Author Topic: The Dreamer Legacy: This Dream is Over! (Graveyard, Please!)  (Read 95703 times)

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 29 - Melissa: Older and Even Better!
« Reply #345 on: November 14, 2011, 05:40:15 AM »
Happy birthday girls! I love Melissa's new hair. It never works on my sims.  ::)

Thank you, TallStar! :D I adore that hair, it's so trendy and I was fed up of the helmet-hair on Mel lol, so it was a nice surprise to see it suited her. :)

Same here! I can't wait to use it on Mel  ;D

Lol, thank you! :P Mel is quite funny to play, she gets wishes to be mean to almost every sim she knows in my game! In fact, I think currently her entire wish board is 'Be mean to _____'. xD

Melissa is a real treat! I enjoy this chapter very much! ;D

Thank you, loveSims. I'm glad you liked it so much! :D

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 29 - Melissa: Older and Even Better!
« Reply #346 on: November 14, 2011, 09:27:04 AM »
Right, the next chapter is being written now! As I seeped through my due screenies for Chapter 30 (it's another Egypt one!) I kinda realised that I got carried away and took only a few - not very good - screenies of Lori and Taylor's next adventures. I'm going to try my best with editing but I don't think this will be as good as the previous two, I'm sorry. :(

EDIT: You guys will honestly laugh at this.. I was so carried away by the second pyramid that Taylor visited that I took the following number of screenies: 2! In fact, I took so few screenies that this chapter should be called: Egyptian Endeavours (Part II) and a bit of Sunset Valley and then Egypt Again! (I have to put three chapters together because each have so few screenies) xD I'm really sorry, guys, I'll try and make the checkpoint really good though! :)

ANOTHER EDIT: Right, with a lot of collages I have made this chapter ends at Tori's (that's their couple name! ;) ) third trip, halfway through, when T completes the Great Pyramid and therefore finishes his current adventure. I think that's okay. :) Next post = Chapter! ;D

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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 29 - Melissa: Older and Even Better!
« Reply #347 on: November 14, 2011, 12:00:21 PM »
Chapter 30 - Egyptian Endeavours (Part II)

Hello, it's me again! It's been a while since we last spoke, hasn't it? I'm off to Egypt again! ..I have an adventure to complete..

As soon as we got there the paparazzi papped us! She was probably waiting for us, we must be big in Egypt! :P

I got to work right away.. I had a laptop to hack!

I've never hacked a laptop before but apparently I was pretty good at it!

Now I had to go to the Pyramid of the Sky and explore the Tomb of the Desert Ocean to find the Relic of Life! It was a huge pyramid with lots of beautiful sights and water! I was so enthralled by the beauty that I, err, forgot to take very much screenies.. so here's me at the entrance and me looking inside a Sarcophagus..

Afterwards I went to report to my boss and he told me that I had to prepare Shawarma so the Relic Merchant would tell me where the last relic was.. Problem? I can't cook! Solution? Lori can! After I got the recipe for Lori I went for a good well-deserved rest in the tent.

(Yep, this was before I realised you could buy it at the shop.....)
So, I went round to a friend's house and talked to him while Lori cooked the Shawarma in his kitchen. (This is when the Inappropriate but in a good Way LTR comes in handy!)

(Yep, this was before I realised I could have cooked it at the kitchenette area in base camp.......)

The Relic guy told me where the third and final relic - the Relic of Eternity - was... The Great Pyramid..

But I had a problem. It was time to go home. After all, I only had two of my six days left - but who'd to say I'd complete the tomb in that time?

Back at home, everyone seemed to be skilling! Annalie was working rapidly at her handiness and gardening skills, Mel seems attached to the computer and Ben tired himself out so much after maxing athletics that he had to go to the Spa!

I continued with my attempts at supermaxing guitar.. serenading helps, right? ;)

Nick had a mood swing and stayed out after curfew! Annalie scolded him so Nick pranked her, but he was back to his old party-animal self soon!

Ben had his teen painting done by Lori and I got started on his sculpture.

Ben's sculpture turned out as a masterpiece! Sam Sekemoto heard about it and then called round and asked me to sculpt him, too!

Then the two day break period was over and it was time for a return to Egypt.. I was on Visa Level 2 now and both Lori and I had the Prepared Traveller LTR so we got two weeks to stay this time!

We took Lori's car and I made my way to the Great Pyramid right away..

I pushed and pulled creepy-looking statues and made my way through fire traps..

..unlocked doors, inspected walls, found bug traps and cleared rubble piles...

...pulled another statue and found some treasure, too...

....inspected another hole in a wall, got attacked by bugs....

.....looked inside a Sarcophagus and found a mummy!

These were my two favourite parts of the Great Pyramid:

But the best part was finally finding that final relic that took me three trips to get to!

Woo! Finally completed that adventure.. but we've still got a few days left in Egypt, and Lori hasn't done much, has she?..

