Author Topic: The Dreamer Legacy: This Dream is Over! (Graveyard, Please!)  (Read 95682 times)

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 13 - Full house
« Reply #150 on: July 10, 2011, 08:28:36 AM »
Only three months ago! Wow, you're ambitious! I remember when I started and my sim married Ethan Bunch. I didn't know how ugly the Bunches were back then.

Aww. :P My sims' first spouse was Torgo Pendragon, the Pizza Delivery guy.. It was in my very first game, which I made a legacy and which failed due to corrupted files. This is actually my second restart! :O I stopped the second because the house wasn't good enough. It lasted about a day, lol.

Offline kiko94

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 13 - Full house
« Reply #151 on: July 17, 2011, 05:59:43 AM »
nice to see somone new to the sims 3 like me ^_^ I only started 2 months ago I think, how do you make your screenshots? they are very tidy, I use photoshop but I can't get like that
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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 13 - Full house
« Reply #152 on: July 17, 2011, 06:23:29 AM »
nice to see somone new to the sims 3 like me ^_^ I only started 2 months ago I think, how do you make your screenshots? they are very tidy, I use photoshop but I can't get like that

Do you mean the size? I use the gallery and for the edited ones (like the ones in collages, etc.) I use Photobucket. :)

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 13 - Full house
« Reply #153 on: July 17, 2011, 07:51:34 AM »
Ah, I'll use photoshop anyway I don't like using website due to my very slow internet (max download speed is 50 kb/s, I'm too ashamed to talk about upload) and besides it is fun and I think I figured it out :) I 'll use one for my next chapter 
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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 13 - Full house
« Reply #154 on: July 17, 2011, 08:22:06 AM »
Chapter 14 - I have a secret..

Nothing much to report on the day.. Well, Annalie and Melissa got up at the same time. Both were hungry. Oh, the looks they gave each other as they raced to the fridge.. There was only one plate of waffles left and whoever didn't get to it had to eat the disgusting cereal that they were forced to eat when Lori had forgotten to cook more breakfast..

Melissa had won. Must be the athletic trait kicking in. Or Benjamin's toy tractor that Mel had delibrately put in Annalie's way.

Off they went to school.. and boy, did I have a busy day ahead of me..

That is two, not one, but two (Two!!) ice sim sculptures in one (one!!!) day! Okay, I didn't mind too much. I like sculpting.

Notice my new hair? It was Renesmee that picked it out for me in the morning. She said that she didn't like my posh hair. She sure made it clear how she didn't like any of the Dreamers wearing posh hairstyles. She never said why. I'd guess that it's her classmate's thoughts on her riches making an appearance. Since when did Renesmee get so infatuated with her classmate's view of her? Oh well. I like the style, anyway.

Taylor got a package in the mail. It was a top from his Mum. A birthday present. It's not Taylor's birthday for a few weeks but hey..

I'm not entirely sure how often he's going to wear that one..

The girls got home. Renesmee rushed to her homework, as did Annalie.

and Melissa.. err.. watched TV.

I'm not really sure how Melissa got on the honour roll this evening..

Soon, it became dark. The girls were off to bed and so were the boys. I always forget to report on Ben and Nick.. I did my daily routine of cleaning the house.

But that's not the only thing I was to do.. As Lori painted (again!) a portrait of me as a thank you present for the sculpture..

I got on with my mission..

See, I have a secret. A long, long time ago.. my great great Grandfather, a natural cook like me, discovered a recipe for something brilliant called Ambrosia. He had read that ambrosia wasn't just a divine tasting meal but that it granted something unimaginably good to whoever would eat it. My great great Grandfather thought this was just nonsense, but he had a taste of it anyway for he had a huge passion for great tasting food. Of course he had to get the ingredients first. One life fruit and one death fish. Thank goodness his wife had maxed both gardening and fishing..

He adored this dish and had it every night. And soon he realised that his birthday had passed. And continued to pass. And he would never, ever age. He would remain an adult forever. So, he told his son and wife about this dish. His wife, being very supersticous, didn't dare touch the meal, but allowed the son to devour it.

He too became immortal. But what we realised, as the son's birthday's passed and passed, was that my great great Grandfather had began to age again! Perhaps ambrosia was only a temporary escape from death.. Oh boy were we wrong. It's not that Ambrosia was temporary, it was that only one person in this entire world can be immortal at one time. My own Father found this out, and sacrificed his immortality for me. He said that a time would come where I would sacrifice my own immortality also. I never believed him. I reckoned that this was far too brilliant to give up for someone else. But I realise that the time has arrived. Not just yet, but soon enough. Lori doesn't have to die. Not now, not ever. Lori can live on and watch her legacy unfold. What a moment it will be when the founder meets the thirtieth generation heir..

Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to Chronic cos it's his birthday! Also, I have made two changes I thought you all should know about. First, Max's Green Thumb trait has been swapped with Genius. This is because it will help my plot in a few chapters time.. ;) and also I have swapped Melissa's Easily Impressed for Mean-Spirited as it actually makes sense and suits her far more. Thanks for reading! :)

Offline TheChronicR

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 14 - I have a Secret
« Reply #155 on: July 17, 2011, 09:19:30 AM »
Aww, thanks so much! Such an honor. :D

And such a great update. Totally loved Max's tale. And Lori's going to be immortal, yay. Awesome update, Fez!
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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 14 - I have a Secret
« Reply #156 on: July 17, 2011, 09:25:09 AM »
Thank you, Chronic! ^_^

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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 14 - I have a Secret
« Reply #157 on: July 18, 2011, 11:17:45 AM »
Chapter 15 - The Heir’s Birthday

It was one day till my child-teenager birthday. That last day of childhood passed so quickly.. While Annalie fished in the swimming pool

and Melissa worked out

I had a friend round. I had met Ashley Bunch at school that very day. Mum said I could invite Ashley round, seeing as it was my last whole day as a child. Ashley was so funny. And although I am hardly one to gossip, I did.

Ashley had to leave though, it was getting late. Max called me over and asked me to pose for a sculpture, so I did.

Annalie searched the galaxy with her telescope and she found a star! I am so proud of her. She even decided on her Lifetime Wish!

Annalie is going to be a Robot-Creature Cross Breeder which means she has to reach level 9 of the Science career track. Wow! I have a scientist sister! As I made my way up the stairs to congratulate her, I passed this..

Oh oh..

Mum finished her portrait of Max, and then decided to go fishing.

Dad was out at the park playing for tips, so that left Max to look after my little brothers Benjamin and Nicholas.

Max is so talented. He managed to look after the boys and paint a masterpiece!

And he even let me in on a secret project he’s working on… He was so subtle that I barely have a clue what he is talking about, but I think he mentioned something about a new home..

The night passed and morning arrived. It’s my birthday! Excuse me, people, I have a party to plan..

I made it a pool party, as I adore swimming. I scheduled it an  hour after I planned it so next to nothing was done before I was splashing around in the water!

Some of my guests had places to be, so I hurried over to the cake.

And I aged up! A teenager, finally!

I had a dance with my old friend, Donna.

And then I was rather hungry after all that dancing, so I joined my little sister Melissa and had a bit of cake.

“Ha. This means you’re going to die before me. Stupid teenager.” Muttered Melissa. I took no notice. Melissa’s just a child, she’ll grow out of her mean-spiritedness soon enough, just like Donna did.

This is what I look like now, after a makeover..

I plan on changing my hair often though, so don’t be fooled! Here is my wardrobe, sea foam, of course..

And that is it for now.. I’m 25 days away from stepping up as the new heir. I am so excited, but I know it’s going to be quite difficult.. Oh, and did I mention it’s Ben and Nick’s birthday tomorrow and that’s the very same day that Max’s mysterious ‘project’ kicks into gear? Something tells me my first proper day as a teenager is going to be a very intriguing one.. ;)

Offline Sophie98

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 15 - The Heir's Birthday
« Reply #158 on: July 18, 2011, 11:43:35 AM »
Renesmee is very pretty! And she won't necessarily die before Melissa, knowing what we know about Max and his Ambrosia-creating ancestor.
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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 15 - The Heir's Birthday
« Reply #159 on: July 18, 2011, 11:46:30 AM »
Renesmee is very pretty! And she won't necessarily die before Melissa, knowing what we know about Max and his Ambrosia-creating ancestor.

Thanks, Sophie! I know, I am very happy with how Nessie turned out. ^_^ And hey, not even Lori knows about that yet. ;)

Offline kiko94

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 15 - The Heir's Birthday
« Reply #160 on: July 19, 2011, 06:59:12 PM »
that was a juicy update ^__^, Renesmee is cute I thought she was going  be a rebel? no?
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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 15 - The Heir's Birthday
« Reply #161 on: July 19, 2011, 07:02:38 PM »
Great update Fez, you`re a good writer!

Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 15 - The Heir's Birthday
« Reply #162 on: July 20, 2011, 03:53:03 AM »
that was a juicy update ^__^, Renesmee is cute I thought she was going  be a rebel? no?

Thank you! And hey, she has twenty five whole sim days left! Just you wait.. ;)

Great update Fez, you`re a good writer!

Thank you, Carlos. ^_^

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 15 - The Heir's Birthday
« Reply #163 on: July 20, 2011, 05:12:43 AM »
Happy birthday Renesmee! How on earth did you think of that name?
Great update!
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Offline xFezIsAFreakx

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Re: The Dreamer Legacy: Chapter 15 - The Heir's Birthday
« Reply #164 on: July 20, 2011, 06:04:30 AM »
Happy birthday Renesmee! How on earth did you think of that name?
Great update!

Thanks, Gogo. And actually it is the name of Bella and Edward's daughter in Twilight.  :-[ It is a mix of Renee, Bella's Mum, and Esme, Edward's Mum. I assume you know who I'm talking about what with all the hyp surrounding Twilight but maybe not lol. I won't go into the storyline, haha.

