Melissa was talking about. I would hate to be on fire like he must have been to be so hot. When he comes round, I shall give him some marshmallows.

It was three hours later when I found a blonde boy standing on our porch.

He didn't look like he was on fire.. but I asked him if he was waiting for Melissa and he said yes so this must be the guy. I gave him my last two yellow marshmallows. The purple ones are mine though, sorry.

He liked them and he liked me. We talked and talked and we became bestest friends! I think Melissa forgot about him because I saw her working out in the living room while I was talking about conspiracy theories.

His name was Zebulon Albrecht and he was a Family-Oriented Eco-Friendly Flirty Slob. And I liked him a lot. He made me feel like I had just eaten fifty marshmallows while sitting on a sofa made of marshmallows and watching a documentary about marshmallows. I don't know why, though. Maybe he was secretly made out of marshmallows. I invited him around and while he was off to the bathroom I bumped into Mum and told her about him and she smiled a strange smile and I asked her why she made that smile and she said 'Don't worry. I know it all just by the look on your face.' What look on my face? This one?

I don't know what she is talking about.
Later on, everyone was asleep except Mum and Dad who were watching TV together. Zebulon asked to go into the hot tub. I had never been in the hot tub before! I was so happy that I changed into my marshmallow costume to celebrate.

Zebulon said: "I really like you, Annalie. You are crazy and that is awesome. I've never met someone as unique and funny as you." I was very happy so I smiled.. and then he splashed me! I don't like being splashed! So I got out of the hot tub. HM!
Then he approached me and said sorry. He said he was only trying to flirt with me because he liked me lots.

Well, I only forgave him because I was wearing my marshmallow costume.

And because he has nice eyes. But that's all! That is all!

Hey! Did I give you permission to see this? No. Off you go! Look at Mum and Dad instead!

The next morning I was very very very very very happy. I had a boyfriend and he was very nice and reminded me of marshmallows which is good. He said he was going to buy me some flowers, so I was very very happy. I had to thank Melissa for forgetting about him so I could meet him so I did just that after breakfast.

Err.. she didn't seem too happy about it.

I don't know why. :(

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 21 - A Girl Named Annalie - Crazy In Love
« Reply #242 on: August 17, 2011, 09:51:40 AM »
Haha! That was a very funny marshm- I mean Update  ;D

Can you ask Annalie if I can have a Marshmellow? Please?


Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 21 - A Girl Named Annalie - Crazy In Love
« Reply #243 on: August 17, 2011, 09:53:52 AM »
Haha! That was a very funny marshm- I mean Update  ;D

Can you ask Annalie if I can have a Marshmellow? Please?


Thanks, Jessie! I'm sure Annalie would love to give you a marshmallow, but she does keep the purple ones for herself! :P

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 21 - A Girl Named Annalie - Crazy In Love
« Reply #244 on: August 17, 2011, 10:14:52 AM »
Hilarious Fez, annalie is the one with the rainbow tatoo on her face right?.....
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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 21 - A Girl Named Annalie - Crazy In Love
« Reply #245 on: August 17, 2011, 10:19:11 AM »
Hilarious Fez, annalie is the one with the rainbow tatoo on her face right?.....

Yes, Annalie had rainbow costume makeup on her face as a toddler and a child but kind of grew out of it as a teen, lol. Thank you, Kiko! :D

Offline TheChronicR

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 21 - A Girl Named Annalie - Crazy In Love
« Reply #246 on: August 17, 2011, 10:23:33 AM »
Nice update, funny! It seems like Anallie developed a huge obsession of marshmallows... Not bad. :P
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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 21 - A Girl Named Annalie - Crazy In Love
« Reply #247 on: August 17, 2011, 10:24:47 AM »
Nice update, funny! It seems like Anallie developed a huge obsession of marshmallows... Not bad. :P

Thank you for reading, Chronic. :)

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 21 - A Girl Named Annalie - Crazy In Love
« Reply #248 on: August 17, 2011, 10:54:38 AM »
There is nothing wrong with having a marshmallow obsession. Great update.

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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 21 - A Girl Named Annalie - Crazy In Love
« Reply #249 on: August 17, 2011, 10:56:52 AM »
There is nothing wrong with having a marshmallow obsession. Great update.


Lol, I agree. ;) Annalie almost loves marshmallows as much as we all love sims! Thanks, Rachel. ^_^

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 21 - A Girl Named Annalie - Crazy In Love
« Reply #250 on: August 17, 2011, 11:49:11 AM »
Chapter 22 - A Continuing Secret

Author's Note: This chapter is quite long and only has one screenshot as I couldn't really play the events here. This plot was not my original plan but when my game got bugged a change of plot was inevitable. However, I do like this plot much better! I hope you all enjoy and sorry for the length.