Offline CreativeCrayola

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 30 - Egyptian Endeavours (Part II)
« Reply #348 on: November 14, 2011, 12:44:55 PM »
Loved that chapter, particully because of a handsome man named Mr Dreamer  ;)

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 30 - Egyptian Endeavours (Part II)
« Reply #349 on: November 14, 2011, 01:25:40 PM »
Loved that chapter, particully because of a handsome man named Mr Dreamer  ;)

Oh, I can definitely see why. ;)

Checkpoint coming up! ^_^

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 30 - Egyptian Endeavours (Part II)
« Reply #350 on: November 14, 2011, 01:52:19 PM »
The Dreamer Legacy

Checkpoint! - For potential new readers who would like to read my legacy but don't want to wade through thirty chapters (lol!), and for current readers who would like to keep up with the characters and storylines

Yey for the Dreamers! ^_^ The Dreamers are my only save file, and are only the second family I have ever played with the PC version of TS3 ever! This legacy is planned to be thirty generations long. I've made it a requirement that each legacy member supermaxes at least one skill and each heir supermaxes two. I use cheats. (Thought I'd mention that! :P ) The legacy is very detailed and quite long (although I plan on shortening the lifespans the next time I play to speed things up) and each character is involved in their own storyline(s). As you can tell, I do really try! :P


Hopeless Romantic, Over-Emotional, Lucky, Great Kisser, Family-Oriented LTW - Surrounded By Family (COMPLETE)
Lori Dreamer, the founder, comes from Strangetown but has always wanted to live in Sunset Valley. Lori moved to 15 SummerHill Court and moved into the newly built Dreamhouse. Her first best friend was Vita Alto. Lori met and went on to marry the spouse of the legacy - Taylor Dreamer (nee Grimshaw) who I also made myself in CAS. Lori is immortal - first through ambrosia and then through the age freeze potion - after Max Skills, the family's old butler, gave up his immortality for her so she could live to watch her legacy thrive. Lori has maxed gardening, painting and fishing and supermaxed cooking. She works as a self-employed painter.


Family-Oriented, Handy (Now changed to Savvy Sculptor), Charismatic, Great Kisser, Hopeless Romantic LTW - Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers (COMPLETE)
Taylor is the love of Lori's life and has a passion for music, his family and making friends. He was originally from Riverview but he moved to Sunset Valley for a change of scenery and met Lori two weeks later. He was ten days younger than Lori before she turned immortal. Taylor is the most popular sim in Sunset Valley, as he is friends with everyone he meets. Taylor has maxed guitar, charisma and sculpting and works as a self-employed sculptor.


Max is not actually one of the Dreamers, but I felt he needed a mention..
Max entered the household when Taylor realised that looking after the house was stopping him from completing his LTW. Max became very close to all members of the household, but brought a life-changing secret with him. Little did the family know - Max was immortal, thanks to his ancestor's ancient recipe for Ambrosia, but the immortality could only work on one person and as soon as the next gets a taste they become the new immortal. After witnessing Lori's pain at the realisation that death will hit someday, Max gave up his immortality for Lori. A few years later, with the next heir as a teen, Max left the household with only a note left for the family - simply saying he had to go - and a much more in-detail note for the heir describing how she will meet someone linked to the reason he has disappeared. According to the note - this person is a crucial person to not only Max, but the entire legacy... Max was also responsible for the new Dreamhouse which the Dreamers began to live in as of Chapter 16 and is available on the Swap Shop, courtesy of Leto85.


Genius, Friendly, Athletic, Brave, Charismatic LTW - International Super Spy
Renesmee is the oldest child of Taylor and Lori and is the second generation heir. Renesmee is a YA and is yet to meet her spouse, as she is focusing on unravelling Max's mystery secret. So far, Renesmee has met a mystery man at her work, where Max said she would meet him, but nothing about him has been revealed so far.. Nessie grew up with constant bullying at school and went through a rebellious stage during her teens as a result but is now a strong and independent woman with big dreams, both for the legacy and herself. She has maxed logic and athletics and currently works as a Traffic Cop in the Law Enforcement career.


Angler, Green Thumb, Insane, Genius, Handy LTW - Creature-Robot Cross Breeder
Annalie is the second child born to Lori and Taylor, and is the older one in a set of twins. She is well known for being a marshmallow-addict and being completely and utterly crazy. Annalie doesn't have many friends as she usually keeps to herself and her logic, gardening, fishing and handiness skills but she does have a boyfriend - Zebulon Albrecht. It is yet unknown if she plans on having children but she has spoken of raising a 'marshmallow farm'. Annalie is currently a Lab Tech in the Science Career.


Mean-Spirited, Kleptomaniac, Athletic, Ambitious, Over-Emotional LTW - Master Thief
Melissa is the third child born to Lori and Taylor and is the younger one in a set of twins. (She is Annalie's twin) Melissa hates most people and feels that she is the best - at everything. Mel despises Renesmee for taking her 'rightful place as heir' and hates her sister as she is envious of her multiple skills. (This is why Mel tries her hardest to excel at the only two skills she has - writing and athletics) Mel has a growing hate for her parents, as they chose Renesmee to be heir, and hates her brothers as they are both more popular than she was. She has been quoted as 'Never, ever in a million trillion years wanting kids.' Melissa knows that Renesmee plans on kicking her out sometime soon and so has started writing a novel made to humiliate Renesmee as revenge.. Mel works as a Decoy in the Criminal Career, but Nessie doesn't know this, either..


Brave, Daredevil, Handy, Athletic LTW - Not decided, but Ben has said it's 'something extreme'.
Benjamin, a teen, is the fourth child born to Lori and Taylor and is the oldest in another set of twins. Ben is a daredevil and can usually be found playing with fire or pulling pranks. Ben has put blue highlights in his hair to 'show how extreme he is' and 'impress the ladies'. This has worked, apparently, as he is currently dating Melodie Landgraab. Ben has maxed athletics and plans to do the same with handiness.


Athletic, Friendly, Party Animal, Lucky LTW - Become a Sports Star
Nick, a teen, is the youngest child of Taylor and Lori and is Ben's younger twin brother.. (Nick is the blonde one in the above pic) Nick loves boys, the colour pink, unicorns (clue to a future storyline, perhaps..? ;) ) and sports. Nick has already maxed athletics and has started on the charisma skill. Nick previously dated Jebediah (in above picture) but was then dumped after Jeb aged up and decided he preferred Mel, instead. Nick is the most popular guy at school and was voted Prom King. Nick is also the most famous in the house, being a three-star celebrity.

Now, after all that typing (sorry!), here are some of my favourite shots and memories from the legacy:

Currently, Lori and Taylor are in Egypt for their 'late honeymoon' and Taylor has just completed the Business Abroad adventure. :)

To view the family tree, click here and to download the Dreamhouse, the YA Dreamers and some of their fashions click here. :)

Offline bekkaruella

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Checkpoint For New Readers!
« Reply #351 on: November 15, 2011, 09:16:37 AM »
The picture of Mel is so funny!  Did she break the toilet or something? ;)
God created Pie when He wanted a snack.  Pie was very pretty so lots of cute boys wanted her attention.  Eventually she ended up marrying a Greek god (Erebus) and having a child named Rebekah Ruella Felucia, nicknamed Bekka. <br />Bekka grew older and became the second vampire to exist, and is 9,086,753,423 years old.

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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Checkpoint For New Readers!
« Reply #352 on: November 15, 2011, 10:01:32 AM »
The picture of Mel is so funny!  Did she break the toilet or something? ;)

Perhaps she broke a nail! :P Lol, she had woke up in a bad mood and made that face. xD

Offline bekkaruella

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Checkpoint For New Readers!
« Reply #353 on: November 15, 2011, 10:10:32 AM »
Oh no! Not breaking a nail! :o
Just kidding ;D  You're really funny.
God created Pie when He wanted a snack.  Pie was very pretty so lots of cute boys wanted her attention.  Eventually she ended up marrying a Greek god (Erebus) and having a child named Rebekah Ruella Felucia, nicknamed Bekka. <br />Bekka grew older and became the second vampire to exist, and is 9,086,753,423 years old.

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Checkpoint For New Readers!
« Reply #354 on: November 15, 2011, 10:11:38 AM »
Oh no! Not breaking a nail! :o
Just kidding ;D  You're really funny.

Lol thank you! :P

Offline AnnBeiFong

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Checkpoint For New Readers!
« Reply #355 on: November 15, 2011, 02:58:20 PM »
Thanks for getting us caught up! Not that I wasn't here since the beginning... Anyway, that picture of Lori walking down the street, pregnant, is amazing. Which pregnancy was that?

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Checkpoint For New Readers!
« Reply #356 on: November 16, 2011, 12:27:38 PM »
Thanks for getting us caught up! Not that I wasn't here since the beginning... Anyway, that picture of Lori walking down the street, pregnant, is amazing. Which pregnancy was that?

That was tooken during Lori's second pregnancy - the one of Annalie and Melissa. It's one of my favourites, Lori looks huge there, lol! xD Thanks, Ann. :)

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: A Minor Interruption..
« Reply #357 on: November 26, 2011, 11:15:05 AM »
I have hit an interruption that I felt the need to share with my readers. My laptop crashed so badly that it had to be restored to factory settings.. That means I had to reinstall all my games.. and the legacy is gone.

Joking! I have a backup, so all is not lost! :D But the Dreamers are currently in the middle of Chapter 27. that means no Egypt trips have tooken place and the twin girls have not had their birthdays. :( I just plan to quickly play up to my current point in time and then the dream shall continue in a few weeks. :)

As you can tell, this legacy is not going down without a fight!


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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: A Minor Interruption..
« Reply #358 on: November 26, 2011, 11:34:01 AM »
Good yo hear you have n backup! I would have missed the Dreamers :D

Offline AnnBeiFong

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: A Minor Interruption..
« Reply #359 on: November 26, 2011, 04:31:51 PM »
Thanks goodness you had a back-up! I probably would've bursted into tears if you hadn't. I'll be here, waiting for the next update!