I was in a crowd of faces. Not bodies, just faces and although I didn't see me there I felt that I was there. Like you do now. You can only see the sides of your nose, maybe some hair falling over your eyes and perhaps you wear glasses, like me, so you can see them too, sitting on the edge of your nose. I could see all that, so I knew I was there. Here. In this crowd. Every face was different. Different tones of skin, eyes, shape of nose, lips, everything. No repeats. But there was one face.. one person.. a voice calling out to me. One in particular. But I couldn't see him. Perhaps he was behind me. I can't turn around though, I have no body. I'm just.. a face.? I have no body. The voice is shouting my name, continuously, followed by frustrated shouts of 'I'm over here!'. I try to speak. I try to say 'Where?' 'Where are you?' I open my mouth but not the slightest sound escapes it. I can't speak.
And then I wake up. What a silly dream.. I do not believe dreams mean anything, though, just the scientific explanation: That they are simply our thoughts of the day mixed up all in one weird soup of a vision. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing mysterious or meaningful behind it. So.. why is it, then, that I feel like something is nipping at the back of my mind, now, constantly pinching me.. drawing attention. I probably just have a sore head.
I get up out of bed and across the floor to the bathroom, feeling the cold hard tiles under my feet and then sighing as I realise I forgot to put my slippers on. I rake through the medicine cabinet and fetch out the pills for sore head, realising there aren't any but paracetamol. Eurgh. Paracetamol doesn't like me at all, judging by the horrible pains it gave me last time I took it. Instead of making me better, it made me more ill. There are no other medicines for me so I close the cabinet doors and sigh, turning my head to look out of the huge glass panes we have for windows. I approach them and poke my fingers through the blinds, separating them.. because something is there. I peek through. My whole family is out there! It's 6 in the morning and not a school day.. what in sims name?
By some miracle, Nicholas looks up and sees me.
"Nessie! Come down here!"
He sounded a little frantic.. I get out right away and rush down the stairs to go outside to find my mother in tears and my father with his arms around her. Although it sounds bad, I didn't pay too much attention to that. (This is the woman that cried for three days at the first Sunset Valley screening of Toy Story 3... The trailer.) I did pay attention to Annalie looking very worried and Ben's usually tanned-toned face being scarily pale. What was going on? I didn't have to wait for my answer for too long, though as Nick reported 'Max is missing!'. Oh! My heart instantly wells up with guilt as I realise that I hadn't even realised Max's disappearance.
"Well.. erm.. shouldn't we be out looking for him?" I say, now scanning the place for Melissa and then realising that she probably wouldn't care if the house was on fire.. unless it was touching one of her precious things.
Just at that moment the front door opened and Dad, who I hadn't realised had went back into the house, came through with a bit of paper in his hands.
"Seriously? Each and every one of us walked through those doors and never noticed the sticky note stuck to the back of one of them?"
There is some muttering from us as we all crowd around Dad and the note in his hands.

Dad reads out: 'I have chosen my time. Lori can stop eating Ambrosia every week for she is now fully immortal. I must leave you now, and I am sorry it's so soon.. but I have finally found my own reason to live to the end of my life. I have found the reason I have to sacrifice immortality. The only thing I take with me is the Time Machine I invented. There may or may not be a reason for this. Don't try to follow me, for you won't find me. I am sorry, but I and all of you would be more sorry if I wasn't to leave now. One day, you will realise why. Max.'

There is silence. Until we hear a mutter of:
"Is that it? And a sticky note? Oh, how classy, for heaven's sake."
This is obviously Mel, who seems to have made an appearance and added to that has woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
"Not to sound insensitive.. but how unfair! I wanted a ride on that silly time machine and I'm only five days away from being a teen, he could have waited." Said Benjamin, who then went off to play on the swings. Nicholas joined him.
"That's really really really bad. Oh no. I hope he's okay." Said Annalie, who then went off to play chess.
Mel was already gone, Mum was drying her tears with a murmur of "He went for a reason. He'll be fine." and Taylor's angry look was starting to melt.

Within an hour, the entire household was back to their usual routine.
Are they crazy? I mean, I accept Annalie and maybe Mel, but Max could be in some sort of trouble, don't the others care?!
I storm off up to my room muttering lines of 'No respect..' and '..Such insensitive people.'.

I enter my room, drop onto my bed and begin reading my logic book, when I feel a crackle through the pages. What the..? I turn a page and there it is.. crackling. Has Annalie left a marshmallow wrapper in here? I shake the book and out drops a folded up note. With 'Renesmee' on the front. My hands open up the note, drop it in a scurry of excitement, and pick it back up, unfolding to see what surprise is written inside..
'Renesmee, I know of your dream to join the law enforcement team. I know you will be perfect for the job and shoot right up to the top as soon as you get signed up. I will be very proud of my best friend's super spy daughter, Renesmee. I knew you'd get far. Your dreams, however, are not the only reason I want you to be there. There is also someone you will meet. Someone crucial to you, your family, and linked to me. I am sorry I cannot tell you more. Some day, very soon, you will see why. All your questions will be answered, but once again for now, speak of this to no one. Max.'
At that moment, I did indeed roll the International Super Spy Lifetime Wish and it is there now, waiting to be started, nevermind completed. But I am burning with curiosity, not for my own success, but to meet this mystery of a person..

Max.. Gone forever?

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 22 - A Continuing Secret
« Reply #251 on: August 17, 2011, 12:35:34 PM »
I know it is sad, but I'm happy  :P Because Mell isn't leaving  ;D
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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 22 - A Continuing Secret
« Reply #252 on: August 17, 2011, 12:44:05 PM »
I know it is sad, but I'm happy  :P Because Mell isn't leaving  ;D

LOL. Really, I had to move Max out as he was bugged. He couldn't interact with people and no one could interact with him. ResetSim and all of that didn't work, either, so moving him out and creating a new plot was the best option. ;) Thanks, Kiko! :D But we need space for both Nessie's husband and the baby.. :P

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 22 - A Continuing Secret
« Reply #253 on: August 17, 2011, 12:47:06 PM »
Aww... Poor Max. Yay for Nessie choosing a lifetime wish though!

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 22 - A Continuing Secret
« Reply #254 on: August 17, 2011, 12:49:37 PM »
Aww... Poor Max. Yay for Nessie choosing a lifetime wish though!

Don't feel sorry for him! He must go for an awesome reason. :) Thank you, Ann! :D